The dorky Democrats: Their timing is off
'They never got to sit at the cool table in the school cafeteria'
You really have to feel a bit sorry for them. That’s the Democrats I’m referring to, the ones who hurl nasty names at their political opponents. They are so desperate to cling to power, they apparently link a political title with the life blood of their existence.
I’ve concluded a Democrat’s anatomy is different. Their left ventricle that pumps blood to their wilted brain must shut down when they lose an election, and they go poof. Gone from title – gone from life.
Hillary is still ranting without using her “deplorable” vocal harpoon. Now Joe Biden labels the supporters of Donald Trump as garbage. They just don’t get it. When they insult their enemies, their timing’s off and their insults don’t work. They usually cause a backlash that reduces their vote count. Do you know why? It’s because they’re dorks that never got to sit at the cool table in the school cafeteria. Because of that, they’re out to destroy the cool guys, and they end up in self-destruction mode.
Take, for example, Tim Walz. When he walks out on the stage of a rally with his hands flapping in the air, he might as well have a “dorky” sign hanging around his neck. They really aren’t that awful as awful people go. They’re just dorky, and their insults are dorky.
When Joe Biden, who never sat at the cool cafeteria table, called Trump supporters garbage, it didn’t work. Trump showed up the next day in a garbage truck, making it cool to be labeled a piece of garbage. Now, if Biden would’ve called Trumpsters losers, like Trump calls his opponents, that may have worked.
This year what was the constant refrain from the dorky left? They were always whining and crying about how Trump was a new Hitler. Come on, Kamala, you knew that was something you were just saying while fighting to restrain one of your cackles from ruining the insult.
Most everybody knows the atrocious abominations committed by Hitler. Trying to attach those to Trump, who’s on stage swaying to the lyrics of the song “YMCA,” the Hitler comment is not going to work. Hitler had no sense of rhythm and couldn’t dance, whereas Trump can.
If Kamala tried to compare Trump to Genghis Khan, that might have worked because a lot people recognize Genghis, but they probably don’t know enough about the guy. Many know him as the leader of a warrior horde riding a horse across Asia with a sword, slashing people. That’s probably it. They think he had to be a pretty nasty guy, but no Hitler.
Do you think the snowflake left is going to research anything more about Genghis? Nah. But who’s going to buy Trump being a Hitler after seeing him dressed as a garbage man riding in a garbage truck? It doesn’t work.
Finally, I think the Democrats have solved their own insult problem when referring in the future to Trump as a dictator. Considering the election debacle, their tyrannical dictatorial coup to remove Biden, they can better insult Trump by calling him a Pelosi. I believe that would even put a smile on the face of Joe Biden.
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