DNC Night #2: Hypocrite Obamas + Sell-Out Jews For Anti-Semitism! 

Tuesday night of the Democratic National Convention featured hatred of actual wealth creation — people who got super rich off the taxpayer dime and then made their subsequent fame and fortune.  The Democratic Party has an addiction to taxpayer nepo-babies. Their belief is that no one in the private sector actually creates wealth or jobs; ...

Aug 21, 2024 - 16:28
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DNC Night #2: Hypocrite Obamas + Sell-Out Jews For Anti-Semitism! 

Tuesday night of the Democratic National Convention featured hatred of actual wealth creation — people who got super rich off the taxpayer dime and then made their subsequent fame and fortune. 

The Democratic Party has an addiction to taxpayer nepo-babies. Their belief is that no one in the private sector actually creates wealth or jobs; all innovation is a lie. According to them, the best people on earth are people who live off the taxpayer dime their entire political lives. And then, later, they get a little rich, exceptionally rich, or buy three houses (like the Obamas), off of their fame and fortune from having lived off the taxpayer dime their entire lives.

But these are supposedly the most praiseworthy people.

According to Democrats, actual wealth creation and innovation are terrible. Thus, America needs an over-class of special people who’ve been living off the taxpayer dime since their youth and who’ve never created a job or business — never innovated a single damn thing. Those people need to make all the rules of the road for everyone else.

That was the DNC on Tuesday night.

They have never innovated. They’ve never built a business. They’ve never done a damned thing outside of taking taxpayer money to boss people around. That is all they do all day long. That is true at every level of the top echelon of the Democratic Party.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

Barack Obama has never held a real job, ever. He was a community organizer his entire life, and then he went directly into taxpayer-funded politics. None of those are real jobs.

Michelle Obama worked at a private law firm for five minutes, and then got a cushy gig at the University of Chicago because her husband was in politics. Now, she gallivants around, being famous, wealthy, and well-loved because her husband was president of the United States.

Chuck Schumer has been in politics since 1862. He has never held a job in the private sphere. Nancy Pelosi’s husband was very rich, but she has never run a business. She has been in politics since before Socrates was killed. 

Bernie Sanders is a career leech on the taxpayer. A man so useless, he was once thrown out of a commune for failing to do work. A man who was a deadbeat dad while living on a commune in Vermont and preaching about socialism while making trash educational home videos.

None of these people have ever created a damned thing. Ever. Ever.

All of these people are loaded. They didn’t get loaded by creating things. They got loaded by redistributing money from other people who earned it. They got loaded by seizing control of the levers of distribution. That is how they got rich.

And then they turn around and blame the people who actually create the wealth. That’s part of what underlies their hatred for Donald Trump.

They hate that Trump was a businessman for decades before he became president of the United States. All of these people became rich after being politicians. Trump became rich before being a politician.

The Left is constantly harping on the idea that if you grew up rich, then there is something innately evil about you; that if you received the benefit of growing up middle-class or above in the United States, you are effectively an affirmative action child.

That was the case that Michelle Obama tried to make on Tuesday night, saying: 

Most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth. If we bankrupt a business or choke in a crisis, we don’t get a second, third, or fourth chance. If things don’t go our way, we don’t have the luxury of whining or cheating others to get further ahead, no. We don’t get to change the rules so we always win. If we see a mountain in front of us, we don’t expect there to be an escalator waiting to take us to the top.

There you go: the Iron Law of Woke Projection.

“We don’t get a second, third, or fourth chance” to fail up.

That’s Kamala Harris’ entire career. Her entire career has been failing up. She was a crappy D.A., and she was made into a crappy attorney general by the skin of her teeth in a super-blue state. She was made into a crappy senator, and then she failed. And she was made a crappy vice president. And then she also failed. And she’s now made into a crappy presidential nominee and presumably will be a crappy president. She has done nothing but fail up.

And the idea that the Obamas have never been given a second, third, fourth chance? They get endless chances because they’re in politics. There’s no return on investment demanded for what they do; nobody is expecting them to meet a bottom line. They’ve never gone bankrupt because there’s one group of people who can’t go bankrupt: politicians. It’s not possible because they are living off the taxpayer dime.

