Unhinged Leftist Hordes Tear Down And Burn American Flag

Yesterday, as Kamala Harris addressed a black sorority in Indianapolis, and Joe Biden prepared for his farewell ice cream party at the White House, Left-wing rioters took down the American flags flying at one of Washington, D.C.’s most iconic landmarks: Union Station. Less than a mile from the Capitol complex, they raised Palestinian flags in ...

Jul 25, 2024 - 17:28
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Unhinged Leftist Hordes Tear Down And Burn American Flag

Yesterday, as Kamala Harris addressed a black sorority in Indianapolis, and Joe Biden prepared for his farewell ice cream party at the White House, Left-wing rioters took down the American flags flying at one of Washington, D.C.’s most iconic landmarks: Union Station. Less than a mile from the Capitol complex, they raised Palestinian flags in their place.

Various members of the mob also waved the flags of terrorist groups. And then, for good measure, they set the American flags on fire while chanting “Allahu Akbar.” They also violently dragged a hapless police officer on the ground. Then the mob spray painted a threat on a Columbus monument: “Hamas is coming,” they wrote. In other words, this isn’t the last of the terrorism you’ll see. This is only the beginning.

Anyone who claims to be “America First” should be filled with blind rage watching what happened yesterday in Washington. For that matter, anyone who cares even remotely about the future of this country should be enraged.

That explains why neither Biden nor Harris said a word about it yesterday. It was as if none of it happened. But the footage was all over social media.

Here’s what it looked like:

A country run by competent leaders would use physical force — up to and including lethal force if necessary — to protect its flag and its monuments from this sort of barbarism. If we allow this to happen — and we just did — then we don’t have a country anymore, we have anarchy. It’s the end result of everything the Left has been teaching in universities for the past several decades. It’s the result of years of unchecked foreign migration, much of it illegal. And it’s here now.

Already, we should know the names of every single one of these rioters, as well as where they came from. How many of them are citizens? How many of them work for NGOs that we’re funding with our tax dollars? These are questions that we’d have the answers to, if our leaders cared about national self-preservation in the slightest. Which they don’t.

To be clear, this was not simply a political protest about Israel. Several of the rioters also carried Hamas and ISIS flags. This was a pro-terrorist rally — and an explicitly anti-American rally — in the nation’s capital.

Images to cycle through:

For all the consternation we heard about Charlottesville, and the many hoaxes that rally spawned, it’s remarkable — yet completely expected — that we won’t hear a word about any of this in the mainstream press. None of the people who claim to care about political violence on the Left actually care about it. They endorse it. Needless to say, if a Pride flag was torn down, burned, and replaced by some other flag — say a Confederate flag — it would be the lead story on every news broadcast for the next week.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

This should all repulse every single person in this country. I say that regardless of your position on the issue that supposedly spawned this riot. It doesn’t matter if you don’t think Israel’s prime minister should be speaking in Congress, or if you oppose America’s funding of Israel or whatever. A true patriot doesn’t take sides with these kinds of people no matter what. You lose the right to be listened to or taken seriously when you behave this way. I automatically oppose you and everything you stand for when you burn my nation’s flag and try to replace my nations’ flag with some foreign flag. I will never be a friend of yours or an ally to your cause when you do that. I don’t care who you are or what your gripe is. And I say that as someone who does not like the idea of a foreign leader speaking to Congress and telling us why we should give his country more money. I didn’t like it when Zelensky did it, and I don’t like it with Netanyahu. But that doesn’t excuse the mob violence in Washington. It doesn’t make me any kind of compatriot with scumbags who desecrate my flag and hate my country. It also doesn’t excuse the total failure of the police to prevent any of this from happening.

If you’ve spent any amount of time looking at footage of January 6th, one of the first things you notice is that the police actually responded, to varying degrees. And of course, in the years that followed January 6th, the police response was overwhelming. Elderly women with cancer were hunted down and hit with trespassing charges. The FBI scrutinized every second of video from that day to find more suspects. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, for their part, issued dire statements about how democracy was hanging in the balance. They are still issuing statements about it.

