How One Of America’s Largest School Districts Became A Pipeline For A Trans Youth Clinic

As we prepare to enter the new year, we’re taking you back to some of The Daily Wire’s best reporting from 2024. This article was originally published on February 28.
When a middle school in one of America’s largest school districts learned that a student was interested in a medical gender transition, administrators knew exactly who to turn to. That’s because just a month earlier, the school for kids as young as eleven had formed a partnership with the largest transgender youth clinic in the country, according to documents obtained by The Daily Wire.
Emails show that administrators in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) immediately connected the middle school student who wanted testosterone therapy, a medical intervention that threatens to sterilize the user, with medical staff at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles Transyouth clinic, which describes itself as the “largest” transgender clinic in the country. Making the connection was easy — just weeks earlier, at the school district’s request, the transgender clinic gave a presentation to the school on the full menu of “possible interventions for navigating your child’s gender journey.”
That presentation, obtained through a records request to the school, showcased a wide range of irreversible medical treatments offered by the clinic. It openly endorsed the social and medical transition of young children at the clinic, which has even seen kids as young as three years old.
The joint effort from the two entities to furnish a middle school student with potential sterilizing drugs appears to be one of the first ways that America’s second-largest school district established itself as a pipeline to the clinic. Administrators refer to the district as “partners in service to our trans youth,” and it regularly pushes transgenderism on young children through its lesson plans, book readings, and spirit day celebrations. In the event that any children are interested in what’s being showcased, it sends them over to a “gender-affirming” clinic for possible treatment that could permanently alter their lives.
The emails show that the school was acting as a medical resource for a child who was interested in receiving testosterone treatment.
“I am looking for resources to support [redacted] a [redacted] is interested in Testosterone therapy. Parents are open to it, but are unsure of where to begin/would like [redacted] to have professional support through the process,” wrote Anna Riley, a psychiatric social worker at Paul Revere Middle School, on November 4, 2021, to two other mental health professionals in the district. “Do you have any resources that I can share, or have an idea of who I can go to to ask about this?”

That email was immediately forwarded to Bianca Salvetti, a nurse practitioner at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles (CHLA) TransYouth Clinic, who provided the contact of a medical provider who could discuss potential treatments. “If you think the parents are on board with meeting with a medical provider to discuss options. I would have them email … and our case manager will help them get all the required information/authorizations needed to get scheduled,” Salvetti responded less than an hour after Riley’s inquiry.
“If they are just at a place to learn more/need support – I would have them reach out to Transforming Family … or Trans Family support Services,” Salvetti added, linking to two organizations that encourage children to attempt to change their sex.
The exchange came weeks after the relationship between LAUSD and the CHLA Transyouth clinic had been forged, and when district officials requested that the clinic advertise their medical transition procedures to district community members. The presentation was informed by the ideological stance of the clinic, which endorses the social and medical transition of young children and has even seen kids as young as three years old.
“Another thing that we do is hold a Caregiver Support Group once a month as well and I was wondering if one of the Dr.’s from your program would be willing to come and speak to that group about medical transitions,” Talia Guppy, one of the recipients of Riley’s email, wrote in a September 29th, 2021 to Christian Citlali, a CHLA administrator. Guppy is a mental health practitioner for the school district who not only has her pronouns in her email signature, but also the “new progress pride flag,” which was redesigned to be inclusive for intersex people.

Salvetti, who would later respond to Riley’s query about the middle schooler, handled the request.
“Is there anything specific you would want me to discuss in the presentation? Or do you need just a general overview of gender care?” Salvetti wrote back after Guppy’s email was forwarded to her.
“Our parents have questions about when it’s appropriate to start puberty blockers, hormone treatment, etc,” Guppy wrote to Salvetti. “They also have questions about any side effects the kids may experience, etc. Those would be great things to address.”
The presentation that was ultimately delivered, obtained by The Daily Wire and titled “Transition as a Spectrum: Possible Interventions for Navigating Your Child’s Gender Journey,” discussed a wide range of social and medical interventions that are used to attempt to modify a child’s sex, even promoting irreversible surgeries.
Salvetti’s presentation discussed signs of gender dysphoria among young children, with a slide claiming that “presentation in youth” can appear as “gender nonconformity,” with signs including the toys that children play with, the clothes they prefer, and the pronouns they use.
One of the presentation’s 40 slides, titled “Enhancing Gender Presentation,” appeared to recommend prosthetic breasts and penises for children, showcasing a wide range of different options.

