America is witness to the ugliness of socialism
'There is a public sense something is very wrong in the Democrat Party's inner circle'
Socialism is a failed system. It cannot withstand the criticisms. And so socialism must be unchallenged. It must be free of religion because all religion focuses upon the person and personal character. It must be unchallenged by free enterprise, for when people are free to produce goods and services, they will always overwhelm forced labor. Socialism feeds on anger, ignorance, and intolerance.
Everything about this 2024 political campaign reeks of it. The current Democrat Party campaign to institute “protections” against “disinformation” and “misinformation” are typical. The addition of “mal-information” is intended to criminalize speech. The first order of business in the establishment of a communist state during the 20th century was to set up the Ministry of Information. The second order of business was to disarm the public.
Socialism also devalues history and literature as agents of oppression.
Ultimately, as socialism makes its final push to supremacy, it rides the waves of chaos. The more chaos, the better for the revolution. So district attorneys must stop prosecuting criminals and set them free. Police must be defunded and corralled. The border must be open.
Finally, political parties must not be allowed to mount opposition, and to do that election reform becomes a priority of the socialist government. This is why movers and shakers of the Bush administrations are backing Kamala Harris, the most unqualified presidential candidate in American history. This is why the Department of Justice is using its power to oppress citizens and organized political opposition to the Democrat Party. This is why California Democrats used their majority to “reform” election laws. The result is a one-party California in decline.
Kamala Harris is the perfect change-agent president. She was raised by socialist parents. She was chosen, not by the people, but by the Democrat bureaucracy ad so her loyalty will be to the party, not to the people or the nation.
Simultaneously, we are witnessing the demise of the president. A symptom of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia is a sudden outburst of anger. Twice during the past week, Joe Biden has evidenced the advanced state of his disease.
The first incident was his “garbage” remark. The second was his teeth-gritting delivery of his desire to physically attack his political opponents. It was strange to see, very strange, and very dangerous when one considers this man could launch American nuclear missiles. We all know he despises Vladimir Putin, and his political party repeatedly has demonized Russia.
While we can understand the man is sick and beyond a useful life, what about the political party leadership who knew this before the 2020 election and hid him in his Delaware home? The core of the Democrat Party disguised his illness to gain power, and when it could no longer hide the president’s condition, they tossed aside the primary election results and pushed another candidate.
It truly appears the Democrat Party has been seized by revolutionaries who wish to govern anonymously. There is a public sense something is very wrong in the Democrat Party’s inner circle, as evidenced by the departure of some labor support and the traditionally backing of black Americas.
The great middle class senses Democrat hostility to the Republic. People may not compose an essay on the remarkable similarities between the Bolshevik Revolution and the fragmentation of American society, but they sense the threat.
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