What kind of German would you have been in the ’30s?

'As believers, we are in the midst of the greatest spiritual battle we have ever known' The post What kind of German would you have been in the ’30s? appeared first on WorldNetDaily.

Jul 19, 2024 - 18:28
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What kind of German would you have been in the ’30s?

On Oct. 7, 2013, masks were pulled off the faces of all anti-Semites. Whatever cloak they wore to hide their true colors, such as social justice, multiculturalism, tolerance, or whatever else, have been removed. For the last 25 years that I have spent studying and teaching on the topic, anti-Semitism ebbed and flowed but rarely peaked at the level it is at now. It hasn’t just peaked but keeps rising to levels not seen since the 1930s and 1940s in Europe.

People of goodwill, and Christians in particular, are at a crossroads. We cannot remain silent in the face of evil. If you believe in God, you have to believe in evil as well. Satan, the enemy of God, is also the archenemy of Israel and the Jewish people and he knows that he is currently running on fumes. As believers, we are in the midst of the greatest spiritual battle we have ever known. The forces of darkness are at work and will not cease until they fulfill their destructive agenda. They would if they could, but we know they can’t (Jeremiah 31:35-37.) Yet, we cannot remain idle in the face of so much evil.

My goal has always been the same: Educate Christians, expose the lies, promote the truth, and love Israel and the Jewish people with the love of Yeshua the Messiah as I tell them about Him. Throughout that process and for over two decades, I always had hoped that we could oppose and defeat anti-Semitism. I never thought it would be easy, but I truly believed we could. This was the driving force behind my resilience … or so I thought. Truly, my driving force is the Lord, His covenants, promises, lovingkindness and character. Today, He continues to be my strength, even though I must confess that I don’t believe we can stop anti-Semitism anymore, at least not on this side of the Second Coming of Yeshua. So what are we to do?

Frankly, I am not sure that those who rescued, sheltered and fed Jews during the Holocaust years took the time to think about the outcome of their deeds. They were acting out of the kindness of their hearts. As decent human beings, they chose to be rescuers, not perpetrators or co-perpetrators. They decided to shelter, not expose Jewish people, and they did it without worrying about their own lives in the process. To them, it was simply the most natural thing to do. Decades later, they have become “Righteous Among the Nations.” They were reactive, and today, we can all be proactive.

When Kristallnacht took place on Nov. 9-10, 1938, and Jewish storefronts were defaced and destroyed along with the burning to the ground of dozens of synagogues and the killing of at least 200 Jews, what kind of German would you have been, a Goering or a Martin Niemöller?

When your neighbors called the local police or even the Gestapo to alert them that Jews were hiding inside the building they lived in, and then watched through their window blinds, behind closed doors as the families were taken away to a certain death, what kind of German would you have been, a Himmler or a Waitstill Sharp?

When the cattle cars passed through the small villages of Europe carrying Jews packed in horrible conditions on their way to extermination camps, what kind of German would you have been, a Hitler or a Dietrich Bonhoeffer?

The kind of German you would have been in the ’30s and ’40s will most certainly determine the type of person you can be today amid this global volcanic eruption of anti-Semitism. While Jew-hatred has been slowly increasing over the last decade, on Oct. 7, 2023, it received the proverbial “steroid shot.”

  • When people chant “from the River to the Sea” in a public place, and you have a chance to explain what it means, will you?
  • When Jewish people are banned from stores, restaurants, or Airbnb, will you boycott the institutions behind the banning?
  • When Jewish people are physically assaulted in a pogrom on the streets of New York or Los Angeles, will you come to the rescue whichever way you can?
  • When your Jewish friend or neighbor knocks on your door in the middle of the night to ask for help, will you take them in to rescue and shelter them, no matter the cost and the risk?

If you answered yes to these four questions, you are a “NEW Righteous Among the Nations,” and there is a place for you to put your thoughts and words into action before it is too late. There exists a private, secret and highly secure network of like-minded Christians who understand the biblical mandate to bless the Jewish people (Genesis 12:3) and are ready to do something about it. I started the network with a few people almost five years ago. Think of an “Underground Railroad for Jews.” You won’t find it advertised anywhere; it doesn’t raise funds, and it is all on a volunteer basis. To start the vetting process (check the seventh box on the connect page.)

Consider joining the network and put into practice today the principle that will take place during the Great Tribulation as found in the parable of the goats and the sheep in Matthew 25:31-46: 34 “Then the King will say to those on His right, ‘Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom, which has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38 And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ 40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’

The goats will reject the Jews and refuse to help them, while the sheep will go out of their way to help at a time when helping Jews could bring them certain death. Yet, Yeshua the King rewards the sheep with direct entry into the Messianic Kingdom. This is not salvation by works but deeds because of salvation. The principle can and should be applied today.

Would you have been the kind of German who would have helped Jews in the 1930s and 1940s and would be counted among the sheep by the King? It is time to decide!


The post What kind of German would you have been in the ’30s? appeared first on WorldNetDaily.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.