The presentation specified that it uses the “informed consent” model rather than the “gatekeeping model,” a more restrictive system that CHLA claims “is not evidence-based and was designed to protect providers instead of patients.” Informed consent, according to the transgender clinic Johns Hopkins, is a “less burdensome” approach that allows medical providers to provide treatments without confirming that the patient truly is suffering from gender dysphoria — if the patient wants the treatment, the patient can consent to it.
“There is no correct pathway to transition!” one slide from the presentation reads. It goes on to discuss masculinizing and feminizing hormone treatments before discussing fertility preservation options, like sperm and egg cryopreservation, warning that certain treatments could negatively impact fertility.
Another slide discussed surgical procedures intended to modify peoples’ sex, including “chest surgery” for minors and “surgeries that remove the ovaries or testicles.”
LAUSD administrators sang Salvetti’s praises following the event, with one diversity administrator even declaring district officials as “partners in service to trans youth.”
“You gave such a wonderful presentation. Our parents are so fortunate to live in proximity of your services. I hope you count us as partners in service to our trans youth,” read an email to Salvetti from Janise Escobar, a Human Relations, Diversity and Equity Administrator.
“I don’t even know how to thank you enough for last night. Our parents were so thankful for what you brought to them,” Guppy wrote to Salvetti. “We appreciate you so much! We look forward to working together again in the future. Thank you again from the bottom of our Hearts.”
Salvetti’s recommendation that the parents of the middle school student talk to a medical practitioner about testosterone therapy came despite a 2019 CHLA admission that testosterone therapy could result in sterilization. “It is not known what the effects of testosterone are on fertility,” the document reads. “Even if you stop taking testosterone it is uncertain if you will be able to get pregnant in the future.”
While the email exchanges happened in 2021, LAUSD and the Center for Transyouth Health at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles are still actively working together to promote transgenderism to children. The district hosted a panel discussion in August on the “wellbeing of sexual and gender diverse girls” with Johanna Olson-Kennedy, the director of the transgender youth clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, an August 2023 investigation from The Daily Wire revealed.
The webinar also featured Olson-Kennedy’s significant other Aydin Olson-Kennedy, a woman who identifies as a man and who worked as a licensed clinical social worker writing approval letters for children to undergo life-altering transgender medical interventions.
Aydin Olson-Kennedy even wrote that requiring letters to access medical interventions that seek to alter one’s sex is oppressive.
“I believe requiring letters for gender-affirming procedures is a discriminatory practice that supports the continued disenfranchisement of transgender, gender non-conforming, and nonbinary community members,” Aydin Olson-Kennedy wrote.
But in addition to repeatedly hosting those who’ve made a career off of facilitating child sex change attempts, LAUSD has routinely pushed transgenderism on its young students, all while the transgender youth clinic is just one email away.
The district previously collaborated with a leftwing organization to furnish schools with books like “I am Jazz” that encourage child transgenderism. It also encouraged students to celebrate Pride Month by signing “ally pledge cards” and drawing in a coloring book that featured prominent transgender activists. LAUSD even created guides for elementary school “Rainbow clubs” that pushes students to become activists for “LGBT liberation. A weeklong celebration of “National Coming Out Day” was also held at LAUSD, with the district using a “Week of Action” toolkit that celebrates different transgender figures throughout the week.
Read the TransYouth clinic’s entire presentation to the middle school here.
Originally Published at Daily Wire, Daily Signal, or The Blaze
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