As Americans Drown, Kamala Chats On A Brain-Dead Sex Podcast

Six days ago — as cadaver dogs were discovering dozens of dead bodies in destroyed communities across the Southeast in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, and as hundreds of thousands of people went without essentials like food, water, and power — Kamala Harris wasn’t overseeing disaster relief efforts. She wasn’t holding round-the-clock meetings at FEMA ...

Oct 7, 2024 - 14:28
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As Americans Drown, Kamala Chats On A Brain-Dead Sex Podcast

Six days ago — as cadaver dogs were discovering dozens of dead bodies in destroyed communities across the Southeast in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, and as hundreds of thousands of people went without essentials like food, water, and power — Kamala Harris wasn’t overseeing disaster relief efforts. She wasn’t holding round-the-clock meetings at FEMA headquarters, or the White House situation room. Instead, as American citizens drowned in their own homes, Kamala Harris was busy taping an episode of the popular sex & relationship-focused podcast “Call Her Daddy,” which is hosted by a 30-year-old woman named Alex Cooper.

We’ve said a lot about the administration’s indifference and callousness to the communities devastated by the storm. Every day, there’s a glaring new sign of just how little they care about American citizens who are dying. Just this weekend, for example, the DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, who oversees FEMA, was spotted shopping in Georgetown for high-end menswear. This was right after he announced that FEMA’s out of money, which is something he assured us wouldn’t happen as recently as this summer. Meanwhile, on Saturday, whoever’s running Kamala Harris’ social media accounts announced that we’re going to spend $150 million on providing “food” and “shelter” and “humanitarian assistance” — but it’s not going to Americans in states like North Carolina or Tennessee. Instead, the money’s going to Lebanon, a country full of people who hate us. So it’s safe to say that, when it comes to displaying incredible levels of callousness and incompetence during a crisis, this administration has been working overtime.

But with this interview on the “Call Her Daddy” podcast, Kamala has demonstrated that however low the bar is with this administration, it can always get lower. First of all, before I get into the specifics of this interview and what an unmitigated disaster it was, I can see the political reasoning behind it, even if I don’t think it will have the effect the campaign intended. This is part of a strategic shift in the Kamala campaign, as David Axelrod pointed out the other day. This week, probably because her internal poll numbers look really bad, Kamala is going to appear on a bunch of friendly shows with Left-wing hosts, like Stephen Colbert and Howard Stern. But very few personalities have the reach of Alex Cooper. It’s an extremely popular podcast with young women, which is why Cooper just signed a contract worth $125 million.

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But that fact, by itself, says something very troubling about young women in this country. For all the grief we give men about the kinds of role models they choose — manosphere influencers, et cetera — and all the porn they watch, and all of that, there should be just as much scrutiny on the women who have made bimbos like Alex Cooper into huge stars. And that’s what Alex Cooper is: she’s a degenerate fourth-wave feminist who hid her engagement with her now-husband from her own audience so that she could continue selling them on a lifestyle of self-destructive, empty, nihilistic hedonism which, naturally, entails raising their all-important “body count.” This is a podcast that teaches women to wield sex like a weapon and sacrifice their dignity in the process.

In that sense, at least, Kamala makes perfect sense as a guest. There’s a very strong argument to be made that her “body count” back in California is the reason she’s now the Democrats’ nominee for president. She’s the perfect fit for a podcast that, just two episodes ago, did an hour-long episode on the topics of, “b*** j***, hall passes, and frat daddies.”

Here’s a couple of excerpts from that episode, or at least the parts of it we can air.

CAUTION: This clip contain explicit sex references:


What you just heard is actually pretty tame, by the standards of this podcast. They have another episode called, “Welcome to Slut Camp.” You can imagine what that entails, because I can’t play any of it.

To be clear about the context here: This is the second-most-popular podcast in the world, after Joe Rogan. It’s by far the top podcast among young women. But instead of talking about interesting or intellectual topics, everything’s inane, profane and lobotomized. It’s all about sexualizing women as much as possible, in the crudest, most low-IQ terms imaginable. Every second you listen to this podcast makes you dumber. Just preparing for this show, as I watched some of these clips, I could practically feel my brain cells melting away.