The government cannot go bankrupt. It just prints additional dollars. If your policies fail, you can always confiscate dollars from people who actually made those dollars. That’s the beauty of being a politician. That’s the beauty of being reliant on the taxpayer. You can never go bankrupt.

“Affirmative action of generational wealth”? Do you know how many people have blown generational wealth? It happens all the time. The one parental scheme that can never be blown is the one where the government is your daddy or mommy. They’ll just keep cutting those checks forever.

This idea that you never get a second, third, fourth chance from the federal government under a Democratic scheme is a lie.

It’s so sickening when Michelle Obama says they won’t rig the rules. The Dems just ousted the presidential nominee, and they’re trying to rig all the rules of the Supreme Court.

My favorite part was when Michelle Obama said that her parents were suspicious of folks who “took more than they needed.”

She owns three houses. Three. Is that more than she needs? Given her contribution to the world at large, it seems the answer would be a resounding yes.

The hypocrisy is astounding.

At the same time, the anti-Semitism at the DNC was so bad that Jewish events had to be held at undisclosed locations under heavy security. Pro-Hamas demonstrators burned the American flag.

At the RNC, the crowd chanted “bring them home” about the hostages taken by Hamas; they were chanting in solidarity for Israel.

Josh Kraushaar asked the Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, if he agreed with President Biden that the anti-Israel protesters “have a point.” Shapiro responded:

Look, I haven’t heard specifically what they’ve said. I’m not trying to duck your question. I’ll address it. I think protesters absolutely have a right to have their voices be heard. Whatever the rules of the road are. The mayor of Chicago, I assume he sets that. They gotta follow the rules, but their voices should be heard and they should be encouraged to exercise their first Amendment rights. Whether I agree with them or not is beside the point.

No, that actually is the point. But he’s a coward because the Jews at the top level of the Democratic Party don’t care about Israel. They don’t care about Judaism. They care much more about fealty to their party. If those were white supremacists outside applying their First Amendment rights, would Shapiro have said something about the cause for which they were burning the American flag?

On Tuesday night, the Democrats tried to trot out two of the least credible sources on fighting anti-Semitism in America. Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader who has presided over the pro-Iran tilt of the Democratic Party, the complete consolidation of the anti-Semitic squad within the Democratic hierarchy, and made excuses for every anti-Semite under the sun. 

We also heard from Doug Emhoff, who’s as Jewish as a ham sandwich. Emhoff talking about Judaism is like me talking about traditional Catholicism. He has no relationship with Judaism. He doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.

For years we’ve played videos of Emhoff trying to pretend he understands what a Jewish holiday is. He has no clue. He told the story of Purim, and his story of Purim was completely wrong. Then, he told the story of Hanukkah, and it was completely wrong. His daughter fundraises for the UNRWA, the Hamas front-group, and his wife presides over an anti-Semitic Democratic Party.

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Chuck Schumer talked about how he’s the highest ranking Jewish official in American history. He ripped Trump as a guy who peddles anti-Semitic stereotypes. 

What a trash person Schumer is. Trump is the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish president in American history. And Schumer, a person who covers for the Squad, says he is standing up against anti-Semitism.

You’ve got to be kidding me. Any Jew who falls for this crap is a moron.

Emhoff is a scumbag who banged the nanny, who had an abortion. That’s why he got divorced in his first marriage.

Don’t pretend you’re speaking for Jews and Judaism when you say stupid crap like, “Kamala has connected me more deeply to my faith, even though it’s not the same as hers. She comes to synagogue with me for high holiday services and I go to church with her for Easter.”

I can tell how Jewish you are when you say that your Judaism is reconfirmed by going to church on Easter Sunday with your wife and your pro-Hamas daughter. That’s not Torah Judaism or Judaism in any way.

But, Emhoff bragged, Kamala does “make a mean brisket.”

You sad sacks can’t condemn anti-Semitism within your own party, but you’re speaking for Jews because Kamala Harris makes a brisket and Doug Emhoff goes to church on Easter Sunday?

“Kamala has fought against anti-Semitism and all forms of hate her whole career,” he boasted.

The hell she has. She won’t even fight against Hamas, which wants to eliminate the state of Israel.

The hypocrisy of the Democratic Party is repulsive in every way.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.