‘Where is the outrage in response to this lunacy?’ Christian champion sues Biden-Harris for fabricating anti-faith regulations

'Joe Biden appears to be under the very mistaken impression that teaching our children the truth about biological reality constitutes discrimination'

Oct 16, 2024 - 10:28
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‘Where is the outrage in response to this lunacy?’ Christian champion sues Biden-Harris for fabricating anti-faith regulations
The White House is illuminated in the blue and white colors of the Israeli flag on Monday, Oct. 9, 2023 as a symbol of the ironclad support and solidarity of the American people with the people of Israel in the wake of the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

The White House is illuminated in the blue and white colors of the Israeli flag on Monday, Oct. 9, 2023 as a symbol of the ironclad support and solidarity of the American people with the people of Israel in the wake of the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

James Dobson, an icon in teaching Christian standards and values, especially regarding families, has advised at least five presidential administrations on ethics and values.

The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration, he’s suing.

It’s because of the multiple anti-faith agenda items Biden and Harris are trying to force onto American citizens without the benefit of legislation or congressional action.

One of the plans would radically, and falsely, insist that denying children access to transgender body mutilations be considered child abuse, which then could be used against the parents’ custody of their own children.

The case, filed in federal court in Texas, is targeting the Biden-Harris scheme of wanting to change something, and simply rewriting federal regulations to accommodation their own personal wishes.

Dobson is founder of the James Dobson Family Institute and the host of the “Family Talk” radio program.

The action cites the Biden-Harris ideology that employers and their insurance programs are required to cover abortion and gender-transition services through the changes to Department of Health and Human Services and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rules.

Then there’s a new EEOC rule that takes a congressional act, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, and insists that employers pay for abortions, and finally, the there are the Biden-Harris demands that workers “use false pronouns inconsistent with an individual’s biological sex and grant access to single-sex spaces by members of the opposite sex.”

James Dobson (Video screenshot)
James Dobson

The Biden-Harris rule changes all are in pursuit of the regime’s two primary agenda points: promoting transgenderism including body mutilations on young children, and abortion for all.

The conflict has been developing since before Biden and Harris took office, when WND reported on Dobson’s description of Biden’s advocacy for transgenderism as “lunacy.”

“Where is the outrage in response to this lunacy? Joe Biden appears to be under the very mistaken impression that teaching our children the truth about biological reality constitutes discrimination,” he wrote on his website. “He couldn’t be more wrong, and his distorted view is equally alarming. Indeed, world-renowned Swedish psychiatrist Dr. Christopher Gillberg has said that pediatric transition is ‘possibly one of the greatest scandals in medical history.'”

He said leading children “down a path toward social and medical ‘transition’ is not compassionate – it’s an act of cruelty! ”

An announcement from Dobson’s organization, through President Joe Waresak, confirmed the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute and an association of Christian employers filed a lawsuit challenging the Biden-Harris administration’s new regulations that force employers to violate their religiously held convictions regarding the sanctity of human life and human sexuality.”

The announcement confirmed, “At its most basic level, this is a spiritual battle of good versus evil. The Biden-Harris EEOC and HHS agencies are attempting to force ministries and businesses to bow down to their wicked and radicalized agenda of promoting the killing of unborn children and the perversion of God’s design for human sexuality—created in His image as male and female. As a Christian organization, we cannot remain silent against such blatant attacks that target our sacred religious convictions.”

The complaint is supported by a declaration from PublicSquare, a values-driven commerce ecosystem with over 5 million registered consumers.

The case in federal court in the Northern District of Texas, “seeks to protect religious freedoms and Christian business practices against government mandates recently imposed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).”

The Institute “encourages and teaches biblically based principles for families while promoting the sanctity and dignity of all human life.”

Dr. Owen Strachan, senior director at JDFI, said, “This radicalized immoral movement often speaks in the dulcet tones of tolerance and inclusivity concerning public morality; it often seeks to bind society to its vision and punish anyone who dares dissent with severe consequences.

“This is evident in HHS’s regulation requiring employer health plan coverage of abortion and so-called gender-affirming care, as well as in the EEOC’s regulation requiring employer accommodation of abortion and immoral infertility treatments, and its enforcement guidance requiring employers to grant access to bathrooms and other single-sex spaces to those of the opposite sex.

