Democrats in 9 states want to control us all
'The Electoral College protects both the people's vote and the Republic'
When Gov. Tim Walz brought up the Democratic Party’s desire to eliminate the check and balance against tyranny, aka the Electoral College, he did not mention the master plan includes the invasion of the United States of America from the Third World. But the strategic placement of 22 to 25 million people who owe their presence here to the Democratic Party clearly shows the outline of the dissolution of the Republic.
With the election less than three weeks away, Donald Trump’s 2016 win is a case study in presidential voting. Trump won 30 states, 10 more than Hillary Clinton. His Electoral College tally was 304, and Mrs. Clinton’s was 227. Hillary won the popular vote, 48.2 million to 46.1 million. The entire popular-vote margin came from California, New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois.
Under the Clinton rule, as she would have it, presidential campaigns could be limited to a dozen key states – and the rest of America could lump it.
The core idea of the Republic, and the structure of its governance, was to allow the average citizen to influence the government. The power to regulate elections was vested in the states. Today, the core goal of the Democratic Party is to win and hold power in perpetuity. To do so they must stick it to average folks.
And dumping the Electoral College would enslave the populations of 41 states, subjecting those people to the will of nine states where half the nation’s 329 million people reside. California is a microcosm of this system. Los Angeles County has more population than 41 states. There are no Republican officeholders in Los Angeles County, and when combined with San Francisco, where the homeless population lines up with the very rich to support the Democratic Party, the state’s election laws have been twisted to ensure one-party rule. Historically, one-party rule has been called “mob rule,” and so it is. Strange the very rich are right in line with the homeless drug addicts of San Francico while, the folks who bring home a paycheck are wearing out Interstate 80 en route to a new home in Idaho.
Eighty percent of the California Legislature and 100 percent of the statewide elected officials are Democrats. The mob rules.
What happens when the mob rules? Gov. Gavin Newsom just put out a press release touting the fact he has organized an NGO approach to all youth sports activities to ensure the parents involved are properly versed in transgenderism and fully immerse their Little League participants in the LGBTQ agenda and the liturgy of DEI. That would not happen in an adversarial, and balanced, political system. But the left of the left in the Golden State know no fear. They set up a system that gives them perpetual power.
The Electoral College protects both the people’s vote and the Republic. It provides states with the ability to police elections. The founders considered it so vital it cannot be changed or eliminated unless 38 states agree to a constitutional amendment. The Constitution stands in the way of the Democratic Party, so the Democratic Party has devised a way to ignore the Constitution. It is called the National Popular Vote Compact.
A secret of this election cycle is the fact this compact has aligned 17 states with a total of 209 of the 270 votes needed in the Electoral College. These states pledged to cast their Electoral College vote based upon the outcome of the national popular vote. It just happens all the states willing to surrender their political authority to a national popular vote are all controlled by the Democratics.
So, if the Democratic Party cannot win the debate and amend the Constitution, it will circumvent the Electoral College and ignore the constitutional system of amendments. Two bulwarks of constitutional government slain in one subterfuge.
Immigration, and the refusal of the Democrats to enforce immigration law, provides a third path to everlasting victory: Turn Texas. The carefully planned, federally financed NGO-managed distribution of illegal aliens to a handful of key states managed by Democratic Party operatives is obvious to anyone paying attention.
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