Revealed: The truth Kamala Harris does not want you knowing about her reign as border czar

A record of abject failure that cost the livelihoods – and lives – of countless Americans

Aug 28, 2024 - 16:28
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Revealed: The truth Kamala Harris does not want you knowing about her reign as border czar
Thousands of immigrants gather near the U.S. southern border in September 2021. (Photo courtesy FOXLA via Twitter)
Thousands of immigrants gather near the U.S. southern border in September 2021. (Photo courtesy FOXLA via Twitter)
Thousands of immigrants gather near the U.S. southern border in September 2021.

Vice President Kamala Harris has played a vital role in what is unquestionably the worst border crisis in American history. Over the past four years of the Biden-Harris administration, millions of “undocumented” illegal aliens have poured over the southern border, and this disaster promises to grow much larger if Harris is able to pull out a win over former President Donald Trump in November’s election.

Although numbers vary, it is estimated there could be upward of 10 million illegal aliens who have made their way across the border since January 2021. That crisis, in turn, has precipitated a flood of criminal activities. Human smuggling and trafficking, sex trafficking, drug trafficking and gun running are rampant.

Harris officially was given the task of stemming the flow of migrants at the southern border in March 2021, and according to a report from NBC News, Harris’ role was to focus on both curbing migrants crossing the border, and implementing long–term strategies to “address the root causes of migration.” She was quickly dubbed, and universally acknowledged, as America’s “border czar,” a title she now denies.

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Harris was tasked to work closely with Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other Cabinet members on the catastrophe, triggered by the Biden-Harris decision to trash all of President Trump’s largely successful border-security efforts. It wasn’t long before illegal crossings reached truly epic levels.

Undocumented migrant numbers explode while Harris fumbles the job in her first year

NBC News further reported crossings at the southern border had hit a 21–year high, with over 188,000 border crossers reported just in June of 2021. Approximately 105,000 were sent back to Mexico using a Trump-era Centers for Disease Control and Prevention authority called Title 42. Around 8% of undocumented migrants crossing into the U.S. in March 2021 had been children, a number that increased in June. But children were not subject to expulsions under Title 42, and were instead sheltered within the U.S., and paired with a sponsor.

Harris was so bad at her job of overseeing the border, even CNN had to report honestly on her performance during her first international trip as vice president to Mexico and Guatemala. Harris was yet to visit the southern border. CNN analyst Maeve Reston wrote that Harris’ trip was overshadowed by her previous insistence that she does not run the southern border, and that she was only tasked to focus on the conditions pushing Central American migrants to the U.S. border.

“Biden cranked up the heat on Harris by handing her a portfolio of immigration issues that is the political equivalent of dynamite at a time when her critics are parsing her every move, often vilifying her in the same way they made Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez their boogeymen in prior election cycles,” Reston wrote.

Meanwhile, Harris told NBC’s Lester Holt the administration had “already seen success at the border,” but balked when Holt stated Harris had not even been to the border, despite her insistence that she had.

“And I haven’t been to Europe. I mean, I don’t understand the point that you’re making. I’m not discounting the importance of the border,” Harris told Holt while nervously giggling her way through her answer.

At the end of June 2021, NPR reported that Harris finally visited El Paso, Texas, which notably is thousands of miles from where the actual border crisis exists. During her visit, instead of coming up with any solutions to solve the issue, Harris instead retreated into humanitarian open-border rhetoric, using undocumented children she met at an El Paso detention center to pull viewers’ heartstrings.

“This issue cannot be reduced to a political issue. We’re talking about children. We’re talking about families. We’re talking about suffering,” Harris said. “Our approach has to be thoughtful and effective.”

In July 2021, a White House press release falsely claimed the border crisis at that time was not as severe as it was under Trump’s leadership in 2019, prior to the pandemic. However, Trump had implemented his highly effective “Remain in Mexico” policy in 2019, administered by the Department of Homeland Security, which required undocumented migrants to wait in Mexico until their U.S. immigration court date.

Biden nixed the policy during his first month in office, and was backed by the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision in June 2022, which ruled that the Biden administration had the right to end the policy. But after a federal judge blocked the Biden administration from actually ending the policy in December 2022, the Supreme Court let the judge’s decision stand. The attacks on Trump’s supposed “cruelty” and “recklessness” quickly followed.

“The Biden-Harris administration has accomplished this and more while reckoning with the prior administration’s cruel and reckless immigration policies, which exacerbated long-standing challenges and failed to securely manage our border. Case in point: the total number of unique encounters at the Southern border to date this fiscal year remains below the total number of unique encounters to date during fiscal year 2019 under the Trump administration,” the White House statement read.

However, a report by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center told an entirely different story. According to Pew, FY 2021 had the highest number of migrant encounters on record, outpacing the spikes seen during the 1980s and late 1990s/early 2000s.

Around 66% of all migrant encounters ended in expulsion between April 2020 (when Title 42 was first invoked) and the end of FY 2021 in September. But expulsions dropped precipitously once Biden took office, plunging from a 74% expulsion rate in February 2021 to 54% seven months later in September 2021.