And that brings up the question of why any presidential candidate — even one as dumb and immoral as Kamala — would want to appear on this podcast. Normally, when you’re running a presidential campaign, you give interviews to a wide array of outlets. You don’t limit yourself to vapid influencers who make a living talking to celebrities about oral sex. So why is Kamala doing that exactly? As it happens, Alex Cooper asked Kamala Harris that question. And Cooper got this word salad in response:


“You’ve got this thing right,” says the Democrats’ nominee for president of the United States. She says this podcast is “real” because they talk about things people care about — like blow jobs, hall passes, and frat daddies. In other words, Americans don’t care about inflation, or drowning in their own homes after a hurricane, or the possibility of World War III breaking out in the Middle East. They care about listening to crass conversations about sex and its consequences.

To that end, most of the conversation on this podcast involving two childless women was about abortion. Kamala Harris repeated the familiar lie that Georgia’s heartbeat law somehow killed a woman, when in fact the abortion pill killed her. Kamala also lied about Tim Walz’s support for allowing children to die after they survive abortions, even though it’s well-documented that children are in fact being left to die in hospitals in Minnesota. Listening to all of this, it’s clear that the campaign sees abortion as the single most important issue in this election. And it’s not hard to see why they think that. Abortion destroys families, which are the greatest obstacle to increased government power. People with families are loyal to their families, not to imbeciles in the federal government like Kamala.

The other obvious benefit of talking about abortion, in the context of this podcast, is that it’s a relatively safe topic. Kamala Harris doesn’t have to think on her feet. She can use the canned talking points that she’s memorized, and she knows her audience will be receptive. Here’s just one of those moments, where Kamala Harris called back to a line she used during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings:


So there’s no laws that apply to male bodies, apparently. This is a line that the Kamala campaign is obviously very fond of, which is concerning, because there are about a dozen reasons why it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

First of all, we do have laws that apply exclusively to male bodies. The biggest one is the Selective Service Act, which requires the overwhelming majority of men to sign up for the draft. The law literally refers to “male persons,” not women. And that’s not a small thing, since it’s led to the deaths of a lot of men. In Vietnam alone, something like 11,000 of the casualties were men who were drafted. And then on top of that, we have divorce laws, which are extraordinarily biased towards women and against men in various ways. So just as a basic, factual matter the talking point is wrong.

And there’s an even more fundamental point to make, which is that all laws, by definition, “control the bodies” of all human beings who are subject to them. A law against stealing, for example, is a law that “controls” my body. Because of that law, I’m not allowed to use my arms to draw a gun inside of a bank. I can’t use my mouth to scream, “Give me all your money.” I can’t use my legs to run away with a bag of cash. Using the terminology of pro-abortion activists, my body is being “controlled” in this scenario.

So if we’re going to get rid of abortion bans because they “control” women’s bodies, then we need to get rid of every other law on the books. All of them are intruding on your freedom to do whatever you want with your own body. Which, as we learned during COVID, isn’t something any of these people actually care about.

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But even within the fantasy realm that Left-wing activists have constructed, the talking point still doesn’t make any sense. These are the same people who have told us for years that men can get pregnant. “Men” and “women” are not distinct categories in their worldview. That’s supposedly the official consensus position of every Democrat and all of the discredited “scientific journals.” So, under that view, abortion laws would in fact apply to men — specifically “trans men,” who we’re told are no different from normal men. What happened to that? Did Alex Cooper and Kamala Harris just forget all about the existence of “trans men?” Is this trans erasure? Trans genocide? Or are they finally acknowledging that men can’t get pregnant — even if these two are too dumb to realize what they just said?

It sure seems like it. So where’s the “Human Right Campaign?” Where are the trans activists screeching on social media, informing us that Kamala Harris just “genocided” millions of trans men by denying their lived experience? They’re all silent. And we all know why. They all know that men can’t actually get pregnant, and that “trans men” is a category that doesn’t actually exist. It’s all an obvious lie that’s maintained by activist organizations that are really just front groups for the Democrat Party. And the thing about lies is that, sometimes, they’re hard to keep straight. Sometimes you slip up. And that’s what Kamala Harris and Alex Cooper just did.

