Apple Makes It Clear: White Men Need Not Apply

Today we begin with some very big news. Tickets for my new film “Am I Racist?” are on sale right now.  “Am I Racist?” is the follow up to my 2022 film “What Is A Woman?”. Two years ago we explored the insanity of gender ideology. This time we are diving deep into the world ...

Aug 15, 2024 - 19:28
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Apple Makes It Clear: White Men Need Not Apply

Today we begin with some very big news. Tickets for my new film “Am I Racist?” are on sale right now. 

“Am I Racist?” is the follow up to my 2022 film “What Is A Woman?”. Two years ago we explored the insanity of gender ideology. This time we are diving deep into the world of anti-racism and DEI. It’s a different topic, a different film, and a very different approach. Rather than simply ask questions, this time around I became a DEI grifter myself in order to expose the DEI grifters. It’s a simple premise, really. I began this journey by asking questions, and this time around I believed whatever answer they gave me, and tried to put their ideas into action.

The film is heavily satirical, very funny, and at times very dark. And if the film is a success at the box office, it will send a profound message not just to Hollywood and the entertainment world, but to the DEI industry and all the race hustlers made this film to expose. But its success depends entirely on you. We need your support. And the best way to support our movie and the work we’re doing is to go to right now and pre-order tickets. 

Tickets for “Am I Racist?” are on sale NOW! Buy here for a theater near you.

I know that pre-ordering movie tickets probably seems unusual to a lot of you. I’ve never pre-ordered a movie ticket in my life, personally. But it’s extremely important in this case. Pre-sales go a long way to determining the ultimate success of the film, and they even determine how many theaters will show it in the first place. So get ready, because you’re in for a wild ride with this film. 

Now, it’s a pretty easy transition from “Am I Racist?” to today’s lead story.

About a year ago, Bloomberg published a report on their website that was pretty stunning, even given everything we know about rampant DEI in workplaces all over the country. Here’s the headline: 

Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color. 

It Actually Did. 

The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs — 94% went to people of color.

After that report ran, a lot of people dug a little deeper into the data. One of them was The Daily Wire’s Luke Rosiak, who found that Bloomberg had made some significant math errors. For their part, Bloomberg stood by the story. It’s still available on their website. 

What was lost in the discussion about the numbers is that, whether the data were precisely accurate or not, the biggest companies in this country clearly wanted to send the message that they weren’t hiring white people anymore. Bloomberg admitted that the point of its article was to, “hold companies accountable to [diversity] pledges.” So these massive S&P companies had publicly pledged to hire fewer white people, probably coordinated with Bloomberg on the article, and then when the article came out, these corporations didn’t repudiate it in any way. They didn’t claim that there had been some mistake when Bloomberg reported that only 6% of their new jobs went to white people.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

In retrospect, that was a pretty big tell. It was basically an admission by these corporations that white people are systematically disfavored in the application process. They’re either being skipped entirely, or at the very least, corporations strongly want to create the impression that they’re being skipped entirely. And indeed there have been several stories in the past year proving that this is still happening all over the place.

OMG Media for example reported on this internal document at Best Buy, in which the company announced a partnership with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program. 

The document states: “Candidates for these programs must meet the requirements below: … Identify as Black, Latino, Hispanic, Asian, or Pacific Islander.”


So unless you’re one of those preferred identity groups — or at least willing to “identify” as one — then you don’t get the extra training. Of course, if the listing had said that only white people were allowed to participate, Merrick Garland would have sent a SWAT team into Best Buy headquarters before dawn the next day. But excluding white people from professional opportunities is fine. Best Buy had no problem doing it openly. 

And when they were finally caught, they didn’t immediately renounce the document. They didn’t issue an apology and fire everyone involved. Instead, the CEO of the company went private on social media. Store managers called the police on James O’Keefe for standing in the mall parking lot. And eventually, Best Buy changed the job posting to remove the references to racial requirements:


Of course it’s not just Best Buy and Footlocker that’s running anti-white programs like this. Pretty much every organization in every industry is doing it — even industries where lives are clearly at stake. Just this week, for example, a top medical fellowship announced it’s going to stop excluding white applicants — not because they realized it was wrong, but because they were forced to do so.

As The Washington Examiner states: 

A top medical fellowship for women will stop excluding white applicants after a complaint accused the program of being racially discriminatory in light of the Supreme Court outlawing affirmative action last year. Do No Harm, a nonprofit organization that serves as a watchdog in the healthcare industry, filed a lawsuit in June on behalf of female students who met the criteria for the $20,000 award offered by the American Association of University Women but were excluded on the basis of race.

So that’s progress, but it’s still not clear why the fellowship is allowed to exclude men. They got rid of one part of the discrimination but kept the other, which doesn’t really make sense. If we want the most qualified people in medicine — and we do — then it doesn’t matter if 100% of the doctors and nurses happen to be straight white men, or gay black women, or any combination of race, gender and sexual orientation. The only thing that should matter is the quality of their work. This is not complicated. But this fellowship still requires that applicants identify as “women,” even though there’s a zero-percent chance they can even define the word.