The U.S. Border Patrol reported 1,658,206 encounters with migrants in the U.S.–Mexico border during FY 2021, according to Pew. But between 2020 and 2021, around 27% of those crossers were repeat offenders.

Pew further noted multiple nationalities were encountered at the border in 2021, with only 37% of those crossing being Mexican nationals. The remaining 63% came from the Northern Triangle countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, equating to over 600,000 undocumented migrants entering the U.S.

The number of encounters from countries further abroad also became more frequent during 2021. Migrants from Brazil, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Haiti and Cuba poured in by the tens of thousands. Romanian and Turkish nationals were also encountered, increasing from between 100 and 266 in FY 2020, to over 4,000 encounters respectively.

Harris opts for false narratives

Migrant encounters have continued to break records year–over–year, as the Biden administration undoes all of the Trump-era policies. To change the subject, the media, alongside the administration, have wildly propagandized incidents at the border between Border Patrol and illegal aliens.

For example, Harris pushed a totally false narrative about Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio Sector whipping undocumented migrants from Haiti to push them back.

“What I saw depicted about those individuals on horseback treating human beings the way they were is horrible. And I fully support what is happening right now, which is a thorough investigation into exactly what is going on there. But human beings should never be treated that way. And I’m deeply troubled about it. And I’ll also be talking to Secretary Mayorkas about it today,” Harris told reporters.

The New York Times was forced to publish a correction after an investigation found the agents had not whipped the migrants.

Harris attended the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles in June 2022, where she announced $3.2 billion in commitments had been made by the private sector to combat the crisis, and insisted the migrants are flooding the southern border because they are fleeing unsafe homes.

“First, I do believe most people don’t want to leave home. They don’t want to leave their grandmother. They don’t want to leave the place where they worship and the community that they’ve always known. And so, when they do, it is usually for one of two reasons: They are fleeing harm or to stay means they simply cannot satisfy their basic needs or the needs of their family,” Harris said during her address to the summit.

Unfortunately for Harris, multiple reports reveal migrants telling reporters the only reason they came to the U.S. was for free money.

After a record-breaking summer in 2022 at the southern border, Harris then told Chuck Todd during an interview for NBC’s Meet the Press, the border is secure, while implying it was the fault of the Trump administration.

“The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular over the last four years before we came in…We have a secure border in that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration,” Harris told Todd.

Except it wasn’t that much of a priority, as Harris’ first visit to the southern border in 2021 was her last, despite being in border–state Arizona in January 2023.

Undocumented migrant numbers continued to break records over 2023, Harris was nowhere to be seen. Instead of visiting the southern border, Harris instead went to Africa where she promised the U.S. would help Ghana reduce its debt.

More than 2.4 million encounters with illegal aliens were recorded in fiscal year 2023. Harris supported a bipartisan Senate agreement to provide funding for the border, and further supported executive orders by Biden who wanted to implement limits on asylum, and create pathways to citizenship for spouses of U.S. citizens. Nevertheless, the crisis continued to deepen.

Mainstream media covers for Harris once she wins Democratic presidential ticket

In July 2024, Politifact claimed it was “mostly false” that Harris wanted to provide universal healthcare to undocumented migrants residing in the U.S.

However, in a 2019 video of Harris being interviewed by CNN’s Jake Tapper, Harris says precisely that: “Let me just be very clear about this, I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country, any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health. Period,” Harris told Tapper.

The Media Research Center recently released a study which documented how the media have been showing a huge amount of favoritism towards Harris since she replaced Joe Biden as the Democratic Party’s 2024 presidential candidate.

According to the study, the mainstream media has boosted Harris with positive publicity. Harris has received 66% more airtime than Trump, with Harris coverage being 84% positive, while Trump’s coverage has been 89% negative.

Harris even got a Time cover, despite not giving an interview and her abysmal record as border czar.

In a presidential campaign ad, Harris audaciously claims she wanted more Border Patrol agents, but again blamed Trump for “blocking” her bipartisan bill. Harris further blames Trump for the fentanyl crisis, with the ad claiming Trump “blocked spending money to stop human traffickers.”

Trump shot back at Harris during an August 9 rally in Bozeman, Montana, playing a gaffe supercut on the jumbotron for his supporters. Trump called Harris “grossly incompetent” and “low IQ.”

“So, if you listen to Kamala’s speeches, you’d never even know she’s been running the country, she’s been running the country for four years and doing a horrible job. Look at what’s happened to our country. We are a failing nation, I hate to say it, we are a failing nation. I wish I didn’t have to do this…I wish they were great, I wish they’d make our country great, but they’re gonna destroy our country,” Trump said during his rally.

Harris is now challenging Trump during her rallies, saying she has no problem comparing her record on the border with Trump’s record.

Harris’ challenge to Trump, however, was an admission that she was, in fact, the Biden administration’s border czar, despite her repeatedly denying her role in the nation’s border crisis.

Trump accepted the challenge, and said Harris has one of the worst records “anywhere.”

“Well Kamala lets go! Challenge accepted, are you ready? Let’s compare our record point by point,” Trump said.

