Welcome to the twilight of Homo sapiens

'The ever-eugenically minded elites soon won't need many human workers'

Oct 14, 2024 - 18:28
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Welcome to the twilight of Homo sapiens
(Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay)

“In various occult and esoteric traditions, there is indeed a principle that emphasizes the importance of revelation before change. This principle often ties into ideas of cosmic law, the balance of forces, and the need for awareness before transformation. The belief is that understanding the nature of a change, or being forewarned about it, allows individuals to align themselves more harmoniously with the flow of energy or fate.”

– ChatGPT, in answer to my question this morning “Is there actually an occult principle that all prescribed change must be revealed in advance?”

I went to bed last night thinking about a comment my son just made about the virtually overnight demographic remodel of Springfield, Ohio, into which 20,000 Haitians were dropped into a town of 40,000 residents – fully housed and funded – by the Biden/Harris regime. His comments emphasized both the unprecedented machine-like efficiency of it and the complete disregard for the existing population.

His observation was like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle I had already largely completed. I awoke this morning with the awareness of a dark epiphany my mind had reached overnight: Humanity really is in the early stages of being culled – and we’ve been prepped for it for decades through the entertainment medium of “science fiction.”

The Great Replacement – foreshadowed by such classic sci-fi films as “The War of the Worlds” and “The Invasion of the Body Snatchers” – is an actual plan whose purpose is to replace the fiercely independent and entrepreneurial Alpha-Class of True Americans with more compliant and controllable Third World “scabs” – not because of their white skin color, but because of their worldview. I use the word “scabs” intentionally, not to denigrate our fellow human beings being used as pawns against us, but to invoke the Alpha-Class labor-union dockworkers who just threw a boulder in the path of their own great replacement – by robots. (The Third-Worlders are intended to be the factory workers building those robots – and perhaps dying as cannon fodder in a world war that heralds both the “Great Reset” and the Bible’s “beginning of sorrows.”)

Those dockworkers are some of the more visible True Americans now rising up as a MAGA army: an army of mixed races and creeds, certainly, but still dominated demographically by the descendants of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) majority who envisioned and then built this nation – the world’s first, best and longest lasting constitutional republic – from the 17th century through the early decades of the 20th century. Their True American worldview – which persists today both in the form of Christian faith and in the form of secularized custom and tradition – originated in the Protestant doctrine of “the priesthood of all believers” in which government was perceived as the natural product of the cooperation of sovereign individuals who collectively delegate limited power to “public servants.” Because of them, America’s long season of liberty and self-determination was unique in world history until it ended on Jan. 6, 2021. (Whatever we manage to claw back in November – if anything – will never be the same.)

The Pilgrim Separatists of Plymouth exemplified that spirit of self-determination with their defiance of top-down government – and top-down ecclesiastic religion – being reflected in our nation’s first, protean constitution, the Mayflower Compact, and then in its follow-up “covenantal oath,” the Declaration of Independence.

In the 20th century, the Empire Struck Back and our government “of the people, by the people and for the people” was steadily supplanted by a tag-team of Marxism and predatory corporatism such that our population still largely looked much the same from the outside, but on the inside had increasingly become a nation of serfs compliant to government groupthink but hostile to faith and liberty.

In the 21st century, our self-presumed Masters emerged from the shadows to reveal themselves and their plans, which were moving smoothly along – until (thank God) the narcissistic megalomaniac Barack Obama tried to accomplish too much too fast and triggered the populist backlash called the Tea Party, which later morphed into the MAGA movement.

But the plan has proceeded anyway, and nothing we’ve done to stop it has worked. Impediments like our Bill of Rights and election laws have barely slowed them: A world-enslaving, death-dealing plandemic to justify and mask massive election fraud to evict Donald Trump from office was nothing to them. Neither is the continuing systematic feeding of Ukraine and its people into the Russian meat-grinder – at huge cost in money and war materials – all to destroy the Clinton/Bush/Biden/Obama/Soros bio-weapons and money-laundering crime scene under the pretext of opposing “Russian aggression” which they themselves orchestrated.

Importantly, however, these are only skirmishes along the road to the future the elites behind those elites want for themselves. Films like “The Matrix” and Star Trek’s “Borg” show us generally where they’re headed: the integration of humans with artificially intelligent machinery more advanced than we are. The ghouls of the World Economic Forum entice us to support their vision of transhumanism by suggesting we will retain our individual autonomy and become a new species of humankind beyond Homo sapiens. But why would an Artificial Intelligence they fully expect to outstrip our human intellectual capacity deign to remain subservient to inferior human beings? Since intelligence growth is presumably unlimited, we would eventually, inevitably, become mere assets to exploit in whatever vision it deems important to its own self-development.

The idea that Trump can save us from all this is a fantasy. He’s now campaigning with Elon Musk at his side – the man developing the human brain implants for future cyborgs and self-driving robotic transportation systems, which are a first-step to automated-everything. Massive AI facilities are being built as we speak to run that world, needing such massive amounts of electrical power as to require the re-start of the Three Mile Island nuke plant (for Microsoft). Another, just a few miles from me in Memphis, is Musk’s own AI “Grok 3” supercomputer facility, which requires nothing less than the mighty Mississippi River as source of power and cooling.

Musk is selling this to the MAGA faithful as an “anti-woke” version of ChatGPT, and I’m grateful for his free-speech advocacy, but will free speech even matter in the world of robots and cyborgs he’s helping to create? What use are most humans there? The ever-eugenically minded elites soon won’t need many human workers. Most of us will be simply “useless eaters” then and expendable – especially the Alpha-Class; the troublemakers who demand government accountability to the people; the vaccine-resistors and “misinformation” purveyors; the “bitter clingers” to God and the Constitution; the “Deplorables.” Hillary says she wants us jailed, but any AI policy-setter worth its wattage would conclude it would be cheaper and easier just to kill us.

In contrast are the young and compliant whose self-identity and bodily integrity are already so fluid and malleable that tomorrow’s transhumanist augmentations and cyborgean “improvements” will seem as normal and natural to them as transgenderism.

I don’t see any way off this path to hell – except the path to Heaven in the prophecies of the Bible, which seem more realistic with every passing day.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.