Contrast that response with what happened yesterday in the nation’s capital. Nobody stopped the mob from damaging federal property or raising these flags.

Some officers did attempt to engage the crowd at various points, and the rioters responded by dragging them around like rag dolls. Watch:


Remember all the breathless news reports after January 6 about how officers were supposedly attacked in the Capitol? There won’t be any coverage of what happened to this officer. There will be no teary-eyed testimony from this police officer leading MSNBC every night for the next month. Adam Kinzinger isn’t going to go on TV and weep over it. There will be no dragnet and no 10-year prison sentences. They don’t care about this cop, because he was assaulted by a mob they support.

Of course, precisely no one is surprised by the media’s hypocrisy anymore. By this point we’re used to the fact that the Left gets a free pass to commit political violence. They injured dozens of Secret Service agents and torched a church right outside the White House when Trump was president, and the Left’s response was to mock Trump for having to take cover in the White House bunker. The whole summer of 2020 was like that — businesses all over the country were razed, as Democrats like Kamala cheered on the mobsters.

But what happened yesterday marks a major escalation in what Democrats are willing to tolerate in this country. They are willing to tolerate foreign invaders raising a foreign flag in our capital. That is now beyond dispute. It’s on tape. Kamala Harris didn’t condemn the mobsters at Union Station yesterday because she knows they’re her voters. She doesn’t mind it when they deface monuments with terroristic threats. She doesn’t mind it when they drag Park Police officers on the ground. She did finally put out a brief statement today condemning what happened yesterday. It took her 24 hours, and she was tepid about it, but she reluctantly put the statement out because she has no choice.

Still, Kamala is the exact same woman she was in 2020, when she was bailing out BLM rioters. Only now, more than ever, it’s clear that she doesn’t care about the alleged justification for the riots. Whether they’re pro-BLM or pro-Hamas, it doesn’t matter. All she cares about is that the rioters are destroying this country, in the literal sense. If these rioters had left tidemarks on an LGBT flag painted on the street, or put their feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk, there’d be a nationwide manhunt to find out who they are and destroy their lives forever. But because they desecrated America’s flag and America’s monuments, they’re untouchable.

I can’t emphasize enough that dozens of crimes were committed yesterday, in broad daylight, and the FBI won’t do anything about it. Remember that federal law that got attention under the Trump administration, which makes it illegal to deface certain monuments? That one won’t be enforced here. Neither will the laws against “trespassing” and “obstruction” that were used to throw January 6 defendants into solitary confinement for months on end. Burning things in the middle of the city is also illegal. There are multiple laws that are supposed to prevent you from burning anything in the middle of a city street, least of all a piece of property that you ripped down. But those laws were not enforced.

The powers that be endorse this political violence. And the people who committed the vandalism seemed to understand that, because they made no effort to hide their identities. The FBI could find them in a day if they wanted to.

This is what the Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain and the Freedom Bell looked like yesterday afternoon.

Notice how completely unafraid the rioters are. Watch:

No one’s trying to stop them. No one will ever try to find them and arrest them, even though they’re not even covering their faces. Additionally, there will be no investigation into how this mob was transported to Washington, D.C. — even though we have footage of buses dropping the protesters off. Watch:


There’s a pretty obvious question to ask here: Who’s paying for those buses? Is it the same billionaires and NGOs who funded those takeovers of college campuses a few weeks ago — the ones where Leftists occupied buildings and destroyed property while camping out in matching tents? If so, it wouldn’t be difficult to put RICO charges together and dismantle all of the funding that allows these acts of domestic terrorism to take place. At the very least, the DOJ could put together 10-year prison sentences for the instigators. If they did it for January 6th, they can do it here. But again, they won’t do that because they want it to happen.

