Democrat Insurrectionists Pull Off The Coup, Shoving Biden Out Of The Race

The president of the United States, holed up in a beach house hundreds of miles from the White House, was just deposed by tweet. There was no speech or press conference. There was no photo or video of Joe Biden making any kind of announcement. Instead, early in the afternoon on Sunday, Joe Biden’s Twitter ...

Jul 22, 2024 - 15:28
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Democrat Insurrectionists Pull Off The Coup, Shoving Biden Out Of The Race

The president of the United States, holed up in a beach house hundreds of miles from the White House, was just deposed by tweet. There was no speech or press conference. There was no photo or video of Joe Biden making any kind of announcement. Instead, early in the afternoon on Sunday, Joe Biden’s Twitter account — an account we know that he does not control, and likely doesn’t even know how to use — posted a letter, bearing what appeared to be Biden’s digital signature, declaring that he won’t seek re-election.

About a half an hour later, Biden’s Twitter account posted a separate message endorsing Kamala Harris as Biden’s successor — without providing any indication as to why the endorsement wasn’t included in the letter. Biden’s chief of staff informed Cabinet officials of the news. At no point on Sunday did we see or hear Biden himself. 

The man who won 15 million votes in primaries all over the country just a few months ago — the man who said repeatedly that he was going to run for re-election as recently as a few days ago — was nowhere to be found. All we know is that Biden has now abandoned the presidential race, whether he realizes it or not. If it was a shock to you when you found out that Biden dropped out, imagine what a shock it will be to Biden when he finds out that he dropped out.

Following the attempts to imprison and assassinate Biden’s primary political opponent, what happened on Sunday moves us even closer to third-world status. America is lurching towards an unstable and unpredictable system of government when presidential candidates can disappear and then quit without appearing in public. And that’s after the media and party machinery conspired for years to hide the candidate’s progressive cognitive impairment. This is what decline looks like. And we can’t lose sight of it amid all the partisan political drama.

At the same time, as abrupt and frankly disturbing as it was, it needs to be said that Biden’s farewell was, in some ways, a fitting capstone for his career. In his five decades in political office, Biden was never known for making his own decisions. He had no overarching political philosophy, no “America First”-style trademark. Instead, Biden was a craven, spineless servant to the powerful. He was a man who did what he was told, again and again.

As a favor to the bank that employed his son, for example, Biden spearheaded legislation that made it harder for people to discharge credit card debts in bankruptcy. That legislation flew in the face of Biden’s self-described status as a hero to the working class, but Biden never cared about that. He cared about following orders, especially when following those orders enriched his family.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

This was Biden’s calling card, and party elites understood it well. When Biden announced his candidacy for the White House in 2019, at first, it went about as well as his previous runs in 1988 and 2008. No one cared. There was no enthusiasm whatsoever. He was polling behind Elizabeth Warren in Iowa. Then, when Bernie Sanders won the popular vote in both the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, the leaders of the party realized they had to coalesce behind Biden. Bernie Sanders was a radical they couldn’t control. Biden would do what he was told.

Yesterday, after weeks of prodding that spilled out into the open, Biden again did just that. He followed orders because he had no other choice.

To make the indignity even worse: they got rid of him on National Ice Cream Day, if you can believe it. That’s not to say we should be crying any tears of sympathy for Biden. He may have just been shivved, but he’s done plenty of shivving in his political career. More importantly, he just ran the most disastrously incompetent administration in American history. He opened the southern border, politicized the justice system, and oversaw the outbreak of war in Eastern Europe — a war he suggested he could prevent. And now, he’s being dragged out of the White House in total humiliation.

Biden has only himself to blame for this turn of events. He could have chosen to be a one term president a year ago, made the announcement and retained his dignity (what little he ever had to begin with). Indeed, Biden indicated four years ago that his only ambition was to be a “transitional” president. Instead he clung to power desperately — like all political leaders in his generation have — until party leaders had to pry it out of his cold, mostly dead hands.

Now he drops out in disgrace. And he will be remembered by history as the old, doddering, senile fool who was shuffled off the stage against his will. That will be his legacy.

