God, Trump, America … and Democrats’ all-out plan to steal the 2024 election

Stunning new SPECIAL REPORT illuminates Left's strategy for installing Kamala Harris as president

Aug 7, 2024 - 12:28
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God, Trump, America … and Democrats’ all-out plan to steal the 2024 election
Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci snapped this photo of former President Trump in the aftermath of a failed assassination attempt. (Courtesy Evan Vucci, AP)
Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci snapped this photo of former President Trump in the aftermath of a failed assassination attempt. (Courtesy Evan Vucci, AP)
Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci snapped this photo of former President Trump in the aftermath of a failed assassination attempt.

America in late 2024 has become a surreal, almost phantasmagoric drama of shocks, horrors and wonders – including a widespread conviction that Almighty God Himself reached down and dramatically saved Donald Trump from an assassin’s bullet that came within a fraction of an inch of blowing the former president’s brains out.

All the surrounding chaos – Joe Biden being forced out of the 2024 presidential race, leaving radical leftist Kamala Harris as the Democrats’ nominee; the ongoing full-scale invasion of America by millions of illegal aliens including myriad drug dealers, sex traffickers, mental patients, gang members, criminals and terrorists; skyrocketing crime, inflation, and every other societal horror, all shepherded, nurtured and funded by the Biden-Harris regime – continues to ravage the nation.

Thus, good Americans desperately, yet hopefully and prayerfully, look to November’s election as their one doorway to national survival, sanity and restoration.

But there’s a problem.

However unspeakably bad everything has gotten during the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, one reality remains unchanged: Today’s far-left Democratic Party is single-mindedly obsessed with retaining and expanding its power, no matter what. And that means Democrats, in close collaboration with the Deep State, the legacy news media, Big Tech and other corporate allies, will do absolutely anything and everything within their power to rig, corrupt and steal the 2024 election.

Understand: Today’s leftist elites are not only perfectly comfortable with cheating in every way possible to retain power; they secretly believe they have a moral mandate to win – no matter what.

How can that possibly be? Rigging elections is not just illegal, immoral and unconstitutional. It’s literally suicidal for any nation.

So how do today’s leftist elites justify their obsession?

‘Racist, fascist, terrorist, Nazi!’

As everyone knows, since 2016 Democrats and the major news media have relentlessly portrayed Donald J. Trump as the incarnation of evil. They claimed for years that he was essentially a traitor, colluding with America’s mortal enemies to win the presidential election. And that he’s also a “racist,” “white supremacist,” “Islamophobe,” “fascist,” “Nazi” and admirer of Adolf Hitler.

Not coincidentally, the same people likewise defame Trump’s tens of millions of supporters – Republicans, conservatives, Christians and other regular, decent, law-abiding, traditional-values Americans – 74 million of whom voted for him in 2020 … as EVIL. “Deplorables” and “irredeemable,” Hillary Clinton called them. “Semi-fascists,” Biden famously labeled Trump’s supporters. “Extremists” and “domestic terrorists,” Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland branded parents standing up at a school board meeting to protest the Marxist brainwashing of their children; “racists” and “white supremacists,” as virtually all conservatives are referred to daily.

Writing in the Washington Post, legendary columnist Charles Krauthammer once crystalized the whole issue this way: “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”

And the method of choice leftists have long employed for hammering home the supposed evils of conservatives has been to compare them to fascists and Nazis. Indeed, even after the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez couldn’t resist attacking Trump as “a racist and a neo-Nazi.”

So, what does endlessly slandering Trump and his supporters have to do with Democrats’ multi-tiered strategy to rig the outcome of this November’s election, regardless of the actual will of the American people?


Consider that in response to the real Adolf Hitler, assassination attempts were the most moral response – indeed, there were 16 known plots to kill der Fuhrer. So obviously, any lesser action that would serve to reduce or neutralize the influence of such an evil, mass-murdering dictator – say, like rigging an election – would likewise be moral, desirable and righteous.