Go and check the press pages and social media accounts of members of Congress and the White House. If you do that, you won’t see condemnations of terrorist flags flying in the capital. Instead, you’ll find juvenile screeds about Israel’s prime minister. For example, this is what Nancy Pelosi — still the de facto leader of Democrats in the House — decided to tweet out yesterday, as America’s flag was being torched a few blocks away: “Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.”

Nothing in her statement about her own voting base tearing down an American flag, burning it, and hoisting a foreign flag in its place. Contrast that tweet with what Donald Trump was saying, via video, on January 6. He repeatedly called for peace. He told his supporters to go home and that violence, and destroying government property, wasn’t the answer. And for that, Joe Biden’s DOJ charged Donald Trump with a series of crimes. Twitter kicked him off the platform, so did Facebook. Just three and a half years later, Democrats aren’t simply failing to condemn the violence of their foot soldiers. They’re encouraging it.

To be fair, I did come across one example of a Democrat who, after a few hours, appeared to be mildly concerned about the pro-terrorist demonstration at Union Station. And it was about as comical a response as you’d expect. As the Israeli prime minister spoke, Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut wrote on Twitter: “The suggestion that any American who objects to the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza is a Hamas sympathizer was way out of bounds.” 

So he’s trashing Netanyahu for daring to suggest that his critics actually sympathize with terrorists. But just a few hours later, as the footage of rioters flying Hamas flags circulated on social media, Murphy tweeted this little update: “I’ve seen some disturbing images coming out of today’s protests at the Capitol. I’ll always support Americans exercising their First Amendment rights but pro-Hamas cheers and messages of hate and antisemitism have no place in our country. Period.”

Life comes at you fast, as the kids say. Of course, Chris Murphy didn’t retract his original post or issue any kind of apology. He’s not going to engage in any introspection as to why swarms of Hamas sympathizers just vandalized the nation’s capital and attacked a police officer, or look into who funded them. The best Democrats can do is some half-hearted finger-wag at the rioters who went a little bit too far —- who made things a little too obvious.

To their credit, House Republicans were vocal throughout the day about what was happening. And they made sure the flags at Union Station were put back up last night. Watch:

More than any other series of videos you can find, the clips I’ve played today very clearly illustrate the contrast between the two political parties in this country. It’s not that one party is perfect, or anything even close to perfect. It’s that one party openly wants to destroy the country we’re all living in, and the other party does not — even if they have often proven themselves ineffective at preventing it from being destroyed. That’s the distinction. We are not arguing about policy at this point. We’re talking about supporting the destruction of the country, or opposing it. This is the litmus test. When you see images of those scumbags tearing down and burning an American flag, does it fill you with righteous fury, or not? Do you oppose them and everything they stand for, or not? Do you want to preserve this country or tear it down? I wish that the political lines were more nuanced and less severe than that. I wish there were finer distinctions. I wish we could afford to pick our teams based on questions less fundamental than: “should America continue to exist?” But we can’t. This is where we are. One side of the political aisle truly wants to destroy this country. It’s what they desire. It’s what they are openly working towards. 

Of course, as always, the corporate press is on the side of the enemies of civilization. Last night, Politico ran this headline, which really belongs in a museum: “Republicans pounce after Netanyahu protesters burn U.S. flags – and wave Hamas ones instead.” 

In other words, the real problem here is not that Left-wing terrorists attacked police officers and put up a terrorist flag while burning our own. The real story is that Republicans noticed what was happening. Republicans “pounced.”

If Kamala Harris takes control of the White House, we’ll be seeing a lot more flag burning to the tune of “Allahu Akbar.” There will be more political violence by thugs who worship foreign flags. And in response, at every turn, Republicans will be portrayed as the problem for “pouncing.” More than ever, it’s clear that the Democrat platform is to replace this country’s voters and to indoctrinate food soldiers who are willing to use violence to enforce the party’s ideology.

That’s why Union Station looked like Gaza yesterday.

That’s why a foreign flag flew in the capital.

And it’s what the whole country will look like if the current party in power stays there.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.