Blaze News original: How violent, bullying leftists behave after getting bruising justice — or when they don't get their way

Among the many stomach-turning traits of militant leftists like Antifa and their ilk is that they tend to be supremely entitled and pathologically incapable of empathy. There is no other "side," no other point of view, and nothing else to consider. Their radical leftism is the only game in town.It's a dangerous point of view, mainly because it contributes to making their criminal behavior — which often involves physically harming those who stand up against them or who are just in their way in that moment — perfectly acceptable in their minds.'You guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors? We'll see you at your house. We'll murder you.' The fallout happens when such leftists receive bruising justice in return, whether the comeuppance goes down in the streets or in courtrooms — and yes, even during public meetings when they don't get their way.Over and over again, we've seen these ingredients — entitlement, a gang mentality, a propensity for violence, and lack of empathy — get shaken together to create a volatile cocktail that, in the end, explodes in the face of the left.The following are some of the more jaw-dropping lowlights.Female Antifa ringleader found guilty of orchestrating riot; loyal comrade arrested outside courthouse after verdict — on assault chargeAn Antifa ringleader based in Portland, Oregon, was found guilty Aug. 14 of felony riot, disorderly conduct in the second degree, and unlawful use of mace in the second degree in connection with 2021 riot in a park in neighboring Clackamas County.Self-described independent journalist Alissa Eleanor Azar was front and center when Antifa disrupted a conservative voter registration drive in Clackamette Park in Oregon City. Video evidence showed Azar using bear mace against a woman, according to the Post Millennial. She pushed Antifa's action on social media, and Clackamas County Deputy District Attorney Josh Cutino said Antifa was looking for a fight.An Oregon City cop testified that his team discovered homemade explosive devices and riot shields in the area where Antifa had gathered, prompting bomb squad involvement.After the verdict was announced, the Post Millennial and the Federalist reported that another infamous Antifa militant, John Hacker, allegedly attacked a man outside the courthouse, causing the man to bleed from the face."I crossed the street, and John Hacker’s there, and I was like, 'I think I just saw you assault him,'" Clackamas County Commissioner Ben West told the Federalist. "John tries to evade, police end up arresting him."West said the victim "was bleeding pretty profusely. He was dazed. I got him off the ground, sat him up, tried to provide some direct pressure. Then Antifa came out and were yelling threatening things to me and making threats to me and my person while I was giving my report to law enforcement."Hacker was charged with assault, went to the Clackamas County Jail, and was denied bail.Pro-Palestinian radical at city council meeting threatens to 'murder' city council members. As you might guess, it doesn't end well for the lass.A pro-Palestinian activist during a Bakersfield, California, city council meeting threatened to "murder" city council members. As you might guess, the threat didn't end well for her.Members of United Liberation Front, a group of pro-Palestinian radicals, had been attending the bi-weekly city council meetings. They demand the city adopt — or at least introduce — a resolution supporting a ceasefire in Gaza, and they often have become disruptive as the council thus far has refused to cooperate. During the April 10 meeting, one ULF member — 28-year-old Riddhi Patel — impugned city leaders during two separate speeches. In her first speech, she said, "I hope one day somebody brings a guillotine and kills all of you motherf***ers," apparently spitting as she walked away from the podium. In her second speech, she said, "You guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors? We'll see you at your house. We'll murder you."With that, Mayor Karen Goh announced that Patel made a "threat" and asked officers to "escort" her out. You can view Patel in action during the city council meeting here. She speaks just after the 30-minute mark, and she speaks again just before the 47-minute mark; it was just after Patel's second set of remarks that she was arrested and charged with 16 felonies: eight counts of threatening with intent to terrorize and eight counts of threatening elected public officials. She ended up in custody on a bond of at least $1 million.Days later in court, Patel was far from the firebrand she portrayed at the city council meeting; instead she was wearing a brown jail uniform and weeped uncontrollably. A judge ruled on Oct. 1 that her case would proceed.Heavily armed leftists surround, threaten lone Portland motorist. But when fed-up driver points his own gun at them, all hell breaks loose.Heavily armed leftists apparently acting as security for a march in Portland on May 5, 2021, pointed the

Oct 5, 2024 - 09:28
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Blaze News original: How violent, bullying leftists behave after getting bruising justice — or when they don't get their way

Among the many stomach-turning traits of militant leftists like Antifa and their ilk is that they tend to be supremely entitled and pathologically incapable of empathy. There is no other "side," no other point of view, and nothing else to consider. Their radical leftism is the only game in town.

