Democrats’ secret strategy for winning November’s election no matter what

Yet 'Kamala is literally a communist,' warns Elon Musk

Aug 19, 2024 - 10:28
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Democrats’ secret strategy for winning November’s election no matter what
Kamala Harris walks onstage to deliver remarks with Joe Biden on the administration's efforts to lower prescription drug costs for Americans, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2024, in Largo, Maryland. (Official White House photo by Lawrence Jackson)

Kamala Harris walks onstage to deliver remarks with Joe Biden on the administration's efforts to lower prescription drug costs for Americans, Thursday, August 15, 2024, in Largo, Maryland. (Official White House photo by Lawrence Jackson)

America in late 2024 has become a surreal, ever-unfolding drama of shocks, horrors and wonders.

On one hand, there’s the widespread conviction that Almighty God Himself reached down and dramatically saved Donald Trump from an assassin’s bullet that came within a fraction of an inch of blowing the former president’s brains out.

On the other hand, America’s citizens, having endured almost four years of Biden-Harris devastation of their beloved country’s economy, culture, safety, freedom and sanity, are now being forced to endure perhaps the most blatantly dishonest political charade in American history.

That would be the entire Democrat-media complex suddenly pretending that Vice President Kamala Harris – who just four years ago was so unpopular that she was forced to drop out of the presidential race without winning a single electoral vote – is actually a brilliant, experienced, strong, wise and inspirational leader, totally qualified to become the next U.S. president. Which also means leader of the free world during an exceedingly treacherous time when nuclear war looms ever closer.

Unfortunately – as virtually everyone, Republican and Democrat alike, knew until a few weeks ago when Joe Biden was unceremoniously dumped and the grand charade deifying Kamala Harris began – she is a shallow, pretentious, dishonest, arrogant, chameleon-like and gratingly unlikable human being.

She’s also mean. In fact, virtually her entire White House staff – 92 percent – quit due to her abuse. When the Washington Post interviewed 18 people in Harris’ orbit, they portrayed a toxic White House work environment, with staffers’ descriptions of it ranging from “uncomfortable” to “soul-destroying.”

This is who Harris is. Even back when she was California’s attorney general, the New York Post reported the same arrogant cruelty: “‘Bully’ Kamala Harris ‘berated staff,’ left them in tears after berating them with ‘F-bombs,’ intern told never to make eye contact.”

But now turn the page. In addition to her negative personal traits like being both nasty and dumb – and cackling like a maniac – much more importantly, Kamala Harris is also, as Elon Musk accurately put it, “quite literally a communist.” Rated the most liberal member of the entire U.S. Senate in 2019, the far-left Harris explicitly insists not on equal opportunity, the quintessential American ideal, but on equal outcomes, the quintessential Marxist/communist ideal.

Oh, and she also lies continually and audaciously. Prime example: The “border czar” who has presided over the ongoing full-scale foreign invasion of America by millions of illegal aliens including myriad drug dealers, child-sex traffickers, mental patients, gang members, criminals and terrorists, now claims in a TV ad that not only has she strengthened the border, but that Donald Trump has left the border unprotected! This, of course, is too demented for even the most notoriously dishonest Democrat politicians to match. Such embarrassingly obvious gaslighting requires a level of arrogance combined with stupidity that few people possess, even in politics. Again, not just lying, but boldly proclaiming as truth the exact opposite of the reality that virtually everyone can plainly see.

Thus, good Americans are desperately, and prayerfully, looking to November’s election as their one doorway to national survival, sanity and restoration. They hope and pray they can re-elect Donald Trump, under whose administration inflation was below 2%, America’s economy was booming, gasoline was $2 a gallon, unemployment – especially black unemployment – was at record lows, international respect for America was at a peak, and the nation was, therefore, at peace.

But there’s a problem.

However unspeakably bad everything has gotten during the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, today’s far-left Democratic Party is single-mindedly obsessed with retaining and expanding its power, no matter what. And that means Democrats, conspiring with the Deep State, the legacy news media, Big Tech and other corporate allies, will do literally anything and everything within their power to rig, corrupt, and thereby steal the 2024 election, just as they did in 2020.

Before moving past that last statement – about powerful media, corporate, financial and governmental players stealing the 2020 election – understand that this is not a “right-wing conspiracy theory.” No less than Time magazine in February 2021 – just weeks after Joe Biden took office as president on Jan. 20 – featured a lengthy essay by progressive journalist Molly Ball ecstatically documenting the massive secret plot to swing the outcome of the November 2020 election to a Biden victory.

Here’s an excerpt of “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” Time’s exultant review of the vast “conspiracy” that allowed the 2020 election to be stolen from Donald Trump:

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes … the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. … Their work touched every aspect of the election.

They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. …

This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election, based on access to the group’s inner workings, never-before-seen documents and interviews with dozens of those involved from across the political spectrum. It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster. … That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream – a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.

Wait … “How close the nation came to disaster”? Why exactly would a Trump victory have been a “disaster” for the nation?

