Kamala’s photo op at the scene of her own crime

'The Harris-Biden migrant crime wave has reached epic proportions'

Sep 30, 2024 - 12:28
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Kamala’s photo op at the scene of her own crime

When I heard that Vice President Kamala Harris was visiting the U.S. southern border for the first time in three years because she’s running now for president, especially after she and Mr. Biden let in over 15 million illegal migrants through their open-door policy, I thought, “How hypocritical!”

I’m not being rude or biased. I’m telling you the truth. And you, my American friends, have a right to know what she’s really done behind the border curtain.

Kamala Harris near Trump-built U.S. southern border wall in Arizona that she mocked in past years over 50 times, according to CNN.

Anyone who knows me knows I respect all law-abiding people. I’m all for legal immigration, but I’ve known for a fact that too much crime and criminals pass through the dark shadows of the massive illegal invasion going on since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office.

The 100% proof came Friday as Kamala was taking a photo op on the border.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released an official criminal rap sheet showing that the Biden and Harris administration let in over 662,000 criminals who are now roaming the streets of every state. I only wish I were kidding or exaggerating!

ICE’s non-detained illegals docket surged to a staggering 7.4 million cases, and that does not include the 1.9 million “gotaways” who evaded border patrols as they broke into the U.S.

“The agency reported that, among those not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals and 222,141 with pending criminal charges.

“Those include 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 convicted of burglary, 56,533 with drug convictions and 13,099 convicted of homicide. An additional 2,521 have kidnapping convictions and 15,811 have sexual assault convictions.

“There are an additional 1,845 with pending homicide charges, 42,915 with assault charges, 3,266 with burglary charges and 4,250 with assault charges,” as reported by Fox News.

Please reconsider just these four categories of heinous criminals let loose into our country by Harris and Biden’s open-door, non-vetting policies:

  • 13,099 convicted of murder
  • 15,811 convicted of sexual assault (or rape)
  • 62,231 convicted of assault
  • 2,521 convicted of kidnapping

How many of them are in your state and community right now?

Look at the ICE chart at this link showing detained and non-detained criminal invaders (with their crimes) that Harris and Biden let into our country to stalk American citizens.

As if those staggering numbers of convicted criminals crossing into the U.S. aren’t enough, brace yourself as the news gets worse!

Let’s not forget illegals crossing into the U.S. from the state sponsors of terrorism and those who harbor terrorists like Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq and Pakistan.

Consider that there were a record number of 172 people on the terrorist watchlist apprehended in 2023 alone. These numbers represent a 72% increased of apprehended potential terrorists, the most ever on record – higher than the last six fiscal years combined. That’s how many we know of! We don’t have a clue how many potential terrorists were among the 1.7 million illegal got-aways.

What more needs to be said when, in June, ICE and the FBI arrested eight Tajikistan illegals with ties to ISIS?!

Does anyone in Washington, D.C., remember 9/11 anymore?!

It only took 19 terrorists to pull off the devastation of 9/11 on America. Think what 100, who are already in our country, could do in the future?

Officials have said that they have encountered illegals from more than 150 countries.

In February 2024, Pew Research further reported that “most border encounters now involve people from countries other than Mexico and the Northern Triangle [i.e., the nations of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras].”

“Among countries with the largest numbers of illegals are India, Brazil, Canada and former Soviet Union countries” and China (Over 8,000 illegals from Communist China were encountered at the southern border in December 2023 alone.)

Those illegal invaders arrested have included 598 known gang members, 178 of those being MS-13 members. One hundred recent U.S. criminal acts have been traced to the Violent El Tren de Aragua Venezuelan gang crossing at the southern border.

And who can forget what they are smuggling into the U.S. that is killing hundreds of thousands of Americans?

In FY 2023 alone, the CBP, including Air and Marine Operations, seized 27,293 pounds of fentanyl, coming across the Southwest border – enough to kill more than 6 billion people – almost the entire population of the earth!

According to even NPR, any migrants trying to cross into the U.S. can become unwilling mules to smuggle drugs for cartels as a huge percentage are robbed, kidnapped and their families are extorted.

The Daily Beast reported that cartels have so much power over immigrant routes into the U.S. that they daily rape, murder and ransom children for human trafficking, prostitution rings and “may even be harvesting their organs for the U.S. black market.”

And everyone should be haunted by this statement from John Jones, chief of the Intelligence Counter-terrorism Division with the Texas Dept. of Public Safety: “In the last 7 years (in Texas), over 4,000 illegal aliens have been incarcerated for sexual assault. 62% of them are sexual assault against children.”

The fact is, despite what “tough talk” Kamala says at the border and elsewhere, she can’t escape the human toll of her criminal border record and how it has created countless U.S. victims.

The Harris-Biden migrant crime wave has reached epic proportions so that every U.S. state is now a “border state,” according to the House Homeland Security Committee and all other experts on the issue.

Illegal migrant crime is so challenging and crippling communities across the U.S. – from urban to rural cities and towns – that first responders and law enforcement, who are bravely and courageously trying to protect them, are being stretched thin and bearing the burdens and costs.

