Never Again Shall the Few Risk the Freedom of the Many

How do we make this statement the absolute truth? There should never be another Bidendesque Administration again! There should never again be such a drastic change from Good to Bad in this country as happened after the 2020 elections. How do we ensure a more stable government even after a transition of power?

Nov 8, 2022 - 11:35
Nov 9, 2022 - 09:46
 0  73
Never Again Shall the Few Risk the Freedom of the Many
Never Again Shall the Few Risk the Freedom of the Many

Unfortunately, we did not get the Red Wave everyone was talking about.  I'm not sure everything was on the up and up in all these elections but not sure there'll be any real change to the final counts.  Now what?  All my wish list has to wait two more years?  It looks like the Republicans will get the house but the Senate is still up for grabs.  Hopefully the Senate comes through even if only by one.  Is that enough to slow down Biden's agenda.

The next question is what will it take in 2 years to do a better job and win more elections especially the Presidency. 

I originally wrote this as if we'd get that Red Wave and I'm not sure how to edit this so I've left the majority of the rest the same.  It is a big wish list if items I'd like to get fixed.

Is there going to be enough Republicans to fix the system? Will RINOs be part of the solution or speed bumps? Will they do unending hearings without criminal investigations? Will criminal investigations lead to charges and real penalties for those found guilty?

This is what concerns me. Will politics continue as usual or will Republicans use this opportunity to actually fix all that is wrong as much as possible. Honestly I do not know but I lean towards the idea that it’ll be politics at usual. I sincerely hope not!

There are far better writers than me at American Thinker that have written on this same topic. Here are two articles from them.

After the Election 

Will Lucy Move the Football Again?

Here are issues I believe that need addressing. I readily admit I’m not sure how to handle all of this or how politicians can clean these issues up but I hope they can.

Inflation. Inflation is at a 40 year high primarily based on the Biden Administration’s overspending. Costs are up everywhere food, fuel, gas, clothing absolutely everywhere. Then there is the Debt limit. What are we leaving for our children to clean up!

Crime. Fund the police. Support the police. Keep criminals in jail! Hefty bails or no bail and you stay in jail! Put in office or recall soft on crime District Attorneys. 

Two Tiered Justice.  Let's face it that is what we have right now.  You can commit a crime if you lean a certain way politically and if you do not then you get investigated and prosecuted.  It should not be that way.  Justice should be unbiased.  They say "Justice is Blind", well not today it isn't.  This is huge and must be fixed.

Education. Stop Critical Race Theory. We should “reset” with the fundamentals reading, writing, and arithmetic. If we need to expand on this then possibly include some or all of these real history, critical thinking (not CRT), social skills (not socialism), economics, and physical educations.

We also need to look at age appropriate curriculumn.  Who thinks it is ok to teach kindergarteners about sex and the 57 genders people are claiming there are now.  Who thinks books with sexual content in the library should be available to children in the grades kindergarten through, oh say, 6th grade?

Energy. I’m all for green energy but we truly do not have green energy sources now. We don’t! The rare earth minerals for batteries requires strip mining. The ability to recycle batteries and wind mill blades is restrictive. Not to mention the windmills history of killing birds.

We need to keep our current energy sources oil, gas, nuclear, and coal until there is truly a green energy source that can replace it, realistically replace it. This may be many years, decades. The only thing I’ve ever heard that might be realistic is cold fusion, if that is ever possible.

Campaign Finance. It should not be possible for people like Zuckerburg, Soros, Gates, and the like to be able to buy an election.

Main Stream Media. News agencies left, right and center should not be able to spew out opinions as fact. I’m sure there are regulations in place that I do not know about but whenever I’m watching one of these broadcast it is hard to delineate between facts and opinions. That should be very clear. There wouldn’t be the term “Fake Media” if we could trust what is published as news in today’s news. We should be able to trust news.

Businesses. Here is a unique idea, why don’t businesses do business? That is it.

Woke/Cancel Culture. This is a big one, how do we we “cancel” woke and cancel culture! This is really about Free Speech. If you say something a group of meatheads don’t like they immediately attack you and can get you canceled.  Not sure how to fix this but it's getting old.

Election Integrity.  It is 2022 and We the People do not have faith in our elections.  It should not be that way.  Fix it.  Fix the machines that don't work.  Fix the process that allows fraud and cheating.  Every 2 years we should not have to wonder if our votes counted!

War On Women.  What is that!  Whey can't we call a women, women?  Politicians are using words like "birthing people", "people with periods", and all sorts of garbage.  A woman is a woman and women are women!  Period, I mean this in the ending sense not the menstral sense.

War on Gender.  Nuts.  That is all I can say but it needs to stop.

Laws, Regulations and Presidential Executive Orders.  We need to remove all of these that I would call "stupid".  This will likely take a while, there are likely many of them, but it needs to be worked on and action needs to be taken.  

I am sure there are more issues such as "National Defence" and "Supply Chain Issues" to address as well.  

If any of this is fixed by our political leaders then the last thing they have to do is create some sort of lasting law or regulation to keep it fixed!  I know I'm not a big fan of a lot of laws and regulations but fixes to any of these issues need to be codified in something so it last.

Pretty big list, isn't it?  I just hope that now our leaders say "Never Again" and do all they can to fix all of these issues.  I suspect they won't unless we stay on them, we have to push them to do the right things.  We cannot just wait until the next election.  Now is not the time to "Not Pay Attention to Politics" as I've heard so many times.

Never Again Shall the Few Risk the Freedom of the Many!

If you made it this far, thank you for reading the ramblings of an older (I said older, not old) Freedom Loving American!

This was written by FIBIS, 'not' professional writers or journalists. Our only desire is to make you think. We hope we have succeeded!

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.