Democrats Hope That White Guilt Will Carry Them To Victory

If you’re one of the twelve people in this country who still believes anything you see on cable news — if you’re the kind of person who, say, watches Chuck Schumer’s press conferences on Capitol Hill without being paid to do it — then there’s a chance you’re actually enthusiastic about the candidacy of Kamala ...

Jul 30, 2024 - 16:28
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Democrats Hope That White Guilt Will Carry Them To Victory

If you’re one of the twelve people in this country who still believes anything you see on cable news — if you’re the kind of person who, say, watches Chuck Schumer’s press conferences on Capitol Hill without being paid to do it — then there’s a chance you’re actually enthusiastic about the candidacy of Kamala Harris. You’ve been told that her campaign is off to a great start, and why would you possibly doubt it?

In a matter of days, she’s transformed into a better candidate than anyone expected. She’s so inspirational, in fact, that the Obamas endorsed her in an awkward phone call, several days after everyone else in the party endorsed her.

What’s missing in all of this manufactured enthusiasm is any explanation for why the party coalesced around Harris, or why she’s supposedly a better candidate now than she was four years ago. She hasn’t had a single clever moment, a great speech, or an innovative policy idea. To the extent she’s said anything about policy, it’s to undo everything she said back in 2020. She has no substance or even style. At least Obama was skilled enough with flowery rhetoric that the media could pretend he was profound and inspirational. But what is Kamala’s skill? What positive characteristic are they inflating or overstating to turn her into this political sensation? There isn’t one. The “transformation” is happening entirely and solely in the media. Kamala is the same Kamala she’s always been. What we’re witnessing is the media figuring out a new branding strategy in real time.

Four years ago, Democrats experienced a similar political crisis. To stop Bernie Sanders, they had to rally around Joe Biden — a perennial failure in politics who no one, including his old boss Obama, took seriously. To help sell Biden to voters who had rejected him several times before, Democrats resorted to a strategy that’s now very familiar: they manufactured racial conflict. They told black voters that the other side wanted to hunt them down and kill them. They turned lifelong criminals like George Floyd and Jacob Blake into heroes. And they told white voters that, unless they’re bigots, they should be good allies and vote for Democrats. 

The strategy worked. The fabricated media narratives and race hoaxes contributed to a kind of mass formation psychosis, to borrow a term from Robert Malone. Tens of millions of Americans were convinced by the lie that police officers regularly murder black people. They tolerated looting and violence in major cities in the name of racial retribution. And ultimately, more than a decade after Obama promised to usher in a racial utopia, we became a far more race-obsessed and racially conflicted society than we were at the turn of the century.

It’s precisely because this strategy worked that Democrats are now trying it again.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

For the second time in as many election cycles, Democrats are running a candidate who can barely complete coherent sentences, much less articulate a single achievement from their time in office. They know that “race hate” is once again their best option. Only this time, they’re being even more explicit about their intention of dividing Americans on the basis of race. We are now in the midst of a full-on “white guilt election.” Democrats are doing everything they can to mobilize voters by playing on white guilt. They’ve decided that, solely by virtue of their skin color and the mortal sins of their ancestors, white people have an obligation to support Kamala Harris. And while they’re supporting Harris, for good measure, white people need to stay the hell away from black people. In fact, white people aren’t even supposed to join the same virtual calls as black people. That’s how unclean white people are, according to the modern Democrat Party.

To that end, just hours Joe Biden ended his campaign for a second term, Democrats began holding racially segregated political events using Zoom.

First there was an event for black women supporters, which more than 40,000 black women joined. Whites weren’t welcome, apparently.

Then there was an event for black men, black queer men, and Asian women. Again, whites weren’t welcome. They went through all the identity groups and sub-genres. I don’t know if they had a Zoom event for gay Aboriginals or plus-sized disabled furries, but they’ll get around to it if they haven’t.

Finally on Thursday, there was a Zoom call for people identifying as white women, which was joined by more than 200,000 participants — a number so high that the Zoom call crashed several times. And you can understand why there was so much interest. It was history in the making: This Zoom call marked the first major opportunity for white people to get together in a whites-only political meeting since the KKK was shut down.

And the white women certainly made the most of it.

Of course, at their whites-only meeting, they made sure to say that conservatives are racist. That’s one of the things you do at whites-only meetings, naturally. You call people racist for refusing to hold segregated events. That goes without saying.

