2022 Midterms, A Negotiated Election, maybe…..

What if the results of the 2022 Midterm elections were negotiated before election day? A back room deal between prominent Democrats and Republicans, or should I say Establishment Democrats and Republicans. “You can have these seats in the house and senate, in return we want the Red Wave squashed”.

Nov 15, 2022 - 11:34
Nov 15, 2022 - 12:25
 0  102
2022 Midterms, A Negotiated Election, maybe…..

Disclaimer: This is purely food for thought. We have no facts, no evidence, no witness testimony, no documents or anything else that would support this being true. This is just a big “WHAT IF”.

But…... What If?

Let’s consider a few things.

What are the likely groups who would be effected most by a large Red Wave of MAGA Republicans, America First Republicans and Trump endorsed candidates. I mean a Real, True Red Wave by candidates determined to make good things happen for this country and to clean it up. The list could be very long.

  1. Establishment Republicans, RINOs if you will
  2. Many, if not all, Democrats
  3. Political pundits for both parties
  4. Elites who have purchased, I mean donated to, many candidates
  5. Any number of Far Left and Far Right Groups
  6. Main Stream Media
  7. Businesses who have decided to go Woke instead of, oh maybe something unique like, doing business.
  8. Businesses who actively worked on suppressing free speech
  9. DOJ/FBI
  10. Department of Education
  11. Globalist, World Economic Forum, World Heath Organization
  12. More…

You get the idea. Add the word establishment in front of almost any group and that group likely does not want a true Red Wave.

What do they stand to loose with a Red Wave? Frankly, three things, power, influence, and money. That is it. They’ll claim some grand issue like “Democracy is at stake”, but we know that is bullshit. Power, or control if you want to think of it that way, influence, and money is what they loose.

I believe, that many, maybe all, politicians get into politics for grand ideas to do good, but after not too long in office that begins to change. They start playing the political game. After a long time in politics, a few, maybe more than a few, have built their own little empires and means to increase their net worth. No one wants to loose that!

Just think about it yourself. What do you think establishment types would loose with a real true Red Wave?

What if these groups did not want to find out what the results of a Red Wave would be? What if it was imperative to stop it or dramatically reduce it? How do you ensure that it does not happen?


You get a few of your top people along with a few of their top people in a secure room, out of the way of prying eyes, and you negotiate. Picture the smoke filled rooms of days gone by, everyone puffing on a cigar, probably Cuban, conducting their clandestine negotiation.

As I’m writing this I’m thinking of that movie the Sniper with Mark Wahlberg and the meetings between Ned Beatty’s character, the Senator, and Danny Glover’s character, the Colonel. Actually it makes me a little worried about writing this at all.

Anyway, think of those clandestine meetings in the Sniper and you may have the same image I have of how these Negations for Midterm Elections could have happened.

I’m sure some of you are thinking or will say that this “would never happen”. I don’t believe that, I suspect it happens all the time. The lying and corruption in politics is real, even if no one admits it, even if no one is made accountable for it. I’d say especially if no one is made accountable for it.

What would Democrats and Establishment Republicans and their ilk, from both parties, gain from negotiating away the Red Wave?

For Democrats I can see a couple of things:

1. Ability to claim a vindication of their agenda. “We are supported by nearly all Americans”. Which has already started.

2. Time to figure out who to put in as President in 2024, or earlier, as it surely cannot be Joe Biden.

3. No results from investigations. Notice I said “no results”. I did not say “no investigations”. They are not asking for no investigations, they know Republicans have to do something, they just want them to be never ending with no actual punishments of any kind.

What do Establishment Republicans gain from a negotiation? Here are a few things to consider.

1. The number one, numero uno, is the ability to get Trump out of politics. An excuse to relegate Trump to the ash heap of history and get him out of their way. They have already begun to blame Trump.

2. Destroy the MAGA/American First movement or assists in making them irrelevant.

3. One or both houses of congress, depending upon what the Democrats are willing to give up. As it stands, it looks like they negotiated for at least the House of Representatives. I suspect the Republicans wanted both houses and the Democrats just screwed them like they are currently screwing all of America. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t let Republicans get the House either.

How can they guarantee the results they negotiate? Simple, they cheat. Maybe not on a grand scale as may have happened in the past. Maybe now they have to cheat more strategically and targeted in order to be close to the negotiated results.

Whether you believe or not that it is possible to cheat, most Americans do not have confidence in our elections.

As we mentioned in our Disclaimer, we have no evidence that a Negotiated Election occurred. But if you connect the dots on various articles published on the Internet, it certainly seems possible that it was negotiated. There are two things that immediately come to mind.

1. Democrats refusing to debate. Now why is that? Did they know something?

2. Senior Republican Leadership manipulate campaign funding for various MAGA candidates.

If the 2022 Midterms were negotiated, the real losers are the American People, We The People have lost. It doesn’t matter your party or your affiliations, we all lost!

Here are list of many articles that could be used to "connect the dots". After going through them, you may believe that Midterms, 2022 was a Negotiated Election.

Were the midterm elections the establishment’s latest trap for Trump? 

There is no honor among thieves 

Schumer on Dems Keeping Senate: Americans Have 'Vindicated' Our Agenda 

Biden is celebratory and defiant in remarks after midterm elections 

Here’s a game plan: Biden replaces Harris with Newsom and then resigns

Mitt Romney Says New Congress Must Lay Off “Pointless Investigations” of Joe Biden, Yet He Voted to Impeach Donald Trump Twice!

Frank Luntz Says Trump Should ‘Take A Very Long Vacation,’ Claims GOP Will ‘Turn Against Him’

GOP pollster Frank Luntz: Republicans are saying ‘it’s time to move on’ from Trump 

Pence Says GOP Has ‘Better Choices’ Than Trump in 2024, Hints at Own White House Run

Schumer: I’m Meeting with McConnell to Push for Ditching ‘MAGA Republicans’

WHAT FRAUD? Only 9% Believe America Is On Right Track in Latest Poll, Biden’s Approval a Dismal 39% – Days After He Scores Greatest Midterm Election in Decades

Elections Were Stolen: Do NOT Let Them Gaslight You Into Thinking Otherwise

After reading these articles, do you think, 2022 Midterms, A Negotiated Election!

If you made it this far, thank you for reading the ramblings of an older (I said older, not old) Freedom Loving American!

This was written by FIBIS, 'not' professional writers or journalists. Our only desire is to make you think. We hope we have succeeded!

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.