The ‘Strange Angels’ of Stanford Medicine

'Was a still-beating heart harvested from an un-anesthetized, newborn baby?'

Oct 4, 2024 - 18:28
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The ‘Strange Angels’ of Stanford Medicine

Editor’s note: In Part 1, “The power to create a voice for the unborn is within our grasp,” Anthony LoBaido calls for an Ambassador-at-Large for the Unborn to speak for the world’s most vulnerable at the United Nations.

In Part 2, LoBaido posits that humanity can marshal the intellectual, technological, financial and organizational capacity to chart a positive course for the future – without killing off billions of people.

In Part 3, LoBaido navigates the occult-related history of Stanford. At Stanford Medicine, fetal tissue “equity” is questioned: Was a still-beating heart harvested from an un-anesthetized, newborn baby and brought to campus? If so, who was this baby?

“I started my career as a prosecutor. I was a D.A. I was an attorney general. A United States senator. And now vice president. I’ve only had one client. The people. And I’ll tell you, as a prosecutor I never asked a victim or a witness are you a Republican or a Democrat. The only thing I ever asked them: Are you OK?” – Kamala Harris, from the transcript of her first debate with Donald Trump

“You must choose the lesser evil. Who is the lesser evil – the one chasing away migrants or the one that kills children? Both are against life. The church does not permit abortion. Why? It’s an assassination.” – Pope Francis

“How do you know you’re in the presence of evil?” – From the CBS All Access series “Strange Angel”

Stanford University has always been shrouded in mystery. Its larger-than-life founder, Leeland Stanford, “The Disruptor,” had been a serial failure. His house burned down, along with his huge, magnificent law library. He recovered to assist in building the transcontinental railroad. Elected as California’s governor, he raised downtown Sacramento to prevent flooding after the Great Flood of 1862. Yet after gaining the whole world per se, he lost what he treasured most – his only child and son.

The mid-to-late 19th century was a heyday for the occult. Leeland’s family was heavily involved. Today Stanford offers a course on this topic.

Jane Stanford’s still-unsolved murder in Hawaii is baffling. As Leeland’s beloved wife, her central passion was the campus and the Memorial Church – perhaps the most beautiful in the Western Hemisphere. Jane often “consulted” her dead son and dead husband about running the university. A peer said Stanford is “run by ghosts.” Jonathan Fetter-Vorm’s artistic look at this aspect of Stanford’s history can be viewed here.

Fast forward to the psychic spies and Jedi Warriors of the Stargate Project, thanks to Stanford Research Institute (SRI). For 44 years, the ritual murder of Arlis Kay Perry at the Memorial Church inspired eerie rumors of a satanic cult linked to Son of Sam. Netflix features Maury Terry’s life-long obsession, “Sons of Sam,” hinting at such a cult. Journalist Scott Herhold’s epic “Murder Under God’s Eye,” is a must-read.

Saudi Aramco’s vast oil wealth was gifted by Stanford geologist Max Steineke – giving rise to the global petrodollar (and thus the ability of the U.S. to export its inflation) and financing Saudi Arabia’s nuclear weapons on-call from Pakistan, reports the BBC. Stanford’s tentacles appear to be limitless.

Marvel John Whiteside “Jack” Parsons, an aspiring Stanford chemistry student, perfectly embodies the campus’ opaque, occult background. No American had a greater impact on the United States as a post-World War II military power. He invented rocketry, the rocket engine and storable rocket fuel – used by NASA in the Space Shuttle. Parsons established the foundations for space travel. Aptly, a crater on the moon was named for him. He founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, home of the Rose Bowl.

Parsons’ partner, Frank Malina, had studied at Texas A&M. Their boss at GALCIT was Theodore von Karman. The L.A. Times says he was a “… descendant of Rabbi Judah Loew, the 16th century Prague mystic who conjured a “‘Golem’ or a mechanical man brought to life with sacred writings.” Read about it here.

Parsons worked on projects that helped to win World War II. His company, Aerojet, built Jet-Assisted Take-Off (JATO) to help propeller planes with heavy loads take off on short runways and carriers. He paved the way for the military-industrial complex. Yet all of it was a sideshow for Parsonsmain purpose in life.

With the aid of Aleister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard and Parsons‘ own version of Ginger from “Gilligan’s Island” – the eclectic Marjorie Cameron – Parsons attempted to use drugs and “sex magick” to sire the Antichrist. Southern California in the 1930s and 1940s was a hotbed of occultism, as 1960s archetypes of sex, drugs and dark arts manifested. (Parsons believed magic could be explained by quantum physics.)

There’s more. As Israel emerged, circa 1948, Parsons was accused of spying for the Israelis while working for Howard Hughes. Parsons told the FBI he had merely applied to lead Israel’s rocket program. He was found not guilty, as the “application” he wrote contained no secrets. Yet he lost his security clearance.