As the Federation for American Immigration Reform has rightly stated, even the states with the lowest number of illegals collectively cost U.S. taxpayers billions and billions of dollars:

  • Many Americans believe that immigrants, both legal and illegal, are not attracted to less-populated states with rural economies. However, a growing number of immigrants actually appear to prefer such states. Many migrants choose life in those states because they offer diverse employment opportunities and a lower cost of living than states like California or New York. (Here’s a county-by-count map of where the known illegals that have filed cases are residing, so you can check your own county – granted only a very small fraction have filed and are tracked!)
  • Notice NONE of these are actual U.S. southern border states: New Hampshire, Mississippi, Alaska, Maine, North Dakota, West Virginia, South Dakota, Vermont, Montana and Wyoming have the smallest populations of foreign-born residents, with approximately 415,000 foreign-born who live in these states. Currently, there are 29 “sanctuary jurisdictions” within these 10 states.
  • Approximately 88,000 of those foreign-born residents in the 10 states – or 21% of the total – are unlawfully present in the United States.
  • These illegal aliens cost American taxpayers $454 million dollars annually.
  • Each illegal alien in these states carries a net tax deficit of between $4,000 and $6,500 annually.
  • Roughly 35,000 U.S. citizens in these states are the children of illegal aliens. Over 50,000 are K-12 students classified as having limited English proficiency (LEP). These LEP students cost taxpayers nearly $96 million.
  • Immigrants who have settled in these states compete with Americans for jobs across the economic spectrum.
  • Increased numbers of immigrants in these states pose threats to national security and public safety.

If these are the costs to taxpayers in the less-populated states, you can imagine the astronomical amount taxpayers are forking out for the larger states.

Bottom line, despite what many Democrats think, migrant crime does negatively impact both the poor and rich, the urban and the rural citizens.

Consider that even wealthy, liberal Martha’s Vineyard has seen six ICE arrests in just one month, including an MS-13 gang member!

What’s crazy is that Kamala has absolutely no concern or intention to deport the 662,000 criminals she and Biden let into the country, as she even despicably dances to the chant, “Down, down with deportation!”

Yet, back on the campaign trail, Harris continues the Trump-blame-game, trying to convince her followers that “Trump did nothing to fix the immigration problem” when he was president.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

John James (J.J.) Carrell recently retired from the United States Border Patrol after a 24-year career as a Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge.

In his new book, “Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System,” Carrell documents with irrefutable evidence how:

In the final year of the Trump Presidency, the border was within reach of being secure as the daily arrests had dwindled to the lowest numbers in Border Patrol history. Nations south of our border that once violated our nation’s sovereignty and blatantly disrespected our nation, now adhered to our strong President who forced those nations to heel and show our great nation respect.

On January 20, 2021, everything changed.

President Biden [and Kamala Harris have] intentionally destroyed the American immigration system through the manipulation of DHS policies and laws. Never before in American history has our nation been invaded by millions of foreigners all with the encouragement and direct assistance of the United States government. The once proud United States Border Patrol has been forced to participate in the unlawful smuggling of millions of illegal aliens to their final destinations across America. Morale within the DHS does not exist.

Within the first two years of Biden’s Presidency, over 5,000,000 illegal aliens have been arrested and millions have been fraudulently released into our nation. Another 10,000,000 have absconded undetected because hundreds of miles of the southern border are open with not one single Border Patrol Agent actively patrolling.

Our nation faces a crisis created by both political parties that if left to continue will destroy our nation from within. There is no greater threat to our Republic than the invasion of millions of foreigners that do not share our language, culture or our shared values and beliefs.

I couldn’t encourage you enough to listen to J.J. Carrell himself describe the sinister covert work of the federal government in this Rumble exposé: “REVEALED: The Horrifying Secret Behind the Border Invasion w/ J.J. Carrell.”

Knowing the exhaustive list of heinous criminalities described above, I can’t imagine how any politician on the left or right – let alone any American – could justify being an advocate of open borders without law and order like Mr. Biden and Mrs. Harris have done the last four years, not even vetting those who come in!

Even more, I sincerely can’t understand how any American would want four more years of the Biden administration open-border policies through Kamala as president.

And what chaps my hide the most is this: Harris and Biden imported, supported and released more than a half-million convicted criminals onto the streets of the U.S., and yet they say Trump is a “threat to democracy”? What does that make Harris and Biden?!

Trump was exactly right in his comments to a crowd on Friday: “Nobody who has allowed this to happen to our country is fit to be president of the United States.”

Art Del Cueto from the National Border Patrol Council said about Kamala’s visit to the border: “What it is in reality is a slap in the face towards the men and women that put their lives on the line every day, and also a slap in the face to the American public. Where has she been?”

In short, Kamala’s visit to the border was nothing short of her returning to the scene of her own crime. Even veteran investigative journalist John Stossel called her out on her immigration hypocrisy and flip-flopping.

That’s why I say, with all sincerity, it is disingenuous, hypocritical and a flat-out mockery to the American public that Kamala visited the U.S. southern border for the first time in three years as vice president, especially a month before the presidential election, and put on a total show and act there that she was tough on border control.

The fact is, Kamala’s now wanting and claiming to be the country’s chief fireman, when the last three years she’s been the arsonist who has lit and fanned the flames of crime in every state of the union. How tragic in particular for those countless Americans who have been real victims of illegals’ crimes spree. How very sad!

That is why I continue to plead with my fellow Americans to fight every day to stop the alien invasion and illegalities at all ports of entry into the U.S., and particularly at our southern border.

  1. WRITE your representatives and the White House today and demand they: “STOP THE INVASION NOW! MAKE AMERICA SAFE & SECURE AGAIN!”
  1. Most of all, VOTE! If you’re not registered, register here. It’s free and only takes a few minutes. You can find where to vote in your state here.
  1. Lastly, in order to further help your individual state, because every state is now a border state, please check out the resources and educational tour at Border911.com coming soon to a city near you!

(For further insight on our border crisis, I recommend three additional resources: 1. Please read my recent column: “Texas sheriffs demand, ‘STOP THE U.S. INVASION NOW!‘” 2. Please read America’s First Policy Institute’s article “How Our Open Border Leaves Us More Vulnerable to Terrorism.” 3. Please read the Naval Post Graduate School’s report on Cooperation Between Mexican Drug Cartels and Al Qaeda or ISIS)

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.