Have Obiden and the Clintons cut a deal with Trump?

There may be 'a promise not to prosecute them post-election'

Oct 24, 2024 - 18:28
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Have Obiden and the Clintons cut a deal with Trump?

I’ve been holding my peace and watching from a distance ever since my prediction failed that Barack Obama would end up in a head-to-head contest with President Trump (directly or indirectly) in November. But all bets were off when the action on the political battlefield swung from crazy to surreal in the takedown of Joe Biden and replacement with Kamala Harris by the controlling Marxist elites. I knew the game had changed completely when they suddenly dropped all pretext of “democracy” and simply installed HER as the candidate (rather than Michelle) as if she were just another garbage company winning a no-bid contract in mob-run Boston, Philadelphia or NYC. And since then Barack (now as gaunt as an AIDS patient) has looked so impotent in his Kamala-surrogate role, I’m seriously considering scratching him off my list of Antichrist candidates :) (Not really – because I think its all an act.)

It’s never safe in modern America to assume that the show being performed in front us accurately reflects the reality of the war behind the scenes. What I believe is actually happening is civil war in the Democratic Party, because powerful elements of their coalition, including OBiden and the Clintons, have decided to cut a deal with Trump to let their party take a fall in exchange for a promise not to prosecute them post-election for their many serious crimes.

Most of the Democratic Party propaganda, election fraud and GOTV machinery is grinding away to win the race by hook or by crook, as it has always done – but Obama, Biden and Bill Clinton are clearly undermining Harris through subtleties of rhetoric and tactics that are ostensibly pro-Harris but actually intend to weaken her. For example, Barack Obama’s tepid so-called appeal to black men to support her lacked only a conspiratorial wink to convey the true message to dump her. Some of Biden’s sabotage of Harris has not been subtle at all.

Back on July 3rd when the Biden takedown was in full swing I wrote:

“As long as other options exist, however, the Dem elites do NOT want Joe to be reelected! Why? Because, as everyone who’s ever witnessed the phenomenon up close knows, dementia is both irreversible and progressive at an ever-increasing speed, and thus in the event of a Biden victory in November there would be no way to prevent the almost universally despised Kamala Harris from becoming president – with no way to remove her. There is no way Biden can finish a second term at the rate he’s declining.

“But, of course, because she’s a black female, no one involved in the Biden removal process can ever publicly admit this … Even Harris would be better than Trump in their warped minds – but a Joe Biden reelection is clearly the worst-case ‘victory’ scenario.

“The supposed best-case scenario being floated now is for Joe to be persuaded to resign – soon – but the people with the most control of that decision are the ones most desperate to keep him in power: the dominant members of the Biden crime family whose exposure to serious jail time is a very real possibility if they lose the protections of the presidency and its ‘justice’ department. They will fight like cornered wolverines to stay in power – at least until they’re presented with an offer they can’t refuse or are guaranteed sanctuary in a foreign jurisdiction with no extradition treaty with the U.S.”

That last line was tongue-in cheek – the implicit real point being Joe would resign only when he got a deal to escape accountability for himself and his co-conspirators.

While the narrative says Pelosi forced him out Don Corleone-style, I think Biden in fact had made his deal with Trump and the supposed “offer he couldn’t refuse” was just a smokescreen. Harris’ subsequent coronation-by-acclaim indicates that ALL the key power-brokers with real juice and real criminal exposure (including Pelosi) were a part of it.

Does this contradict the election-season mass delusion on the right that sees Trump as a veritable demigod of virtue? I’m fully on board the Trump train for many reasons, but I’m not a dreamy-eyed newbie. Remember, Trump’s self-declared first principle of success is “The Art of the Deal,” which he mastered while “making his bones” in New York real estate – the “Madison Square Garden” of bare-knuckle political prize-fighting. Look how quickly he pivoted on abortion after the Dems proved in the ’22 midterms it was their silver bullet to kill his chances in ’24. I made MY bones as a Christian culture warrior during the pro-life Rescue Movement of the late ’80s and early ’90s, but I understand and accept his pivot because he actually earned our continuing pro-life support during his first term by handing us the Holy Grail of pro-life victories: the overturning of Roe v. Wade! However, post-Dobbs, large numbers of Christian voters turned their backs on him by not voting in ’22 and are now using Trump’s pivot (which their apathy reasonably made necessary in his mind) to justify their intention not to vote for him this year. It’s shameful, stupid and unbiblical.

As I state on my website at ScottLively.net, “Christians who can’t balance the aspirations of Christianity with the realities of politics sabotage their own interests by imposing an unrealistic standard of moral perfection on people who run for office: a standard God Himself never imposed on the people He raised up as Judges during the 400 year Israelite Republic America is modeled upon.”

But back to the presumed Biden/Trump deal. For years I’d been spotlighting Biden as the man being set up to take the blame for the whole corrupt cabal – I even nicknamed him “Joey the Scapegoat” and to the very end thought the controlling elites were going to publicly sacrifice him like Azazel’s prize. But, impressively, Biden’s leveraging of the presidency outmaneuvered even Obama, masterfully transferring his fated scapegoat role onto Harris. Biden may still be named and shamed for the crimes as a panacea for the masses, but his dementia will make him unprosecutable (and if I’m right nothing substantive will ever come of it per the secret deal with Trump). Meanwhile, Harris will take the blame for the 2024 political failure – which will, of course, be attributed entirely to racism and mysogyny, confirming core Marxist narratives and fueling continuing passion for “social justice.” In other words, she’ll skate too.

Heads will certainly role in 2025 and beyond after Trump wins (perhaps in a Reaganesque landslide – which would have been my price if I were Trump), but they’ll almost certainly be underlings and not bosses – as always seems to be the case in peaceful transfers of power.

I’m not carving this in stone or claiming “thus sayeth the Lord,” just offering what I think is the most realistic analysis based on today’s known and likely factors. I can also still see the dark clouds of World War III looming on the horizon with their potential as a pretext for martial law, suspension of our election and the one-two punch of a global “Great Collapse” and “Great Reset.” I much prefer the deal-based Trump victory scenario.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.