And why are today’s elites not only perfectly comfortable with rigging an election in every way possible to retain power (even bragging about it), but also secretly convinced they have a moral mandate to win – no matter what?

Racist, fascist, terrorist Nazis!

As everyone knows, since 2016 Democrats and the major news media have relentlessly portrayed Donald J. Trump as the virtual incarnation of evil. They claimed for years that he was essentially a traitor, that he had colluded with America’s mortal enemies to win the presidential election, and that he’s also a “racist,” “white supremacist,” “Islamophobe,” “fascist,” “Nazi” and admirer of Adolf Hitler.

Not coincidentally, the same people likewise defame Trump’s tens of millions of supporters, 74 million of whom voted for him in 2020 – Republicans, conservatives, Christians and other regular, decent, law-abiding, traditional-values Americans – as evil. “Deplorables” and “irredeemable,” Hillary Clinton called them. “Semi-fascists,” Biden famously labeled Trump’s supporters. “Domestic terrorists,” Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland branded parents who stood up at a school board meeting to protest the Marxist brainwashing of their children. “Racists” and “white supremacists,” as virtually all Republicans are routinely referred to by the left.

Writing in the Washington Post, legendary columnist Charles Krauthammer once crystalized the whole issue this way: “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”

And the ultimate strategy leftists have long employed for hammering home the supposed evils of conservatives has been to compare them to Nazis. Indeed, even shortly after the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn’t resist attacking Trump again as “a racist and a neo-Nazi.”

So, what does endlessly slandering Trump and his supporters have to do with Democrats’ multi-tiered strategy to rig the outcome of November’s election, no matter what?


Consider that in response to the real Adolf Hitler, assassination was the most moral response – indeed, there were 16 known plots to kill Hitler. So obviously, any less extreme but equally effective strategy – say, rigging an election to remove a genocidal monster from power – would also be moral and righteous.

No rules

Thus, Democrats and their leftist allies are attempting to defeat a successful former president with an impressive track record, but about whom they have lied continually for eight years, impeached twice, subjected to an unprecedented and scandalously illegal lawfare campaign intended to imprison him for the rest of his life, and who just weeks ago narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.

In truth, likening Donald Trump to Hitler has long been the Democrats’ barely disguised bottom-line narrative. It constitutes their justification for lying and deceiving others as easily as normal people breathe. And it’s the nuclear core of their election strategy – as it has been since 2016.

This explains why, according to the Democrat-media complex, it was far better for Americans to vote for the always-lying, epically corrupt and preternaturally conniving Hillary Clinton in 2016 than to vote for Donald Trump. And far better to vote for the always-lying, demented, head-of-a-crime-family Joe Biden in 2020 than to vote for Donald Trump. And far better, in 2024, to vote for the always-lying, uniquely unlikable, super-leftwing cackling lunatic Kamala Harris as the next U.S. president – instead of Donald Trump.

After all, anybody is better than the genocidal monster Adolf Hitler … or somebody the elites insinuate is just like him.

And therefore, anything goes. ANYTHING. No rules – exactly how the left likes things. As famed Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu put it, “War is deception.” And anyone trying to get rid of Hitler is engaged in warfare.

So, then, the Trump-is-Hitler delusion can serve as the unspoken justification for the most insane and destructive policies imaginable – say, flooding America with millions of illegal aliens. In normal times, this would universally be regarded as a treasonous policy since it degrades, damages and largely destroys the host country. But then, what if those same illegal aliens were somehow enabled to vote in U.S. elections – and could be counted on to vote against Hitler?

That might just be OK, according to the left’s logic.

‘Nothing less than a miracle’

With all of this swirling madness, it’s easy to lose hope. Don’t. There’s still real hope for America. All sane people must, of course, vote for Trump. No protest votes, no Libertarian votes, no RFK Jr. votes, no “I’m-a-Christian-and-not-involved-in-worldly-things-like-politics” excuses. They can also sign up others to vote and volunteer at their polling place and support organizations actively working to maximize election integrity and minimize fraud, like True the Vote and Turning Point USA and Protect the Vote.

And they can, and truly must, fervently pray. Indeed, remember God’s shining promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Finally, consider what bestselling author and popular Christian broadcaster Eric Metaxas affirmed the day after the attempt on Donald Trump’s life:

“I have said repeatedly for months that those who hate Trump would stop at nothing to make sure he doesn’t get back in to the White House, including trying to assassinate him. I have also said God’s hand is on him, and would protect him, if God forbid someone did try to do that. Last night we saw that happen. His survival was nothing less than a miracle. So be assured that God is not finished with this nation. But we need to pray. … We are in an existential crisis, and without God, this experiment in self-government will not continue. But it is God’s will that it continue. So please pray.”

The preceding is adapted from David Kupelian’s introductory story in the current Whistleblower Special Report, “GOD, TRUMP, AMERICA … AND DEMOCRATS’ ALL-OUT PLAN TO STEAL THE 2024 ELECTION.”

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.