But then things got weird, to use the term that Democrats now repeat at every opportunity. A woman named Arielle Fodor began speaking — or sort of half-singing, or whatever the hell she was doing — and her contribution to the struggle session was so on the nose, it verged on self-parody. Watch:

Arielle Fodor, a.k.a. “Ms. Frazzled” — not to be confused with Ms Frizzle, of Magic School Bus fame — says “BIPOC women have tapped us in, as white women.” So apparently all women who identify as “black, indigenous and people of color” — every single one of them — have collectively decided, with no dissent, to “tap” women like Arielle Fodor in, to help achieve their political goals. I have my doubts about whether that happened. But if it did, that ranks up there as one of the worst decisions that the BIPOC collective has ever made, at least since they started referring to themselves as BIPOC.

As it stands, the message Democrats are sending via Arielle Fodor is clear: white people are not allowed to correct black people. Ever. “God forbid” you do that, says Arielle Fodor. You see, black people are never wrong. And if you think black people can make mistakes, then you need to update your “algorithm,” says Arielle Fodor. She actually said that. In other words, you need to make sure your programming aligns with the latest software update from the DNC.

So if a black person says that 3 x 7 = 57, just nod your head and smile. If a black person claims that elephants are reptiles, do not correct them. Remember that you are the one who is wrong, automatically. If a black person shoots you in the chest and steals your wallet, do not dare breathe a word of protest, you bigot. You thank that BIPOC American for his feedback and die without complaint, like an ally.

I looked into this woman to make sure she’s a real person. I thought for sure that she had to be a conservative plant who infiltrated the white women meeting to make Democrats look bad. But it turns out she has a huge TikTok account. She’s apparently a “teacher” who makes videos about political topics — except she addresses her audience as if they’re kindergartners. Here’s one of them:

The reason the schtick doesn’t work is that she’s clearly the dumb one, not the conservatives she’s attempting to mock. The only reason she’s pretending to address a mute, off-screen kindergartner is that it’s the only way she can potentially win an argument about anything. And even then she still loses. She’s arguing with invisible 5-year-olds, and you can’t help but be one the 5-year-old’s side — even if they don’t exist.

To be clear, I’m not cherry-picking one insane speaker from the white women Zoom call. They were all varying degrees of crazy. Here for example was actress Connie Britton. She begins on message, by saying all white women are “privileged.” But then she starts talking about all the great things white women have done, before spiraling into a discussion about her own “life experiences” and then concluding that women need to “break free” by “literally” blowing up American culture. It’s not really clear what she’s talking about, but you can judge for yourself. Watch:

We’re supposed to watch footage like this and conclude that conservatives are the “weird” ones. We’re supposed to watch this unhinged whites-only call and conclude that Republicans are the party of bigotry. And I guess we’re supposed to wait in suspense to see what Connie Britton decides to blow up. Not to be outdone, the pop singer Pink joined the call. And just a couple of weeks after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, her contribution was to declare that Donald Trump is not a human being. Watch:

Nobody knows what she’s talking about. Nobody knows why she’s dressed like she just got signed by Cash Money Records in 1998. There are many mysteries here.

Now, in response to videos like this, it’s tempting to say, “well, these are just wealthy, demented celebrities who aren’t remotely representative of the rest of the electorate.” But that’s not true. Again, there are hundreds of thousands of people on these calls. And there are other indications that these events reflect much broader and more fundamental changes in the electorate, all over the world. Back in January, the Financial Times published this chart:

Courtesy: Financial Times. Daniel Cox, Survey Center on American Life; Gallup Poll Social Series. FT graphic: John Burn-Murdoch. Copyright Financial Times.

FT graphic: John Burn-Murdoch. Copyright Financial Times.

The data, which is pulled from Gallup, shows that men and women were split pretty much equally for decades along the liberal-conservative divide. But over a period of just six years, a massive gap has opened up. Women between the ages of 18 to 30 are now “30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries,” the Financial Times found. There are similar gaps in Germany, the UK, and South Korea.

More recently, this week, the Wall Street Journal found that there are massive gaps between men and women on several fundamental cultural issues.

Courtesy: Stephanie Stamm/WSJ

Courtesy: Stephanie Stamm/WSJ

For example, young men oppose allowing children to “choose their gender identity without parental approval,” by a margin of 33 percentage points. That margin should be much higher, of course, because the idea of “gender identity” is made-up, and parents should be able to tell their children that. But the numbers for women are even worse. In fact, women actually support allowing children to pick their “gender identity” without parental approval, by a margin of 2 points.

Meanwhile, the University of Michigan found that 12th grade girls are now far more likely to identify as liberal than they’ve been at any point since 1975.

Courtesy: University of Michigan. Monitoring the Future Survey.

Courtesy: University of Michigan. Monitoring the Future Survey.

These are seismic shifts. And they suggest that what we’re seeing on this Zoom call is now more common among American women than it’s ever been. Women — particularly single women — are now the backbone of the Democrat Party. Married women and both single and married men tend to vote conservative. Single women are the outlier. They’re the ones tuning into these Zoom calls and nodding their heads as Pink says, “Donald Trump isn’t human.”