Occultists and end times Bible prophecy buffs speculate modern Israel was created to receive the Antichrist. In Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Oman, Arabs often speak of the Antichrist they call “al Dajjal.” Invoking Babylon, Parsons said astral projection transported him on a “Black Pilgrimage” to the City of Chorazin in Israel. Parsons took the “Oath of the Abyss” and declared himself to be the Antichrist after an entity he called “Belarion Armiluss Al Dajjal” embodied him. Read it here and here. Listen here. Why Chorazin?

The teachings, signs and wonders of Jesus Christ manifested in Chorazin. Yet Jesus cursed that city, as it was given much (miracles), and much (faith, repentance) was demanded – but the citizens did not change. So the city was destroyed. Khirbet Karraza’s ruins remain in its place. Read about it here, in Matthew 11:20–22 and in Luke 10:13–14. “Parsons-Al Dajjal,” is chilling but not random, as the non-canonical, Middle Ages Apocalypse of Pseudo-Methodius says due to Jesus’ curse, the Antichrist shall be conceived in Chorazin.

CBS, via Parsons’ two-season series “Strange Angel,” couldn’t resist the allure of what you’ve just read. Yes, all of this happened. And that is profoundly troubling, because once you know about all of these things, events and individuals directly or even tangentially relating to Stanford, you can’t possibly un-know them.

Far scarier tales remain: Was a requisitioned, still-beating heart cut from a baby and sent to Stanford? Is it also true that while attorney general of California, Kamala Harris, of “Are you OK?” fame, sent the authorities to confiscate evidence (deemed illegally obtained) of fetal harvestings? If so, how dare they?!

Stanford as a global power center

Stanford University is not only a gorgeous campus (take a look at the Main Quad here), it’s a preeminent global power center. It has produced some of the most brilliant, talented and creative minds on Earth. Political elites like Condoleezza Rice and Susan Rice. Erudite classicist Victor Davis Hanson. Stellar athletes like John Elway, his premier Denver Broncos wide receiver, Ed McCaffrey, and current NFL star (and son) Christian McCaffrey. Ancillary big names include Chelsea Clinton, the legally blonde, $400 million dollar Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon and many other stars of Stanford. And, Anthony LoBaido as well.

On Aug. 10, 2023, I was contacted to consider a position at Stanford Medicine I never even applied for. At that time, I was at NASA-Ames. For 10 weeks, I interviewed with a range of Stanford Medicine and Health Care (SMHC) stakeholders. On Oct. 6, I received a detailed email explaining SMHC was “excited about [my] ideas” for Artificial Intelligence and a Chatbot. And then finally, I was hired.

Jack Parsons dropped out of Stanford in 1934. LoBaido dropped in on Oct. 23, 2023. I worked on a range of special projects. For example, there were the biosecurity cabinets. I served as a “scribe” following inspectors around Stanford Hospital, busy dictating their observations to me. I worked on a Cryogenics course. I redesigned and taught Confined Space Awareness. The safety newsletter I created (in English and Spanish) was well-received. I translated final examinations into Spanish. SMHC’s excitement fueled my White Paper outlining how AI can be used to merge the physical infrastructure with operations.

This student display at Stanford was set up after the Oct. 7, 2023 attacks. The empty chairs were meant to draw attention to those kidnapped by Hamas. (Original photo by Anthony LoBaido, Oct. 31, 2023.)

On Halloween, Oct. 31, 2023, I was walking across the campus and was shown a series of tables set up in memory of those kidnapped in Israel during the infamous Gaza raid of Oct. 7, 2023. Palestinian-supporting students had a display nearby. No signs of visible anger or confrontation were apparent. Students from Venezuela were calmly articulating the Palestinian cause. Halloween reminds this writer of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the infamous Hessian mercenary, Fox’s TV series “Sleepy Hollow” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.” And now, that banquet table will also be a reminder.

That day, I met a group of Stanford doctors, lab techs and nurses. Each spun a yarn for me about Stanford Medicine – like the macabre urban legend claiming a newborn baby had its heart cut out, harvested and sent to Stanford while still-beating. I thought this tale was an onboarding hazing ritual or practical joke.

Many at Stanford Medicine and elsewhere on campus are horrified by fetal harvesting. Yet for others, the relatable concern is a lack of “equity” in fetal tissue procurement. Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Mark 12:31 Bible billboards helping you facilitate the killing of your babies mirror such acceptance.

What is “equity”? Equity is a postmodern, quasi-religion whose daily “miracles” are commonplace – in the imaginations of its disciples. No matter your innate talents, intelligence, hard work, intuition, looks, education and self-sacrifice – you’ll “earn” equal outcomes. Utopias in human history (“Year Zero” of the Khmer Rouge) never end well. The Marxist, anti-meritocracy within our complex systems is imploding.

