Beware the encroaching evil darkness

'President Trump may well be our last best chance to freely make a difference'

Nov 18, 2024 - 19:28
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Beware the encroaching evil darkness
(Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash)

The 2024 presidential election has proven the depth and breadth of evil undermining our republic, that only the willfully contrarian can pretend to ignore and/or argue to be untrue.

There exists a satanic groupage that masquerades as cultural Marxists, Fabian Democratic Socialists, left-wing Democrats and the malevolent marplots with a pachyderm as their avatar.

I contend that by shrouding themselves in the vestiges of political extremism they are not only able to hide in plain sight, but they can recruit others to join them without fear of exposure for what they truly are.

The people I reference are pure evil, and everything they advocate is unadulterated evil. Their purpose for being is to defile, disrupt and destroy. Consider the policies and reforms they sought to have permanently codified into the fabric of America.

Few people would happily and unquestioningly go along with such mutative immiseration if they truly understood the darkness making entry through same. Thus the reason the ancestors of these subverters of humanity codified Jim Crow. It was because as Booker T. Washington’s made clear in his autobiography, “Up From Slavery,” weaponization of the law was the way to engender the necessary social conditions to collapse society. Laws demanding adherence to Jim Crow, economic collapse vis-à-vis Cloward-Piven, cultural-Marxism, Fabian Democratic Socialism and blind allegiance to political parties is but the varied methodologies employed to keep the citizenry in a state of apagogic debate, blinded to the totality of the destruction taking place around them.

The adherents to such partisanship suffer from the most thorough and vilest forms of menticide and hebephrenia. They are blind to the demonic insanity that motivates them to argue that the systematic extermination, i.e., murder, of children is women’s “health care,” while simultaneously seeking government intervention to save lions, tigers and sand flies.

These people rabidly promote the indefensible lie that butchering one’s body, adding or removing breasts, and manipulating puberty is harmless and in fact changes a person’s chromosomes so as to change gender; but, removing the claws of a kitten that will never go outside, to protect the furniture and carpeting, is not only frowned upon but illegal in many municipalities.

Left-wing youth suffer from menticide caused by day after day in public school classrooms and from America’s equivalent to Pravda, i.e., higher education, as the mainstream state media propagandists brainwash malleable minds through an uninterrupted diet of falsity and inculcated hatred.

These people are not interested in the well-being of America nor the civic nurturement of our young. These men and women are in office because it affords them a lifestyle of fortune, luxury and perceived authority. None of those referenced in this article care about America first. They care about what they can get.

The assemblages of satanic prodigy are pieces in a lucifarian chess game that uses We the People as pawns. You and I must understand the nature of the battle. The only reason for opposing the Cabinet selections President Trump has made is because those picks threaten the material gain of the swamp; but I digress.

The point I am making is that there is an ever encroaching darkness of evil that threatens to consume all we have come to enjoy – that includes all rights and privileges, the Constitution and our system of government.

Don’t be deceived by the various political extremes we see today. They amount to misdirection, so we are not aware of the creeping evil of darkness.

President Trump may well be our last best chance to freely make a difference. Whatever the time frame for this lurking darkness of satanic evil, it is coming, and it insist we bow down or be destroyed. My knees didn’t bow to the fake COVID flu, and I will not bend them to what lies ahead should the Lord tarry and give me time.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.