And of course, to bring things back to stark, present-day reality, the Democrats, with their atrocious track record and equally atrocious candidates, have nothing else going for them in the 2024 election other than lying, defaming and cheating in every way possible.

No rules

Democrats and their leftist allies are attempting to defeat a successful former president with an impressive track record, but about whom they have lied continually for eight years, impeached twice, subjected to an unprecedented and scandalously illegal lawfare campaign intended to imprison him for the rest of his life, and who just weeks ago narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.

In truth, “Trump is America’s Hitler” has long been the Democrats’ bottom-line, barely disguised message. It constitutes their justification for lying and deceiving others as easily as normal people breathe. And it’s the nuclear core of their election strategy, as it has been since 2016.

This explains why, according to what Rush Limbaugh called “the Democrat-media-industrial complex,” it was far better for Americans to vote for the always-lying, epically corrupt and preternaturally conniving Hillary Clinton in 2016 than to vote for Donald Trump. And it was far better to vote for the always-lying, demented, head-of-a-crime-family Joe Biden in 2020 than Donald Trump. And it’s why Americans are now being told it is far better to vote for the always-lying, epically unserious, astonishingly unlikable, ultra-leftwing cackling “idiot” – a word widely used to describe her – Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States and leader of the free world, instead of Donald Trump.

After all, anybody is better than the genocidal monster Adolf Hitler … or someone the elites insist is just like him.

Therefore, if one is opposing another Hitler, anything goes. ANYTHING. There are no rules – and that’s exactly how the left likes things. As famed Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu put it, “War is deception.” And anyone trying to get rid of Hitler is engaged in warfare.

So, then, the Trump-is-Hitler delusion can serve as the unspoken justification for the most insane and destructive policies imaginable – say, flooding America with millions of illegal aliens. In ordinary times, this would universally be seen as a treasonous policy since it degrades, damages and largely destroys the host country. But then, what if those same illegal aliens were somehow enabled to vote in U.S. elections – and could be counted on to vote against Hitler? That just might be OK, according to the left’s logic.

‘There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes’

A quick review of how the insane Trump-is-Hitler mindset played out in the 2020 presidential election is highly instructive in anticipating the forces again being deployed in the 2024 race.

Though fiercely denied today by all involved, the 2020 presidential election was utterly rigged from top to bottom, in Biden’s favor, thanks to the historic collusion of the Democrats and their media, tech, corporate, nonprofit and activist allies.

Ironically, this massive election collusion wasn’t always denied, derided and attacked as a “right-wing MAGA insurrectionist conspiracy theory” as it is today. In the immediate aftermath of their victory, some high-profile participants openly reveled in the successful conspiracy.

Thus, in February 2021 – just weeks after Joe Biden took office as president on Jan. 20 – Time magazine published a major article ecstatically summarizing the massive plot to swing the outcome of the November 2020 election to a Biden victory.

In “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” journalist Molly Ball bragged about the “shadow campaign” that allowed the 2020 election to be stolen from Donald Trump. Here’s a brief excerpt from her Time article:

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes … the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. … Their work touched every aspect of the election.

They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter-suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and used data-driven strategies to fight viral smears. …

This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election, based on access to the group’s inner workings, never-before-seen documents and interviews with dozens of those involved from across the political spectrum. It is the story of an unprecedented, creative and determined campaign whose success also reveals how close the nation came to disaster. … That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream – a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.

In other words, everything Trump and his supporters have been saying for years – widely reviled as lies, conspiracy theories and “paranoid fever dreams” – has been true. All the reports about leftists securing “hundreds of millions in public and private funding,” about pressuring “social media companies to take a harder line” against allowing information damaging to Democrats to be posted, about the “well-funded cabal of powerful people … working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage” and so much more, all to defeat Donald J. Trump. It was all true.