It's a dangerous point of view, mainly because it contributes to making their criminal behavior — which often involves physically harming those who stand up against them or who are just in their way in that moment — perfectly acceptable in their minds.

'You guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors? We'll see you at your house. We'll murder you.'

The fallout happens when such leftists receive bruising justice in return, whether the comeuppance goes down in the streets or in courtrooms — and yes, even during public meetings when they don't get their way.

Over and over again, we've seen these ingredients — entitlement, a gang mentality, a propensity for violence, and lack of empathy — get shaken together to create a volatile cocktail that, in the end, explodes in the face of the left.

The following are some of the more jaw-dropping lowlights.

Female Antifa ringleader found guilty of orchestrating riot; loyal comrade arrested outside courthouse after verdict — on assault charge

An Antifa ringleader based in Portland, Oregon, was found guilty Aug. 14 of felony riot, disorderly conduct in the second degree, and unlawful use of mace in the second degree in connection with 2021 riot in a park in neighboring Clackamas County.

Self-described independent journalist Alissa Eleanor Azar was front and center when Antifa disrupted a conservative voter registration drive in Clackamette Park in Oregon City. Video evidence showed Azar using bear mace against a woman, according to the Post Millennial. She pushed Antifa's action on social media, and Clackamas County Deputy District Attorney Josh Cutino said Antifa was looking for a fight.

An Oregon City cop testified that his team discovered homemade explosive devices and riot shields in the area where Antifa had gathered, prompting bomb squad involvement.

After the verdict was announced, the Post Millennial and the Federalist reported that another infamous Antifa militant, John Hacker, allegedly attacked a man outside the courthouse, causing the man to bleed from the face.

"I crossed the street, and John Hacker’s there, and I was like, 'I think I just saw you assault him,'" Clackamas County Commissioner Ben West told the Federalist. "John tries to evade, police end up arresting him."

West said the victim "was bleeding pretty profusely. He was dazed. I got him off the ground, sat him up, tried to provide some direct pressure. Then Antifa came out and were yelling threatening things to me and making threats to me and my person while I was giving my report to law enforcement."

Hacker was charged with assault, went to the Clackamas County Jail, and was denied bail.

Pro-Palestinian radical at city council meeting threatens to 'murder' city council members. As you might guess, it doesn't end well for the lass.

A pro-Palestinian activist during a Bakersfield, California, city council meeting threatened to "murder" city council members. As you might guess, the threat didn't end well for her.

Members of United Liberation Front, a group of pro-Palestinian radicals, had been attending the bi-weekly city council meetings. They demand the city adopt — or at least introduce — a resolution supporting a ceasefire in Gaza, and they often have become disruptive as the council thus far has refused to cooperate.

During the April 10 meeting, one ULF member — 28-year-old Riddhi Patel — impugned city leaders during two separate speeches. In her first speech, she said, "I hope one day somebody brings a guillotine and kills all of you motherf***ers," apparently spitting as she walked away from the podium. In her second speech, she said, "You guys want to criminalize us with metal detectors? We'll see you at your house. We'll murder you."

With that, Mayor Karen Goh announced that Patel made a "threat" and asked officers to "escort" her out.

You can view Patel in action during the city council meeting here. She speaks just after the 30-minute mark, and she speaks again just before the 47-minute mark; it was just after Patel's second set of remarks that she was arrested and charged with 16 felonies: eight counts of threatening with intent to terrorize and eight counts of threatening elected public officials. She ended up in custody on a bond of at least $1 million.

Days later in court, Patel was far from the firebrand she portrayed at the city council meeting; instead she was wearing a brown jail uniform and weeped uncontrollably. A judge ruled on Oct. 1 that her case would proceed.