As significant as this problem may be for Republicans, of course the problem isn’t confined to women. Pretty much anyone with low testosterone appears to be affected. 

If you thought the estrogen was out of control in the whites-only women’s event for Kamala, wait until you see what happened at the whites-only men’s event for Kamala last night. Somehow, there was even more talk of crying and feelings than there was at the women’s event. Here’s the actor Josh Gad for example:


So eight years ago, Josh Gad cried on election night because Hillary Clinton didn’t win. There are some mean people who saying that Josh Gad hadn’t cried that much since his local Krispy Kreme shut down. I’m not a mean person, so I’m not saying that. But mean people are, and I absolutely abhor such insensitive comments. Anyway, instead of doing everything he can to scrub this memory from his mind, and pretending it never happened, he’s openly admitting it — on a racially segregated Zoom call with hundreds of thousands of white people, no less. Oh and also, he thinks Democrats are better than Republicans because they have more celebrities on their side that he likes. 

One of those celebrities is the guy who played one of the hobbits in “The Lord of the Rings,” Sean Astin. And he actually stumbled on an interesting observation, as he was overcome with some sort of emotion. Watch:

“The idea that men can gather to talk about how we feel is an interesting, powerful concept.” This is an observation that might explain a lot, actually, although Sean Astin didn’t realize it. For a lot of people in this country, the idea of white men communicating about issues that affect them is simply unheard of. You might as well talk about communicating with aliens. Every other demographic group gets to communicate about its alleged problems. But if white men do that, they’re demonized. 

That brings me back to one major factor that Democrats do have working in their favor this election: They’re making an explicit and direct pitch for the white vote. Yes, they’re doing it in a twisted, insane way. But they are doing it. Republicans on the other hand are terrified to even acknowledge the existence of white people — especially white men. They will make a direct appeal for the black vote, Hispanic vote, female vote, but never for the white vote. Which means that this white guilt strategy isn’t countered. Republicans will make fun of it (rightly so) but they won’t counter it. They won’t say, “No, white people shouldn’t feel guilty — they should be proud of who they are.” They’ll never say that in a million years. They want to have a “big tent” but they will not explicitly invite white men into it.

Instead they simply take their support for granted and do nothing to mobilize it — a mistake that Democrats never make with their core constituency. There’s an opening here because again and again, Democrats attack white men. They also attack the very idea of masculinity. This is from the very beginning of yesterday’s Zoom call. Watch:

This is apparently the message that Democrats are running with. It’s a “myth” to say that “men are expected to be protectors and providers.” Now, the second part of the guy’s statement is true — the economy under Joe Biden makes it much harder for men to provide for their families. But that doesn’t make the role of men a “myth.” It means we should be doing everything we can to fix the economy and encourage more men to create families that they can provide for. 

But instead of saying that, Pete Buttigieg — the paragon of masculinity — hopped on the Zoom call and said abortion is great because it gives men more “freedom.” This is why Mayor Pete supports abortion up until the moment of birth. This is one of those things Democrats are never supposed to say out loud, even though they all think it. Abortion frees men to have sex with random women, because if a baby is created in the process, they can always have it killed and disposed of. That’s what’s being said here.

It’s not really about women at all, for Mayor Pete. It’s about empowering more men to abandon women and their potential future family to have more meaningless sex. Watch:

So Democrats’ message to white people on this call is clear: You’re racist, you need to shut up, and if possible, you should kill your child so you don’t have a family. That’s what they want white men to aspire to, instead of masculinity. 

This racial guilt trip strategy is one that either works extremely well, or it falls laughably flat. There’s not a lot of room in between those extremes. For those white people who have been successfully indoctrinated into the cult of “anti-racism” — who’ve had their minds twisted nearly from birth by the idea that they are responsible for every atrocity in human history simply because of their skin pigment — this strategy is deeply effective. For those of us who were not successfully brainwashed, the whole thing is absurd. Often grotesque. Always laughable. 

Right now, it’s clear that the Harris campaign is wagering that there are enough white people in the former category to push them over the top. They’re not being subtle about it. After jettisoning Joe Biden, Democrats have decided that they’re once again going all-in on anti-white race hatred. They’re betting that conservatives won’t even attempt to counter it. 

But it wouldn’t be hard to do so. Imagine if Trump came out and just said this: “White men have been demonized and scapegoated for too long. They helped build this country. They deserve respect.” That would be a start. Millions and millions of white men would hear themselves actually defended by name — the same way every other group is — for the first time on the national political stage. That’s how you respond to the strategy that Democrats are now fully committed to. It’s how you return masculinity and sanity to this country. And it’s how you ensure that, in a little over three months, all of these celebrities are crying like it’s 2016 all over again.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.