While Harris enjoys positive spin, Americans are paying the price

In February 2024, an undocumented migrant brutally murdered Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student from Augusta, Georgia.

Law enforcement officers were also caught in the cross–fire of criminal migrant gangs, and their associates.

Innocent children were brutalized and murdered under the Biden-Harris administration.

Along with countless other innocent citizens who were murdered by an illegal alien are the tens of thousands of mostly young Americans who have died as a result of the fentanyl that continues to flood across the border thanks to Mexican cartel drug smugglers.

The extremely high cost of illegal immigration

The Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee released a report in January 2024 detailing the negative impacts of illegal immigration and how ultimately it is devastating to the U.S. economy.

That is, in addition to all the destruction to American society — the massive crime, the gangs, drugs, sex trafficking, tens of thousands of unaccounted-for children, the problem of illegal-alien voting, and all the other cultural and societal devastation that flooding America with illegal aliens is causing — it is also a net fiscal drain. Contrary to what Democrats from Biden on down routinely profess, their presence is not good for the American economy.  In fact, says the report’s summary, illegal aliens “receive more in government services than they pay in taxes. This result is not due to laziness or fraud.” Putting aside the large criminal component, “illegal immigrants actually have high rates of work, and they do pay some taxes, including income and payroll taxes. The fundamental reason illegal immigrants are a net drain is that they have a low average education level, which results in low average earnings and tax payments. It also means a large share qualify for welfare programs, often receiving benefits on behalf of their U.S.–born children. Like their less–educated and low-income U.S.–born counterparts, the tax payments of illegal immigrants do not come close to covering the cost they create.”

In May 2024, the House Budget Committee held a hearing to highlight the need for effective border security, and the high cost to the economy.

Committee Chairman and U.S. Rep. Jodey Arrington, R–Texas, said during the hearing that open borders under Biden and Harris are the “greatest national security threat to the American people” and that the fiscal impact of it is not spoken about nearly enough.

“The greatest national security threat to the American people is posed by these open borders. The social cost has consistently been well in front of the American people. But I don’t think we’ve talked enough about the financial burden to taxpayers and the fiscal impact,” Arrington said.

Arrington added while the Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates the cost sits around $150 billion, some studies suggest the cost is upwards of $400 billion.

“The lion’s share of that cost is borne by state and local governments. State and local governments can’t borrow or print money like the federal government, so they have to balance their budgets by either absorbing this cost through raising taxes or they have to cut services to their citizens,” Arrington said.

Globalist ideologies and open border policies backed by elites

While everyday Americans buckle under the weight of the catastrophic policies of the Biden–Harris administration, unelected bureaucrats and leftist global billionaires are just some of the people ultimately behind the crisis.

Globalist agitator and billionaire leftist funder George Soros openly admitted he has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to his Open Society Foundation to fund migrants and “social justice groups.”

“We support a range of groups that work on immigration issues, from local and state organizations that provide front-line legal advice, to individuals seeking asylum or facing deportation, to national groups such as the National Immigration Law Center, United We Dream, and the Black Alliance for Just Immigration that advocate for fundamental reform,” the Open Society Foundation website states.

The World Economic Forum also advocates for open borders, and in partnership with the United Nations (funded by American tax dollars) funds several non-government organizations that help undocumented migrants enter the U.S., including UNICEF, and the World Food Program.

Americans fighting back against open borders

U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R–Tenn., introduced a resolution on August 20, condemning the handling of the border crisis by Harris and her abject failure in improving what many see as an existential crisis for America.

“Since her very first day in office, Vice President Harris – President Biden’s designated Border Czar – has refused to take the national security and safety crisis at our southern border seriously. The Biden-Harris administration has presided over more than 10 million illegal border crossings and has released nearly 100 individuals on the terrorist watchlist into our country. Vice President Harris can run, but she cannot hide from her disastrous record that has killed countless innocent Americans,” Blackburn said in a statement on her website.

In early August, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee launched a probe into Harris’ efforts on the border. Committee Chair James Comer, R–Ky., sent a request to have all Harris’ work on the border handed over to the committee.

Heritage Foundation President Dr. Kevin Roberts said during a World Economic Forum meeting in Davos in January 2024 that it’s laughable anyone would describe Davos as “protecting liberal democracy.”

“Elites tell us that open borders and even illegal immigration are OK. The average person tells us in the United States that both robbed them of the American way of life. Elites also tell us that public safety isn’t a problem in big American cities. Just travel to New York or Washington [DC], or Dallas, Texas, the average person will tell you lack of public safety damages not just the American way of life, but their life,” Roberts said.

Roberts added that the next conservative leadership in the White House should unequivocally reject all of the policies proposed by political elites and unelected technocrats.

“The kind of person who will come into the next conservative administration is going to be governed by one principle, and that is destroying the grasp that political elites and unelected technocrats have over the average person… If I may, I will be candid and say the agenda that every single member of the administration needs to have is to compile everything that has been proposed at the World Economic Forum, and object to all of them,” Roberts said.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.