President Trump, why did God allow the attack?

'The GOP has abandoned ... the pro-life cause with your revised Platform' The post President Trump, why did God allow the attack? appeared first on WorldNetDaily.

Jul 18, 2024 - 18:28
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President Trump, why did God allow the attack?
(Image courtesy Pixabay)

Possibly a Divine “wake-up call”?

You cannot understand the reason God saved you, Mr. President, unless you ask:

“Why did God shock me with the assassin’s attempt in the first place?”

Here is the answer, in the form of a question:

How can making America great again not include ending America’s most abominable shame, The Great American Abortion Holocaust of God’s Innocents, an ongoing butchery of about 1 million human beings per year – ongoing because of Dobbs? It’s a butchery your new Republican Platform tacitly endorses.

The Dobbs decision, for which you, Mr. President, take credit, could have completely ended America’s shame simply by justices taking judicial notice on their own, using Federal Rule of Evidence 201(c)(1), that life begins at the beginning – where else?

As the following analysis demonstrates, the GOP has abandoned, some would say “betrayed,” the pro-life cause with your revised Platform, including its shameful (totalitarian) implementation.

Mr. President, I hope you have the courage to read and the humility to reconsider.

It’s important to understand that the 2024 Republican Platform has been 1) purged of unequivocal objections to mass abortion-homicide and 2) that it was rammed through committee, only given to members at the last minute with debate and the offering of amendments prohibited. The “pro-life” portion is now a mealy-mouth 107 words down from an unequivocal 760.

Remember the following facts the Dobbs Court could have judicially noticed to completely end The Great American Abortion Holocaust of the Innocent, facts the 2024 Republican Platform tacitly denies:

  1. “As basic embryology textbooks now teach, life begins at fertilization – a fact that surprises no one in the medical profession.” [Dobbs amicus brief of the American College of Pediatricians and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, page 27.]
  2. The matter addressed in Dobbs is better called the “abortion-homicide” issue! [Homicide: “the killing of one human being by another”, and“Abortion” is a euphemism: Make it “abortion-homicide.”]
  3. Regarding “personhood,” there is no scientific or moral difference between a zygote (one-cell human) and a post-birth human. [See “When Human Life Begins.”]

This new Republican Platform language was a single paragraph. Each sentence is separated by my bracketed comments:

“Chapter 9.

“4. Republicans Will Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life We proudly stand for families and Life.”

[First “States” reference: The evil of mass abortion-homicide should not be on the ballot any more than the evil of slavery shouldn’t have been when reauthorized by the Dred Scott Court (1957). Demon Dobbs wickedly followed the infamous Dred Scott case by reauthorizing The Great American Abortion Holocaust of the Innocent using state referendums, resulting in an increase of abortion-homicides. How is that a victory for preborn Americans or for you, Mr. President? Why are you and the pro-life movement calling evil, “good”? Isaiah 5:20].

“We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights.”

[Second “States” reference: This clause uses a lying implication that the word “person” includes the preborn. If that was intended, why isn’t it explicitly stated as it was in the previous platform? It’s intentionally not stated here because you, Mr. President, are giving the impression that you are for something you are against.

In addition to legitimizing evil by allowing it on the ballot, this section ignores the fact that Roe, effectively upheld by law-of-the-land Dobbs, explicitly denied preborn personhood by using an executioner’s euphemism defining preborn life as not actually alive, but “that the fetus, at most, represents only the potentiality of life.” Roe, page 162, affirmed by Dobbs. See discussion below, and this about the Roe/Dobbs illegal, legal fiction: “How to end abortion-homicide AND defeat Democrats in 2024.”]

“After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People.”

[This is the third “States” reference and damning evidence that “the lady doth protest too much” (Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”). Here, Mr. President, you are taking credit for Demon Dobbs, which affirmed and reauthorized The Great American Abortion Holocaust in the States just as the infamous Dred Scott case did regarding slavery.

I don’t believe that you understand Roe, Dobbs, or Dred Scott, Mr. President, because the pro-life movement also has failed this test, or they would be calling for Dobbs to be overturned, which would deny the Left using it as a pro-life boogeyman to rally its base.]

“We will oppose Late Term Abortion [your crystal clear implication is that “we will (not) oppose” earlier term (most) abortion-homicide] while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments).” [See “IVF kills millions of living male and female human beings.”]

None of this surprises, Mr. President, because you support the abortion pill, having said, “I will not block it.” Would you take that position if required to honestly state, “I will not block the abortion-homicide pill”?

Truth: While Dobbs reversed Roe’s finding of a federal right to commit abortion-homicide, it upheld/affirmed the worst part of Roe, its basis for the reversed “right” and the reason the holocaust continues unabated in the States! That reason is its illegal, legal fiction (“potential life”) stating that no life exist in a pregnancy if a doctor presides! It’s illegal because the results are unjust (corporations being legal “persons” is just so they can conduct business, appear in court, etc.).

The Roe/Dobbs illegal, legal fiction goes in the other direction, creating an executioner’s definition of preborn status as non-persons so they can be butchered with impunity and with social acceptance.

No life? No homicide!

That’s the Dobbs legacy! That’s your legacy on this issue, Mr. President!

President Trump, we must acknowledge that:

  • You are our candidate.
  • You and the party have betrayed the pro-life cause.
  • God can still use you, not unlike how God used that conflicted but unrepentant slave master, Thomas Jefferson, whose words in the Declaration of Independence inspired the abolition movement.

The urgency of this moment

Then Virginia governor, Thomas Jefferson (1784) was prophetic about slavery when he said:

“Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” [Notes on the State of Virginia, Query XVIII.]

You can lead a pro-life-motivated revival resulting in abortion-abolition, Mr. President. Otherwise, it’s God’s justice for America.

Please reconsider your Platform.

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The post President Trump, why did God allow the attack? appeared first on WorldNetDaily.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.