Heavily armed leftists surround, threaten lone Portland motorist. But when fed-up driver points his own gun at them, all hell breaks loose.

Heavily armed leftists apparently acting as security for a march in Portland on May 5, 2021, pointed their guns at a lone motorist and threatened him before the fed-up driver exited his truck and pointed his own gun at them — and then all hell broke loose.

The large group of marching leftist militants reportedly gathered to remember Patrick Kimmons, a black man fatally shot by Portland police in 2018.

But a vehicle apparently leading the group came upon a pickup truck driver who was traveling toward the marchers, and the lead vehicle blocked the driver's path — and in seconds, numerous militants descended upon the pickup truck driver and began threatening him.

The thing is, though, the driver had a gun, too — and the heavily armed militants didn't like that one bit. "You better f***ing not!" one leftist was heard yelling at the driver. "Put your f***ing gun down!" The driver, standing behind his truck door, pointed at one particularly well-strapped leftist and twice yelled back, "You got about five seconds to lower that f***ing weapon!"

The lone driver — who faced about a half-dozen armed leftists in the standoff — jawed with the hostile group, calling them "c**ksuckers" and "f***in' idiots" and repeatedly ordering them to "shut up." One leftist told the driver that his "vehicle is a deadly weapon" — which didn't go over too well with the driver, who noted all the rifles pointed in his direction.

As the driver got back into this truck and began to move past the militants, one leftist called him a "f***ing Nazi" as others demanded he "get outta here!" Then just before he reached the intersection — apparently after one of the leftists hit or threw something at his truck — the driver stopped, got out, and confronted the group. The situation grew tense, with many people screaming, and the driver grabbed his gun and moved forward on one of the rifle-wielding leftists — who promptly shoved the driver backward.

With that, the driver regained his footing and drew his gun on the group, but he soon was tackled from behind, after which numerous militants piled on him. Then the driver was requesting an ambulance, asking for his gun back, and telling the leftists that he's a disabled Marine.

Cop drives motorcycle into left-wing protester blocking his path, pushing her up road and knocking her down — and her comrades lose their minds

A crowd of left-wing protesters tried having their way with a lone police officer on the night of Oct. 2, 2020, in Portland, Oregon — but he was having none of it.

The officer had pulled over two vehicles blocking traffic, police told the Oregonian. Video — which you can view here — shows protesters converging upon the scene. The lone, completely outnumbered officer then found himself facing down numerous protesters who inched their way toward him. "Back up!" he hollered repeatedly at them.

The driver of one of the vehicles he pulled over took off. But when the cop got on his motorcycle and prepared to pursue the driver, a couple of protesters stood in his way. One positioned herself directly in front of his motorcycle — her legs literally straddling the path of his front wheel. The officer was undeterred, however, and pushed the protester with his motorcycle up the road until she tumbled to the street, after which he sped away.

Right on cue, comrades of the knocked-down protester predictably flipped out and chased after the officer on foot while unleashing enraged howls.

More from the Oregonian:

Live videos from the scene showed officers approach the crowd to check if the person needed medical attention. An argument ensued, and at least one person was detained during the encounter.

Police said Saturday afternoon that the protester struck by the motorcycle was eventually taken to the hospital and later booked on charges of rioting, interfering with a peace officer and second-degree disorderly conduct. Police did not provide an update on the person's medical status. Police said they were booked into jail later than initially planned because someone had slashed the police vehicles' tires in the hospital parking lot.

Leftists who apparently see themselves as part of an army actually cry out, 'Medic! Medic!' as cops push them back following failed mission to topple Andrew Jackson statue

While National Park Police in Washington, D.C., lined up and pushed leftist protesters out of Lafayette Square Park on the evening of June 22, 2020 — following their failed attempt to pull down a statue of Andrew Jackson — one video caught a rather astonishing reaction from the vanquished demonstrators.

As if they see themselves as actual soldiers on the field of battle, a number of utterly defeated comrades were heard crying out, "Medic! Medic!" in the face of their bruised bodies and egos. Bless their hearts. Check out the video here.