“Such rules crush the liberty that aligns with the order of creation as defined by God and reflected in nature.”

The Democrat regime in Washington is attempting “to force JDFI, PublicSquare, and other Christian-based ministries and businesses to violate our religiously based biblical values and moral conscience.”

The case calls out the leftists for their “regulation” under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act to demand abortion coverage.

Further, the administration’s HHS agenda includes cover “termination of pregnancy” under the “sex” nondiscrimination requirements. That agency also is demanding “gender-affirming care” that includes mutilating surgeries on children that leave them sterile for life.

Studies have shown that while transgenderism often is promoted for children by the false claims that it reduces the incidence of suicide or attempts, the opposite actually is true.

Then there’s the Biden-Harris demands that employers “affirm” workers who are pursuing the nonscientific ideology that males can become females. Actually, that cannot happen as being male or female is embedded in the human body down to the DNA level.

The lawsuit charges the Biden-Harris scheme has deliberately foreclosed “any moral option in the marketplace for employers with traditional Christian values such as JDFI and other Christian-based ministries or businesses.”

Dobson’s radio ministry is heard on more than 1,300 radio outlets and his program has an audience of half a million weekly.

Dobson, who has advised a long list of presidents before the Biden-Harris administration, has authored more than 70 books on his area of expertise, and WND has reported when he previously suggested that Biden be informed on what Thanksgiving is.

Thank came not long ago when Biden issued a Thanksgiving address and completely ignored God.

“Sadly, someone apparently needs to teach this fact to President Joe Biden, too. He issued a Thanksgiving proclamation that didn’t mention God at all. Instead, Biden suggested the day’s purpose was to thank America for our blessings. This is not true. The purpose is for America to honor and thank God. This is not a minor distinction,” the ministry statement said at the time.

“America, like all nations of the earth, will eventually end. But God will never ‘end.’ Interestingly, the only other administration to omit God from its Thanksgiving proclamations was the Obama/Biden administration,” the comment said.

Dobson has been called by secular publications the nation’s “most influential evangelical leader,” and he also founded the prominent Family Research Council in the 1980s.

His books have sold millions of copies under titles including “Dare to Discipline,” “The Strong-Willed Child,” “Bringing Up Boys,” “Bringing up Girls,” “When God Doesn’t Make Sense” and more.

Ironically, on that same holiday, it was President Donald Trump whose statement on the holiday thanked God.

He said Americans give thanks to “Almighty God” for “His many blessings including our families, our friends, our neighbors, and this extraordinary country that we all call home.”

He said:

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving today. As we gather with our loved ones, we give thanks to Almighty God for His many blessings including our families, our friends, our neighbors and this extraordinary country that we all call home.

We also send our deep gratitude to all of the patriots serving our nation in uniform this Thanksgiving including members of the U.S. armed forces. the heroes of Border Patrol and law enforcement and ICE and everybody that works so hard to preserve our system and our country and working to defend our southern border and our police and first responders in communities all across America.

This is a difficult time for our country, but do not lose heart or lose hope because by the time we celebrate next Thanksgiving our nation will be well on its way to being stronger, safer more prosperous, and greater than ever before.

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you all.

More recently, Dobson issued a statement warning Americans of Biden’s plan to destroy the nation’s sovereignty.

His warning is that the U.N.’s World Health Organization “wants complete control of your mind and body,” and Biden is willing to help.

“I am writing you today to warn of an imminent and real threat to the sovereignty of our nation. Two of our founding fathers, President George Washington and President Thomas Jefferson, counseled America against forming misaligned alliances with foreign entities—especially those who do not share our allegiance to the principles that formed our republic,” he said.

“Yet, the Biden administration is on the verge of doing just that by turning our keys of self-governance over to the World Health Organization. And, mark my word, if America gives up its sovereign rule as a nation, we could well lose our sweet land of liberty and effectively forsake every generation that has fought and died for it. God help us if we let this happen on our watch.”

Dobson also has pointed out that Biden is dividing America into factions at war with his ideological and anti-faith agendas.

The case seeks a court ruling that the regulations and “interpretations” actually are in violation of the law and Constitution.


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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.