Pivoting to “equality” for the unborn, while the WEF, DNC and U.N. expose a mythical “right” to kill your baby, the Stanford legal experts I met proposed a Bill of Rights for the Unborn – along with a lawsuit filed on behalf of the fetal tissue donors to release equity data, federal reporting requirements and congressional hearings. Pro-life legal issues, if debated at the United Nations, could cite R2P (Responsibility to Protect) due to the “genocide” of 1.7 billion global abortions as a crime against humanity, the death penalty, cruel and unusual punishment (the silent scream), no due process (14th Amendment ), body parts sold off for medical “research” without compensation, losing the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not following the Hippocratic Oath of “do no harm,” and the denial of all natural, human and civil rights.

We’ve been here before. Spartacus, Martin Luther and Bible readers burned at the stake in the Middle Ages are all archetypes of our needed transformation. Spartacus defeated nine Roman armies as the best Special Forces soldier ever. He said, “No one should profit because of the maiming or killing of another.”

‘Unburdened by what has been … revealed

A brilliant, courageous Stanford-trained and educated medical expert named Theresa Deisher testified in court concerning a high-profile case relating to abortion. It was a legal battle royal touching upon fetal harvesting. The case involved Planned Parenthood and made both national and global headlines.

Pro-life journalist David Daleiden had secretly recorded conversations about fetal harvesting activities. And Kamala Harris, as then-attorney general of California, sent the authorities to confiscate his (illegally obtained) evidence. Daleiden and Deisher seem to wear the white hats in bringing harvesting issues to light.

Daleiden stated that tissue provider StemExpress told him harvested hearts came from living babies. Read it here. And here’s a journal article to help you deconstruct “research” some might consider an abomination.

This article is a must-read for interested parties. Scientific American weighs in here. Mother Jones takes a shot here. StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer touches upon aborted baby hearts being sold. Read it here. The 1916 Project plants its flag here, noting Margaret Sanger was canceled in 2020 as a racist wanting to kill off black babies.

Think Sanger is old news? Just look at this Yahoo story on the National Institute of Health asking for a special batch of aborted babies who are 25% black. Is this “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” (DEI) or racial targeting of our most vulnerable, an auto-genocide, continuing 400 years of injustice to blacks?

Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood and the courts in California have cast a watchful eye on Daleiden.

They feel they have reason. And the law has backed them up. Not backing down, Daleiden organized a massive document dump on related issues. Review it here. Yet he lost his appeal.

Here’s a Daleiden v. Planned Parenthood case text if you wish to read it. The law aside, Harris confiscating these “secret recordings” cannot silence the silent screams of the babies losing their lives.

Daleiden, who in effect is a spy for the unborn, spoke to CNN about the process of him editing his videos. Watch it here. He mentions medical people harvesting the lung or brain of the baby. Chris Cuomo hosts. This video clip clearly hasn’t aged well. Watch as Mr. Cuomo talks about “pro-life people, conservative Catholics and their beliefs versus about two-thirds of Americans who want to fund Planned Parenthood.”

PBS does a deep dive into the footage Daleiden collected – both the raw unedited footage and his edited versions. Take a look and draw your own conclusions. Ask if the two-thirds of Americans Cuomo refers to are fully informed about fetal harvesting or still remain in the dark? For example, the University of Pittsburgh is cited here, as babies at 42 weeks might be harvested with beating hearts.

Stanford Memorial Church embodies the life’s work of Jane Stanford. It has been compared with the most beautiful churches in the Western Hemisphere. (Original photo by Anthony LoBaido.)

Read more about Deisher here. Focus on the “Langendorff apparatus … designed to keep fluid pumping through a heart that has been cut out of a body.” Deisher actually took another case all the way to the Supreme Court. Read about that one. She talks about the commoditization of human beings here.

Pivoting back to Stanford Medicine, people asked if the fetal donor babies were aborted, born alive, then harvested and later thrown in the trash. Others asked if they’d been baptized and if they have names. Some mentioned the Catholic Church performing a cleansing ritual on campus, building a memorial to harvested babies and for academic, athletic and medical scholarships to be set up in their names.

It’s Stanford, so there are important (often data-driven) questions about the chain of command: Who orders body parts, the budget, does a ledger exist, all of the meeting minutes and who signs for delivery?

Several on campus pointed to the “missing people” at the Israeli banquet tables as a “metaphor” for the missing children killed and harvested for fetal tissue. Others mused if our failure to protect the innocent unborn at home is reflected abroad in all the children being killed in Gaza, with AI used for targeting, also in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Libya and the Ukraine. It’s bloodshed touching bloodshed …

On an ancillary note, I learned there is a lot of incredible research going on at Stanford about the human heart. Study that here. There are legitimate innovations we must support. Where do we draw the line?