There are many other examples along these lines. The Daily Wire reported last year that the tech giant Oracle “hosted scholarship and internship opportunities in conjunction with the United Negro College Fund that excluded both white and Asian applicants on the basis of their race.” There’s a whole section on “eligibility requirements” that limits ethnicities to “African American/Black, American Indian – Alaska Native, Hispanic American.” So no whites or Asians are allowed. 

Then there was NASCAR’s listing for an internship that included this requirement: “Be a member of one or more of the following races/ethnic minority classifications: Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Latino or Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.” Like Best Buy, NASCAR took that listing down once people noticed it. So they at least pretended they regretted their decision to openly discriminate against whites, even though they obviously didn’t. That appears to be the trend in corporate America at the moment.


But there’s one major company that’s not backing down from its overt anti-white racism. They don’t care how many people notice. They are firmly in the camp of restricting opportunities for certain applicants on the basis of their skin color. I’m talking about Apple, which depending on when you check, is the biggest company on the planet. Apple has pushed various DEI initiatives over the years, which is why their operating system offers emojis of pregnant men. It’s also why they recently ran an advertisement featuring an overweight black woman representing Mother Earth. But now Apple is doubling down on something called the “Apple Entrepreneur Camp,” which has apparently been running for a while now. 

Here’s what the application process for the Apple Entrepreneur Camp entails, straight from the Apple website.

Apple Entrepreneur Camp supports underrepresented founders and developers, and encourages the pipeline and longevity of these entrepreneurs in technology. Attendees benefit from one-on-one code-level guidance, receive unprecedented access to Apple engineers and experts, and become part of the extended global network of Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni. Applications are now open for female,* Black, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous founders and developers.


In other words, no white or Asian men are allowed. By virtue of their skin color, they don’t get “unprecedented access to Apple engineers and experts.” They don’t get one-on-one guidance. Because they are white or Asian, and therefore a certain level of access to Apple engineers and experts — which could obviously be vital to their careers — is closed to them. Apple is just coming right out and saying it.

This isn’t remotely legal, not that Apple cares. Title 42 of the U.S. Code, section 1981, states that everyone in the United States has the right to “make contracts” without regard to skin color. That includes the right to enter into employment arrangements and programs like the ones Apple is offering. And no entity, whether public or private, can impair that right on the basis of skin color. Apple knows this. But no one’s stopping them. No white or Asian plaintiff has sued, and the DOJ certainly doesn’t care. So they’re just ignoring the law.

As best I can tell, they’ve been running similar programs for more than a year. And now that this one is getting more attention, they still don’t care. They haven’t apologized. This is what they believe. 

Actually, it’s even more embarrassing than that. In the eligibility requirements, there’s an asterisk by the word “female.” And here’s what Apple says when you check into what it means. 

Apple believes that gender expression is a fundamental right. We welcome all women to apply to this program.

This is what’s known as a loophole. If you’re an Asian or white man who really wants to get into this camp, there’s still a pathway open to you, if you’re willing to take it. You just have to tell Apple you’re a woman, and they’ll let you in. You have the fundamental right to demand that Apple recognize your womanhood. That’s how important “gender expression” is to Apple. But if you don’t do that, and you’re white or Asian, then you won’t even be allowed in the building.

The exclusion of Asian applicants is worth highlighting in particular, given that Asians have been so successful in the tech world (and in many other industries). Apple’s response to their success is to exclude them. Imagine a school producing lots of NFL stars and an NFL team responds by making sure to not recruit from that school. That’s basically how the corporate world handles recruiting now, except with races instead of schools. 

Of course white people have been particularly successful at Apple too. This is what their current senior leadership looks like:



None of these white guys are going to resign their post to make room for more diversity. They’ve obtained power and success. They’re not going to give it up. Instead they’re going to punish white people who are just starting out in their careers. They know that, if they make some sacrifices on the altar of DEI, then the activists will leave them alone. So that’s what they’re doing.

The good news is that more people are willing to call this madness out. Some politicians on the Right have even noticed the problem of anti-white racism. This fact is very disturbing to the race hustlers on the left. Last night Joy Reid — chief of the modern day race hustlers — lamented the fact that Donald Trump wants to put a stop to anti-white racism:


What she’s complaining about there, specifically, is that Trump says he would stop programs that dispense aid and relief to Americans based on race. Because if you’re going to have programs to help people, everyone should have access to those programs regardless of their race. But people like Reid disagree. She quite explicitly believes that white people are and should remain a disfavored group, because she is an unapologetic anti-white bigot.

But the truth is that all it really takes is a few brave plaintiffs to step up and end all of this. There are lawyers at conservative firms all over the country that would be more than happy to take a case as cut-and-dried as the case at Apple. It really doesn’t take much. But until that happens — until these corporations have to face a real financial cost for their overt discrimination — they’ll keep doing it.

What Apple is doing in particular is a clear sign that the DEI obsession has not gone anywhere. If anything it’s only become more pronounced, and these corporations have become more emboldened. Recently, I covered the collapse of the fake “consensus” on gender procedures for children and adolescents. All that took was one journalist asking one question to the American association of plastic surgeons, and the whole “consensus” crumbled. And that’s ultimately an encouraging development. It suggests that maybe all it takes for companies like Apple to stop their anti-white discrimination is for one job applicant — just one — to say he’s had enough.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.