‘Nothing less than a miracle’

Despite the 2020 election having been stolen – and despite the reality that all the main players have every intention of doing it again this November – there still is real hope for America. Consider what bestselling author and popular Christian broadcaster Eric Metaxas recently affirmed the day after the attempt on Donald Trump’s life:

“I have said repeatedly for months that those who hate Trump would stop at nothing to make sure he doesn’t get back in to the White House, including trying to assassinate him. I have also said God’s hand is on him, and would protect him, if God forbid someone did try to do that. Last night we saw that happen. His survival was nothing less than a miracle. So be assured that God is not finished with this nation. But we need to pray. … We are in an existential crisis, and without God, this experiment in self-government will not continue. But it is God’s will that it continue. So please pray.”

With the 2024 election just around the corner, good Americans must, of course, vote. They can also sign up others to vote, and volunteer at their polling place, and support – either financially or in person – organizations actively working to maximize election integrity and minimize fraud. Organizations like True the Vote (TrueTheVote.org), Turning Point USA (TPUSA.com) and Protect the Vote (ProtectTheVote.com).

And, as Metaxas and so many others are now urging, true Americans – of sound mind and soul, who have not been seduced and corrupted by the many forces obsessed with destroying America – must pray sincerely and fervently to Almighty God. The same God Who has long blessed their country as the freest and most successful nation on earth. The same God Who gave them life and breath and has mercifully rescued them through His Son, Yeshua. And the same God Who reached down and turned Donald Trump’s head 90 degrees at the precise moment an assassin was firing a .223 round squarely at the 45th president’s brain.

The Democrats’ maniacal campaign to hold on to power and retain the presidency by any means possible is spelled out in a stunning – and extremely useful – way in the newest Whistleblower Special Report, “GOD, TRUMP, AMERICA … AND DEMOCRATS’ ALL-OUT PLAN TO STEAL THE 2024 ELECTION.”


* “God, Trump, America … and Democrats’ insane plan to rig the 2024 election by any means possible” by David Kupelian

* “‘Most terrifying poll result I’ve ever seen’: Astonishing percentage of America’s elites admit they are fine with winning elections by cheating” by Rob Bluey

* “‘Surreal to watch’: With Trump ahead, stolen election seen ‘in crystal clarity.’ Likened to seeing ‘a slow-motion car crash on exactly how they will rig it'” by Joe Kovacs

* “Almost every Democrat in Congress voted against bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote!” by Fred Lucas

* “White House ‘strongly opposes’ bill cracking down on illegal aliens voting: Says measure ‘would do nothing to safeguard our elections'” by Jason Hopkins

* “Why Americans mistrust election results: The U.S. is ‘almost alone among democracies in not demanding that voters provide any identification when they vote’ by Dennis Prager

* “Secret Service plan for Trump ‘stinks of election interference’: ‘Deep State’ demands former president stop his trademark outdoor rallies” by Bob Unruh

* “Little-known legal loophole could allow illegal aliens to vote in U.S. elections: Tucker Carlson interviews ‘True the Vote’ founder Catherine Engelbrecht”

* “The deceived vs. the indoctrinated: Millions ‘propagandized to believe that former President Donald Trump is literally Hitler and will start World War III’ by Laura Hollis

* “Don’t let Big Tech influence elections yet again this year: ‘They could shift millions of votes to Silicon Valley’s preferred candidates’ by Hans A. von Spakovsky and Daniel Cochrane

* “Dr. Robert Epstein: Google bias shifted at least 6 million votes” by Art Moore

* “TRUMP WON! New analysis confirms he was victor in 26 of 29 scenarios: Follows polling that shows 1 in 45 mail-in ballots in 2020 election was fraudulent” by Bob Unruh

* “‘If you cheat … we will find you, we will track you down, and we will prosecute you to the full extent of the law’: Laura Trump, new RNC co-chair, announces plan for 100,000 poll watchers, 500 attorneys on site”

* “Here’s how we’ll have to fight cheating in 2024 election: Poll watchers and other observers are vital. Combat fraud ‘by having eyes and ears everywhere’ by Rachel Alexander