Next steps for Kamala Harris

MSN ran a column stating Sarah Huckabee Sanders slighted Kamala Harris by saying the VP “doesn’t have biological children.” It was a cheap shot. The best person I’ve ever known – my late mother, Viola LoBaido – also didn’t have biological children. She adopted me and my sister, Carol-Donna.

My biological mother chose life. God directed Viola to become my mother on this Earth. This enabled my amazing adventures around the world in 53 nations. Yet my journeys were possible because God and life were put first. I wasn’t murdered – and my heart wasn’t cut out – like Aztecs standing atop a ziggurat.

When Viola told me, before I left for Arizona State, “Someday you will prove you’re Stanford material,” I think she meant as a writer, journalist, photographer, professor and architect of Artificial Intelligence – not as a (fetal) body part donor, nor signing off on receiving a baby’s beating heart at Stanford Medicine.

Kamala Harris needs to pick up the phone and call Stanford and Pitt. Ask them for all their data on “equity” for fetal tissue donor babies and those babies’ race, culture, religion, nation-state, ethnicity and the socio-economic status of their parents. Use the fancy, two letters of AI to analyze all that data. Then publish it, along with the chain of command, requisitions, budgets, minutes and signatures.

Kamala must accept the reality of third-trimester abortions. The New Yorker documents it here. Babies are killed after botched abortions, or left to die. Their organs are harvested and sold off. The U.S. federal government has targeted black babies for abortion and fetal harvesting. Then, living out “what unites us,” the VP can visit a garbage dump, find remains of “the people” who are also her “clients,” the discarded, harvested babies and ask them, “Are you OK?”

Then Kamala, as the daughter of a Stanford professor, at times the Queen of Babble-on, working out being called “the one that kills children” and an “assassin” by the pope, in front of the entire world, yet still adored by a vast army of childless cat ladies – some maybe tricked into killing their unborn babies and have lived to regret it – can, while “unburdened by what has been … revealed” on David Daleiden’s illegal, secret recordings, tell us all about it during her inauguration speech on Jan. 20, 2025.

It’s as old as the Crucifixion: state-sanctioned leaders like Herod and Pilate with life-and-death power. Back then, their drunken foot soldiers offered Jesus wine mixed with myrrh and cast dice for His robe. A billboard (INRI) hung over Jesus’ head. These days, Daleiden is crucified for exposing barbaric acts.

In A.D. 33, the prize was “The Robe.” Today, it is the fetal tissue, human capital for the financialization of state-of-the-art medical research, perhaps for vaccines, cloning, Super Soldiers and transhumanism (H+).

Back then, Pilate washed his hands, only to learn of Jesus’ empty tomb, staffed by holy angels and Mary Magdalene. Today, like Pilate, we also gaze into an empty tomb – the cold heart of a woman delighting in killing the unborn, her unwashed hands, her career free of meritocracy. The failed “border czar,” enabling fentanyl, human-organ-drug-sex-child trafficking, attacks on police, rape and Laken Riley’s murder. Her 92% VP staff turnover. Proud to be the No. 2 in the room when the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle was ordered. A woman misled (as Jack Parsons was misled, yet chose his path) by purveyors of bloodlust and greed, paving/lighting the way to the mobile abortion van near the DNC and to the White House.

Final thoughts

Gavin Newsom needs new billboards: “If the light in thine eye be darkness, how great is that darkness.”

Matthew 18:10 informs us, “Take heed that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of My Father. …” As such, Lord knows the “Strange Angels” at Stanford were never “Stanford material” if they exploit material body parts of aborted babies.

A U.N. Ambassador-at-Large for the Unborn will be a major step all normal people take toward righting the wrongs of fetal harvesting. With their newfound collective voice, the unborn can ask Kamala Harris, “Are you OK … with killing us, experimenting on us and the profits from that – be it money for the exploiters of our tissue or your own personal political power – based on our torture and death? How dare they!”

The 195 Ambassadors-at-Large, 193 U.N. members and two with Observer Status, will be a paradigm shift in human history. While this will change no existing laws, the unborn, given a voice, will become a law unto themselves. It’s as if Leeland Stanford’s law library is being burned to the ground all over again.

Bacteria in outer space are considered a sign of life by scientists. Colombia’s cocaine hippos have been declared “people” under a federal court order. Can we do no less for these beautiful, innocent babies – cherishing their beating hearts, their souls and their destinies – as ascribed in the Book of Life in heaven?

Stanford brings to mind Saudi Aramco, Arlis Kay Perry, the Stargate Project and Jack Parsons. Now let it also be remembered for Ambassador and a Bill of Rights for the Unborn, both originated at Stanford. Saving the unborn is a spiritual battle. We know we’re in the presence of evil as we mind the business of the silent screams.

Each aborted person leaves a gap on this Earth. Putting life and God first might save the next John Elway and the next Reese Witherspoon. It has already saved Anthony LoBaido.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.