Whether you call it a coup or a collapse — or both — it all began in earnest two months ago, when Biden’s handlers posted this video on social media, challenging Donald Trump to a debate. This video lasted just fourteen seconds, but it included five jump cuts, which didn’t exactly inspire confidence at the time. Watch:

That’s a video that should be inducted into the “this didn’t age well” Hall of Fame. The decision to challenge Trump to a debate before the convention will go down as one of the greatest political blunders in American history. No presidential debate has ever taken place so early in an election year. They’ve all happened after the nominating convention. The previous record-holder for earliest presidential debate was in September, and this Trump-Biden debate took place in June.

Apparently, Biden’s team decided to front-load the debate early in the cycle in order to head off concerns that Biden was too old for the job. They wanted him to put those concerns to rest before he deteriorated any further. That’s the benign interpretation of what happened, anyway. Of course, especially given what we know now, there’s also the very real possibility that Biden’s team sent him out there, pre-nominating convention, in order to sabotage him. Once everyone saw the extent of his decline, they could move forward with the process of picking a new candidate. I think that could very well be true. Though it may ascribe more intelligence and foresight to Democrat operatives than they deserve. I don’t know. 

In any event, that process is underway now. And there’s a lot of very dark irony involved here. After lecturing us for the last four years about the sanctity of our democratic system, Democrat Party elites are currently subverting the will of their own voters. They’re pushing the candidate chosen by the voters aside, in favor of Kamala Harris — who’s barely any more popular than Biden is. It was a bloodless coup — well, maybe bloodless, depending on who exactly was responsible for what happened last Saturday. Whatever it was, it was terrifyingly efficient. It only took them three weeks to complete. 

Already, major donors have thrown their support behind Harris. Delegates from several states have said they’ll support Harris. MSNBC’s talking heads have declared that the outcome is preordained: Harris, who performed so poorly in her own presidential run that she dropped out before a single primary took place, will be the Democrats’ nominee for president. Watch:

“The process is potentially nebulous, but the outcome is not.” And the goal of the process, we’re told, is “to make the VP look strong.”

These are remarkable statements coming from the network that’s spent the last four years telling us that Donald Trump is the sworn enemy of democracy. They’re now crowning a nominee behind closed doors. They’re not talking about a debate, or even an open convention where different candidates get to make their pitch to voters. That would be the process you’d expect in a party that took “democracy” seriously. But evidently, it’s not the process that Democrats are going to get. 

Instead, they’re treating the convention like a PR opportunity to promote the candidate chosen by the elites.

Nothing like this has ever happened before. Only two Democrat presidents — Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson — made the decision in an election year that they didn’t want to seek re-election. Prior to bowing out, both Truman and Johnson had openly acknowledged that it might be a good idea to leave the race. Johnson gave a 40-minute long address from the White House explaining his decision in full. And both Truman and Johnson left the race in March — in the middle of the primary season — giving Democrats a chance to pick another candidate.

By contrast, Biden has insisted, up until this bizarre tweet on Sunday, that he’s the best possible candidate that Democrats can run. Biden stayed in the race until mid-July, and didn’t participate in any primary debates because the DNC wouldn’t allow them. So now it appears the party has decided it simply won’t have a contested primary. Voters will take what they can get. And by the way, back in 2015, when Biden announced he wasn’t going to seek the presidency, he delivered a Rose Garden address explaining why he didn’t want to run. This time around — as president — Joe Biden is missing in action. It’s completely unprecedented.

But apparently it’s also been decided that Biden will remain as the president for the rest of his term, even though everyone — including Biden — now admits he lacks the cognitive ability and physical stamina to run for re-election. We have a president who can’t complete his own sentences, or stay awake past 4 in the afternoon. And all of our enemies all over the world know that. China, which has been eyeing an invasion of Taiwan for several years, is certainly aware of Biden’s condition at this point. What exactly is stopping them from taking over the world’s most important semiconductor manufacturers in Taiwan tomorrow?

Whoever’s running the country right now, it’s not Biden. It may not be anyone at all. The party of “democracy” has concealed Biden’s cognitive impairments from voters for years, and now these impairments have advanced to a degree that’s totally unsustainable. Obviously, that’s a massive threat to national security. We simply cannot have a president of the next six months who has publicly admitted to his own incompetence and mental incapacitation. If he remains in office, we are entering into one of the most dangerous times in recent history.