* “How Democrats and major media continually encourage Trump’s assassination: For almost a decade, the left has likened America’s 45th president to genocidal monster Adolf Hitler” by David Kupelian

* “An assassination attempt against ‘Hitler’ was inevitable: ‘A fascist, a white supremacist and a mortal threat to American democracy’ by Dennis Prager

* “Trump shares bulletproof quality with Geo. Washington: ‘It certainly wouldn’t be the first time God’s Providence touched America'” by Dr. Jerry Newcombe

* “These events have brought unusual clarity to the times we are living in”: Dr. Ben Carson tells RNC crowd the secret of making America great again

* “Trump shooting: The closest we’ve come to WWIII. DJT is ‘the man who fights against the globalist quest for world dominion like no other in America'” by Hanne Nabintu Herland

* “It really isn’t about Trump vs. Harris: ‘It is a battle between two completely different views of what America should be'” by Laura Hollis.

Comments bestselling author and longtime Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian: “In this crucially important Whistleblower Special Report, ‘GOD, TRUMP, AMERICA … AND DEMOCRATS’ ALL-OUT PLAN TO STEAL THE 2024 ELECTION,‘ the left’s most outrageous tactics for rigging the upcoming election are fully exposed – along with the best strategies for counteracting ‘the steal.’ Don’t miss it!”

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First, you get the e-book edition of Joseph Farah’s critically acclaimed book “The Gospel In Every Book of the Old Testament.”

While other books have explored various glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament, this one is different – seeking out and finding the redemptive message of the Gospel in all 39 books of the original Hebrew Scriptures.

That’s why it has been characterized as a “breakthrough Bible book” by some of the many Christian luminaries who have warmly endorsed it, including Franklin Graham, Mike Huckabee, Greg Laurie, Eric Metaxas and many others.

The secret to finding the Good News everywhere throughout the Old Testament, says Farah, can be found in the way Jesus Himself characterized His message throughout the gospels of Matthew and Mark, calling it “the Gospel of the Kingdom.” This messianic Kingdom – in which the entire world is restored to the way it was intended before the fall of mankind – is often overlooked, the author says, as a key part of the Gospel message, which is more often associated solely with the all-important call to personal salvation.

Thus, not only is this book a convenient and unique reference for book-by-book study of the Hebrew Scriptures, it also provides a fresh look at the complexity and fullness of the Good News Jesus and the Apostles preached in the Greek Scriptures. There are 39 chapters in the book, each one devoted to finding and documenting the Gospel in each book of the Old Testament – from Genesis to Malachi.

What does it mean that the Gospel, so often associated exclusively with the New Testament, is pervasive throughout the Old? It is stunning evidence, the author suggests, that all 66 books of the Bible, though written over the course of 1,500 years by about 40 different people, represent a fully integrated, singular, cohesive and miraculous message.

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You’ll also get the digital edition of the stunning Whistleblower report, “ELITES FINALLY REVEAL THEIR #1 ENEMY: CHRISTIANS.” It reveals how the political, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for all of America’s current chaos and madness have finally dared to “come out” and publicly identify exactly who they really consider to be their biggest enemy: Bible-believing, Judeo-Christian morals-affirming Christian believers – the kind who founded America, wrote her Constitution, and defended her with their lives for centuries. It’s exposed more clearly than ever in “ELITES FINALLY REVEAL THEIR #1 ENEMY: CHRISTIANS.”

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Finally, you’ll get the digital edition of “TRIBULATION AND REDEMPTION IN AMERICA: How today’s breathtakingly corrupt politics and culture invite personal and national recovery.” For decades, the United States of America has been under covert, slow-motion assault by the revolutionary Left, a religious-political movement fundamentally at war with both Christianity and America. During this time of genuine tribulation and even persecution, how should moral, right-thinking Americans, who work hard, love their country, honor its history and obey its laws – and who don’t pretend there are dozens of new genders and that America is a despicable racist hellhole – now respond? That’s the all-important question answered in “TRIBULATION AND REDEMPTION IN AMERICA.”

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.