And that’s not even getting into the biggest problem with the talking point, which is that abortion laws do not, in fact, control a woman’s body. They control what she is allowed to do to someone else’s body. Laws that permit abortion give women absolute power over the bodies of their children — to include their male children. That means that pro-abortion laws are, in fact, laws that govern what can be done to the male body.

But like all dumb narcissists, Alex Cooper and Kamala Harris never pause to consider the substance of what they’re actually saying. It never occurs to them that their talking points could be wrong, so they just repeat them over and over again. And while they do it, they make sure to point out how enlightened they are — and how dumb men are, by comparison. Here’s just one of those moments:

In retrospect, there’s one way that this podcast could’ve been at least somewhat entertaining. But they can’t do it with Kamala Harris as the guest. That was the mistake. The guest should’ve been Tim Walz. That would’ve been worth watching. He could’ve talked all about his law requiring that high schools stock the boys’ bathrooms with tampons. He could’ve gone into great detail about how much he knows about tampons, and how teenage boys can benefit from them, and where exactly they’re supposed to put the tampons.

But none of that happened, unfortunately, so we’re stuck with Alex Cooper and Kamala Harris saying that men are idiots because they apparently provide unsatisfactory answers when women randomly walk up to them on the street and ask, “Do you know how many tampons we use?!” First off, if a random woman asks you that question on the street, they’re the weird ones in that interaction. That’s a situation where you should keep on walking and not make eye contact unless it’s absolutely necessary.

And secondly, if the standard is that people should be educated about topics that don’t directly apply to them, or else they’re morons, then I have some very bad news for Alex Cooper and Kamala Harris. Because both of them are complete morons. Kamala Harris doesn’t even understand the economic policies she’s proposing, even though she’s had several months to figure it out. And that became clear in the span of this 45-minute, friendly podcast interview.

Here’s just one example:

From the sound of it, Kamala Harris thinks that a tax deduction is like an investment in the business — a check that gets cut, like seed money. “No one can start a business with $5,000,” she says, as she cackles. So she’ll give businesses $50,000 instead.

But that’s not what a tax deduction is. A tax deduction reduces the amount of income that businesses pay taxes on. No one’s expecting anyone to “start a business” with the $5,000 tax deduction. The point of the deduction is to help businesses once they’ve brought in some income. So Kamala’s plan would allow businesses to pay less tax if they’re generating more than $5,000 in income. That’s the extent of the plan.

Unfortunately, Kamala is incapable of explaining this in plain English. Instead, she’s repeated this same exact talking point in every recent interview she’s done, starting with Oprah. Every single time, she says that no one can start a business with $5,000. She uses that exact same formulation, verbatim. And at no point does she demonstrate any understanding of what a tax deduction actually is — even the specific tax deduction she’s proposing. And none of the interviewers ever ask about it, because they probably don’t know what a tax deduction is, either.

But they do know what tampons are. And apparently, that’s supposed to be extremely impressive. People whose homes were just destroyed in North Carolina are supposed to watch interviews like this and elevate Kamala Harris to the presidency. People who can’t afford groceries are supposed to feel “seen” and “reassured” by the promise that, as bad as things get, they can take solace in the fact that both Kamala Harris and her running mate are both tampon experts.


That’s the message of “joy” and “empowerment” that Democrats are now pushing. They’re courting audiences that listen to “Call Her Daddy” and Howard Stern. They’re betting that this is the level of discourse — or lack thereof — that most female voters are capable of. It’s an entirely self-referential, hedonistic way of thinking. And as you can tell very clearly from Kamala Harris’ appearance on this podcast, it’s a way of thinking that dulls the mind. People who only think about themselves aren’t capable of having interesting conversations. They’re not capable of coming up with ideas that help anyone else. They’re not even capable of feigning empathy as hundreds of Americans die in the wake of one of the worst hurricanes in American history. They’re only capable of seeking out new ways to empower themselves — the more depraved and grotesque, the better.

That’s what Kamala Harris has done throughout her entire political career. It’s a big part of why she’s hated even in her home state of California. She preaches “empowerment” as a transparent way of empowering one person: herself. Now, with less than a month to go until Election Day — maybe out of desperation, or maybe because she truly can’t help herself at this point — Kamala Harris has finally stopped pretending otherwise.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.