At the same time, there are some indications that Biden may not be around much longer. Take a look at this statement Joe Biden’s brother, which was released shortly after Biden dropped out. Watch:

That’s Joe Biden’s brother saying he hopes to enjoy “whatever time we have left” with Joe Biden. That’s either extremely poor wording under the circumstances, or it’s a sign that Biden has some kind of serious, terminal illness. For the record, according to CBS, someone on the Biden team responded to this claim from Biden’s brother by saying that it isn’t true and that the brother “suffers from alcoholism.” That detail would seem to be completely irrelevant and unnecessary, but this is the state of things. They’re all tearing each other apart. “Don’t listen to that old drunk,” seems to be the comeback from the Biden camp.

Of course, if you listen to the White House doctors, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Biden — even though we all know that’s not true. At this point, it’s clear that a team of physicians — independent of the White House — needs to conduct a full physical and neurological exam on Biden to determine the actual state of his health. And if Biden won’t leave office voluntarily, then he needs to be removed under the 25th Amendment. That’s the Constitutional way to oust a president who can’t serve. What Democrats are doing has no precedent in history or in law.

That said, if Harris is indeed the new nominee, it’d be a poetic way for us to end this year of reckoning with the madness of DEI. It concludes with the DEI Vice President becoming the nominee despite not receiving a single vote. It’s quite fitting that the first black female presidential nominee was handed the job and didn’t earn it. (Remember that Joe Biden said he’d select a woman to be vice president, and he did.) And let’s not forget that she began her career by having an affair with a powerful man 30 years older than her. She’s never earned anything through her own merit. And this nomination, if it happens, will be no different.

Democrats can pretend this isn’t true. They can call you racist for pointing it out. But it’s painfully obvious that Harris lacks the IQ to lead this country. The Biden administration put her in charge of the border, which is a complete disaster. Then they sent her to Europe to help avert war between Russia and Ukraine, and we all know how that turned out. She also suggested it might be a good idea to abolish both ICE (the immigration enforcement agency), as well as the entire concept of private health insurance. She’s suggested that terrorists like the Boston Marathon bomber should be able to vote in our elections. That’s the extent of her activities while in office, or campaigning for office. The rest of the time, she’s cackling like a buffoon, talking like a child, or bragging about her pronouns. Watch:


As tempting as it is to mock Harris for being unintelligent and annoying — which she is — Republicans need to be careful here. They’d make a grave mistake by underestimating the potential threat a Harris candidacy might pose. Sure, she’s an unremarkable midwit prone to saying weird and baffling things. But she’s also young (comparatively) and she has both the gender and the race card to play. That along with a corporate media ready and eager to act as her campaign staff make her a formidable challenge for Trump. It’s nothing to take lightly.

And once Harris takes over, of course, she won’t be running things either. Her staff will. And the policy agenda of those staffers would be the same kind of identity-based, communist ideology that nearly destroyed this country four years ago, during the BLM riots (when Harris was raising money to bail out rioters). During those riots, Harris uploaded this video on her social media channels, explaining her goals for the country if she ever took power. Watch:

Equity, according to Kamala Harris, means that “everyone ends up in the same place.” There can be no high achievers. There can be no students who get into good colleges because they worked hard. There can be no doctors who get hired by good hospitals because they’re the most competent, or lawyers who get hired by good law firms because they have the highest LSAT score. Kamala Harris’ vision for America is one where everyone ends up in the same place, and where merit is irrelevant.

This is an ideology that, taken to its logical conclusion, destroys economies and kills millions of people. We know that because it’s been tried before. But Kamala Harris wants to try it again because, at every stage in her life, merit has been completely irrelevant to her climb through the ranks. And through a combination of corrupt party maneuvering and identity politics, she’s now closer than ever to riding her own mediocrity into the Oval Office.

Democrats know she’s terrible. That’s why they don’t want to give their own voters the chance to disrupt her nomination in any way. And it’s why in November, unless we want to complete our descent into the third world, Americans must reject her as forcefully as we were going to reject Joe Biden.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.