Governor condemns city council prayer by pagan priestess
'Satan trying to establish a foothold'
(CBN) – Outrage has been brewing online over a video of a “priestess of the goddess” delivering a pagan “prayer” during a Tulsa City Council meeting last week.
The independent media outlet, the Oklahoma Lion, released a video of the council meeting over the weekend. “An unnamed Tulsa City Council Member invited a ‘priestess of the goddess’ to say what some are calling a ‘satanic prayer’ at the Nov. 20th Tulsa City Council meeting,” reads the caption.
Tulsa City Councilmember Crista Patrick is seen in the video actively participating and holding her hands up during the pagan invocation. However, it has not been confirmed if Patrick is the member who invited the woman. According to her official Tulsa Council page, Patrick calls herself a “healer” of “wounded spirits.”
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