‘She can go pound sand’: As Hillary wants ‘disinformation’ sources jailed, editorial warns ‘You first!’

'No one has done more to interfere in our elections by spreading Russian propaganda than Clinton herself'

Sep 18, 2024 - 12:28
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‘She can go pound sand’: As Hillary wants ‘disinformation’ sources jailed, editorial warns ‘You first!’
Hillary Clinton (Video screenshot)

Hillary Clinton (Video screenshot)

Hillary Clinton, the twice-failed Democrat presidential wannabe and longtime purveyor of political disinformation, has claimed she wants those who spread such disinformation jailed, and a commentary now has charged if that’s the practice, then “You first.”

WND reported that Clinton, in a stunning revelation about how she would like to exercise a dictatorial control over Americans and their ideas, has called for jail for those with ideas that differ from hers.

In an interview she was addressing her concerns about those who were “boosting Trump back in 2016.” Those “Russians” should be charged, she claimed.

“But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda. Uh. And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence….”

Of course, back in 2016, it was her campaign that funded the creation of a long list of lies about then-candidate Donald Trump, called the Steele Dossier, which she and other Democrats then promoted to try to defeat the eventual GOP president.

One of the claims was that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia against Clinton in the race, a claim that was debunked by a years-long special counsel investigation.

Now is it John Daniel Davidson, senior editor at the Federalist, who has a suggestion to crack down on disinformation.

Under the headline, “Clinton wants to jail Americans for ‘misinformation.’ Let’s start with her,” he writes, “Clinton said it’s important to indict Russians who interfere in our elections but there are also Americans ‘engaged in this kind of propaganda’ and that if they were civilly or criminally charged it would be ‘a better deterrent’ because it’s unlikely any Russians will ever stand trial in the United States.”

He explained, “What she’s describing is of course odious and totally incompatible with the First Amendment. Americans are free to spread as much Russian propaganda as they want, whether they believe any of it or not. We can shout all kinds of things from the street corner, hand out conspiracy theory pamphlets in the grocery store parking lot, and post the craziest stuff you’ve ever heard all day along on social media. If Hillary Clinton doesn’t like it, she can go pound sand.

“More to the point though, ‘misinformation’ isn’t actually a thing. Neither is disinformation or malinformation. These are Soviet terms that relate to psychological warfare. When Clinton and Maddow and other Democrats use these terms what they really mean is, ‘facts I don’t like and opinions I disagree with.'”

He suggested that if Americans are going to be charged for spreading Russia propaganda, “Clinton herself is first up.”

“No one has done more to interfere in our elections by spreading Russian propaganda than Hillary Clinton herself. … After all, it was the Clinton campaign that created the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy, which hamstrung the incoming Trump administration and held the nation hostage for more than two years. After 2,800 subpoenas, 500 witness interview, and nearly 300 wiretaps and pen registers, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that there was zero evidence of collusion by Trump or his associates.”

Further, he explained, while no evidence says Trump colluded with Russia, “there’s mountains of evidence that Clinton did. Recall it was her campaign that hired Fusion GPS in April 2016 to do opposition research on Trump, then the presumptive GOP nominee. At the time, Fusion GPS was also working on behalf of Prevezon, a company owned by Kremlin-connected Russian oligarch Denis Katsyv, in the company’s battle with U.S. prosecutors over Magnitsky Act sanctions. After the Clinton campaign and the DNC retained Fusion GPS, the firm hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy, to dig up dirt on any possible connections between Trump and Russia. These campaign expenditures to Fusion GPS were never disclosed by the Clinton campaign.”

Steele’s resulting “Dossier” of wild claims about Trump shortly, in fact, was debunked.

However, the claims “served the useful political purpose of insinuating to the media and the FBI that Moscow had dirt on Trump, who was a secret agent of the Kremlin.”

The real Russia connections “were all on Clinton’s side.”

Through Steele benefactor Oleg Deripaska and more.

“The Clinton campaign collusion with Russia gets even worse. The Russian attorney for Prevezon, the Russian company Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson worked for directly, was a woman named Natasha Veselnitskaya. She’s the one who set up a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Jared Kushner and Donald Trump, Jr., that was touted as evidence the Trump campaign was colluding with corrupt Russian officials. In that meeting, Veselnitskaya promised to provide ‘dirt’ on Clinton to the Trump campaign, but the information itself was actually produced by Fusion GPS.”

Davidson said Clinton’s campaign connections to Russia “are extensive and demning.”

When Clinton demanded criminal prosecutions for “disinformation” sources, a commentary at Twitchy said, “As Twitchy readers know, Hillary Clinton openly called for the jailing of Americans who post ‘misinformation’. Misinformation. Right. Gosh, wonder who gets to decide what is and isn’t misinformation …”

“In other words, Hillary wants the American people to be afraid of the government. How very Democrat/Authoritarian of her. Almost as if she does not want the little people knowing the truth. Keep in mind, this is the same woman who funded the Russian hoax and has done nothing but push misinformation herself for years and years (decades).”

Elon Musk, who bought Twitter, made it X, and has worked to restore free speech there, commented: “Troubling.”

Real Clear Politics reported Clinton’s comments were to MSNBC leftist Rachel Maddow, who claimed the Kremlin is “interfering” “in yet another presidential election cycle on Trump’s behalf.”

Clinton said, “So, I think it’s important to indict the Russians, just as Mueller indicted a lot of Russians who were engaged in direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016. But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda. And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence, because the Russians are unlikely, except in a very few cases, to ever stand trial in the United States.”

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