A primer on Nazi Germany for MAGA patriots

'Don't fall prey to the leftist narrative that 'sexual orientations' are harmless equivalents'

Aug 26, 2024 - 19:28
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A primer on Nazi Germany for MAGA patriots
An LGBT flag flies at the U.S. Embassy at the Vatican on Memorial Day, May 31, 2021. (Photo by U.S. Embassy to the Holy See)

The next time some smarmy leftist calls the MAGA movement fascist, hit back with the truth.

Since WWII Americans have been so saturated with facts and fiction about Nazi Germany that most people think they know its history pretty well, and in some respects they do. But the narratives that shape public perception about a topic do not always tell the whole truth. Indeed, sometimes the narratives intentionally suppress and obscure facts that powerful interests want to shove deep into history’s closets.

Such is the case with Germany’s status as the birthplace of the modern “gay” movement and the central role of that movement in the rise and rule of the Nazi Party. These facts have been purged from the narratives and replaced with a cynical mythology about the Nazi persecution of “gays.”

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As with most effective lies, there’s a grain of truth or two to make it believable, but the actual whole-truth of the matter is so stunningly contradictory to the popular narrative as to be breathtaking. When you finally see the strength and sheer volume of the evidence, you wonder how the liars could have pulled off a cover-up of such magnitude. (Given that I’m writing this just after the astonishing gaslighting efforts of the Democrat National Convention of 2024, that level of audacity doesn’t seem so implausible.)

Finding the proof is actually not that hard if you know where to look. Ironically, a great many of the best sources are the early 20th century Marxist counterparts and predecessors of today’s most oppressive censors. In the 1920s and ’30s, the hard left intentionally exposed and documented the homosexuality of the Nazis because, although they were fellow Marxists in the sense of the Nazis being “National Socialists,” they were fierce political rivals for control of Germany. Commies and Socialists are often deadly enemies (e.g., the Bernie Sanders/AOC bloc vs. Pelosi and the Clintons).

After the war, however, when the Marxist priority shifted to eliminating Christianity as its main rival in the world’s new superpower, America, their primary strategy was “sexual revolution” (aka sexual anarchy), and for that to work they needed to hide just how socially corrosive widespread homosexuality really is. It just wouldn’t do to have their own cultural storm troops being compared side by side to Germany’s.

The first phase of sexual revolution was relatively tame and almost exclusively heterosexually oriented. The SSADs (sufferers of Same-Sex Attraction Disorder) needed to sexually compromise the Normies before pushing the envelope into more deviant territory. That was “mission accomplished” by the 1960s, making hard-leftist political control possible nationally under LBJ, while making censorship of the homo-fascism of pre-war Germany urgently necessary before they could unleashed their own overtly homo-fascist campaign. It was in the early ’60s that the suppression of the truth about Nazi Germany really started getting heavy.

Their war plans were delayed until the days-long Stonewall Riots began June 28, 1969, “Gay Pride Day.” That was the anniversary of the very weekend on which the German “Night of the Long Knives ” occurred in 1934: the so-called “Roehm Purge.” While not necessarily planned in advance, it was instantly adopted as the birthday of hardcore militancy by “gay” leaders.

On that first “Gay Pride Day,” Roehm-style homo-fascism arose like a Phoenix from the ashes, relentlessly focused on total cultural supremacy over Christianity, following Italian Marxist Antonio Gramschi’s model of methodic incremental change at the institutional level – coerced by constant pressure from the street and the media. German-born immigrant and Cultural Marxism pioneer Herbert Marcuse had long set the guiding narratives from high on his perch in the pre-CIA Office of Strategic Services (OSS) from which he flittered like Tinker Bell from one Ivy League university to the next as the “fair-haired boy” of the American intelligentsia. All with a strong assist since the late 1940s by fraudulent “sex researcher,” social engineer and pan-sexualist pervert Alfred Kinsey, backed by the Rockefellers. By ’69 the entire network was fully prepped for cultural Blitzkreig.

In the American reiteration, however, the SSADs would not make the fatal mistake of disunity, having learned from the German experience the hard lesson that “a house divided cannot stand.” Thus came the post-Stonewall emergence of an unbreakable coalition of “sexual minorities” under the LGBT banner. Their differences were hashed out in a Chicago conference of 200 entities that produced one common agenda called the 1972 Gay Rights Platform, a list of demands to federal and state governments including all the priorities of the various factions presented as a single package. It even included the priority of the pederasts and pedophiles, which became Item 7 of the Demand for States: “Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent” (the only demand still not granted – although the MAPs Maneuver and the Lincoln Project are edging them closer).

The LGBT street-activists then took the battle to the streets – targeting the American Psychiatric Association (APA) first with Brownshirt-style pubic harassment and disruptions (which they called “zapping”) of any medical professionals unwilling to remove the behavioral disorder of homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM4), the “bible” of the mental health profession. Within a year they forced a politically, not scientifically, driven vote-by-mail in the APA (of which they controlled the mailing list), and viola, homosexuality was no longer a behavioral disorder, and the APA forever after belonged to LGBT Borg.

Immediately on the heels of the APA conquest, “closeted” Cultural Marxist forces who had long been marbled through the elite strata of society, forced open to LGBTs the previously closed doors of K-12 academia and many other culture-shaping professions. Before long they controlled them all, although it wasn’t until Bill Clinton issued Executive Order 12968 that they apparently got control of U.S. intelligence agencies, too.

That, in a nutshell, is the concise history of the American culture war that has evolved into the DEI and child grooming/mutilating nightmare Donald Trump and the MAGA movement promise to end.

The American left is fond of equating the MAGA movement with fascism, when they themselves are the true Brownshirts as proven by their actions. The common impulse when being falsely accused of “hatred” is to take some step of compromise to try and prove you’re not. IT’S A TRAP. They’ll never concede you’re not a hater, no matter how much you pander, and you’ll end up just diminishing your inherent moral authority as a Normie.

My appeal to the MAGA patriots is this: Don’t fall prey to the leftist narrative that “sexual orientations” are harmless equivalents to normal sexuality and the natural family. Don’t give in to virtue signaling impulses on, for example, so-called “gay marriage” to try and “soften” your stance against transgenderism. Always say YES to sympathy, compassion and reasonable tolerance for those who suffer from Gender Identity Confusion and/or SSADness, but never shrink from your duty to protect society from the harmful LGBT political and cultural agenda.

For more on this topic, read “The Pink Swastika” here. (A 6th Edition is in process.)

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.