Another clip showed the depressing aftermath as the limping army of history-erasers hacked up their lungs, tried to catch their collective breath, and licked their wounds. One person was heard loudly inquiring, "Anybody here need medical attention?"

Plug your ears! Leftist repeatedly screams in high-pitched fashion at San Francisco leaders during public meeting in protest of black trans fatal shooting

A left-wing activist screamed out her lungs for an extended period of time during public comment at a San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting on May 2, 2023, in the wake of a controversial fatal shooting.

The black trans individual who was shot — 24-year-old Banko Brown — allegedly tried to steal from a local Walgreens around 6:30 p.m. April 27, 2023, and was shot by a security guard, Fox News reported, adding that Brown died at a hospital.

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins days before the supervisors' meeting said her office wouldn't prosecute the guard, Michael-Earl Wayne Anthony, the cable network reported in a separate story.

During the pubic comment portion of the supervisors' meeting, a female speaker sporting a buzz cut and a black leather jacket said, "I don't have any words prepared today. I just want you to feel our pain. I don't know if you can at this point, based off your policy choices, but I have to pretend you have some form of empathy left. So I am going to spend the next minute screaming, 'cause that is what is going on in here. That is what the trans genocide in this country, in this city, has brought me to."

With that, she let out a lengthy, ear-piercing scream. Then she delivered another — and another. For variety, she added one more.

"Imagine that!" she yelled, before continuing her screaming. All told, she treated the room to 15 seconds' worth of high-volume bellowing. But she was far from done. Next came the high-pitched screaming sentences.

"I hate this! I hate what you've done to us! I hate what you're doing to us! I hate you, Board of Supervisors! I hate you, [Mayor] London Breed! I hate you, Jenkins!" she hollered in high-pitched fashion before letting out one final howling scream.

After dropping a couple of F-bombs, she also called the board members "cowards" and walked away. You can view the screaming speech here; it begins just after the 1-hour, 8-minute mark.

As readers of Blaze News likely know, Bay Area stores like Walgreens have been gutted by brazen shoplifters over the last several years and suffered as a result — it's a phenomenon rather common in large America cities nowadays.

Leftist students freak out, get arrested by campus cops after yet another MAGA hat reportedly is stolen

Remember when red "Make America Great Again" hats more or less became kryptonite to leftists and constantly seemed to lead to jaw-dropping episodes of Trump derangement syndrome?

Well, on May 2, 2019, a Texas State University student shot video of what he told Campus Reform occurred after another student stole his MAGA hat amid a heated political discussion on campus. The clip shows one student dropping and kicking the student's MAGA hat as campus police confront the female culprit.

While she's handcuffed, cops drop another student face down on the quad pavement as other students holler in protest and gather around the growing number of police. A third student begins screaming and crying hysterically, trying to get past officers: "Don't f***ing touch her!"

An apparent officer is heard speaking to the student whose MAGA hat was allegedly stolen, asking if he wants to press charges, and the student responds that he does and then is directed to follow the person.

As the pair of handcuffed students are led away, someone is heard off camera stating, "If that's not white privilege I don't know what the f*** is."

As police lead the arrested individuals through a building, the student who earlier was screaming and crying hysterically upped things quite a bit, getting in the MAGA-hat student's face and bellowing, "Get out! Why are you here?! Why are you here?! Leave!" Someone is then heard telling the MAGA-hat student, "You're escalating the situation. Get the f*** out."

Then inside the campus police station, yet another leftist student wearing a bandana over her face tried to get past police to one of the arrested students and actually appeared to bump chests with a cop. She was immediately turned against a wall and handcuffed as she yelled, "Don't f***ing touch me! What crime are you suspecting me of committing?! Articulate it! Articulate it!"

You can view video of the whole sorry scene right here.

Blaze News previously noted numerous instances during which anti-Trump folks have flipped out at MAGA-hat wearers, taken off or knocked the cap off their heads, or actually stolen them as video recorded the whole thing.

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Originally Published at Daily Wire, World Net Daily, or The Blaze

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.