Kamala’s Pathetic Plan To Bribe Black Voters With Reparations And Marijuana

There have been a lot of moments in American politics when candidates realize they’re trailing badly in the polls, so they do something extreme in an effort to win some support. It usually doesn’t work out too well. Think of the “Dean Scream” back in 2004, which was supposed to rally the base after a ...

Oct 16, 2024 - 15:28
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Kamala’s Pathetic Plan To Bribe Black Voters With Reparations And Marijuana

There have been a lot of moments in American politics when candidates realize they’re trailing badly in the polls, so they do something extreme in an effort to win some support. It usually doesn’t work out too well. Think of the “Dean Scream” back in 2004, which was supposed to rally the base after a tough loss in the Iowa caucuses. It ended up being played about 600 times on cable news until Dean dropped out of the race. Or if you want to go back further, think of George McGovern’s plan to shake up the race in 1972 by picking a totally unvetted running mate. That was exciting right up until it emerged that his running mate had received electro-shock therapy several times to treat his chronic mental illness. McGovern ended up losing 49 states. 

As we enter the homestretch of the 2024 presidential election, it’s clear that the Kamala Harris campaign now finds itself in a similar desperation mode. They’re trailing badly in pretty much every important poll and prediction market that matters. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz admit that they’re now the “underdogs” in the race. And so, inevitably, they’re feeling the pressure to do something unthinkable in a desperate attempt to win back votes. They have to throw out the playbook and try a new strategy.

In recent days, we’ve learned what this last-minute Hail Mary looks like. It means that Harris will actually go out in public and speak without a script. This clearly wasn’t the plan when she first entered the race. For the first month of her candidacy, Kamala Harris was completely shut off from the media. It was one of the most surreal periods in modern presidential politics. We had a presidential nominee who wouldn’t talk to any journalists at all — even journalists who are friendly to her campaign. 

But now Harris has no choice. She’s facing a blowout loss. So, now she has an interview with Fox News planned for tonight. She’s also participating in “radio town halls” with hosts like “Charlamagne Tha God.”

Unfortunately for Harris, already, this strategy isn’t going well. Like so many other Hail Mary’s in presidential politics, it’s backfiring. And it’s backfiring because every single time Harris opens her mouth, it becomes very clear why her campaign was hiding her away for so long. 

Let’s start with one of the questions asked on “Charlamagne tha God’s” show, because the question raises a bunch of its own issues. It concerns taxpayer-funded reparations for black people. Watch:

The first thing he says is, “We all know that America became great on the backs of free black labor.” So, I guess we’re pretending that slaves didn’t cost anything, for starters. That’s being conflated here with the idea that “black people weren’t paid.” That might seem like an irrelevant distinction but actually, it matters quite a bit in relation to the argument he’s making. As a factual matter, slavery involved massive investments that ultimately slowed the progress of this country dramatically. It turned out to be a much worse investment than the alternative.

A professor at Brown University named David Meyer has said that, in the South prior to the Civil War, “investments were heavily concentrated in slaves,” relative to the North. And that led to the South’s failure to, “to build a deep and broad industrial infrastructure.” That includes services like railroads and schools. Once slavery was abolished, that infrastructure is what led to this country’s success in the generations following the Civil War. We became the top economy in the entire world once we jettisoned slavery.

What didn’t lead to this country’s success — before or during the civil war — was slavery. The majority of slaves were involved in growing or picking cotton. But as the Foundation for Economic Education has reported, cotton didn’t account for a big portion of the overall U.S. economy. Economic historians, “have observed that although cotton exports comprised a tremendous share of total exports prior to the Civil War, they accounted for only around 5 percent of the nation’s overall gross domestic product, an important contribution but not the backbone of American economic development.”


So, if you’re saying that slavery was instrumental to this country’s success, you’re vastly overstating the case. And it’s an argument that applies to many other countries far more credibly than it applies to ours. Africa was the last continent to officially abolish slavery, and that didn’t happen until the 1980s. So, why exactly is this America’s burden to bear? Why are we uniquely responsible for slavery? And why would we want to stoke the kind of generational race hatred that’s led to the murders of white farmers in places like South Africa?

And for that matter, when is Kamala Harris going to pay her reparations? The Washington Free Beacon has reported that Harris was the “descendant of an Irishman who owned a slave plantation in Jamaica.” So, why hasn’t she pulled a Robin DiAngelo and opened her purse to offer black Americans some of her own money? She hasn’t even handed over a single dollar as far as I can tell, much less 20 dollars. It’s an outrage.

But it’s not one that Harris has ever addressed. Maybe she’ll explain her reasoning in my next movie.

Instead, in this “radio town hall,” Harris predictably chose to focus on the “systemic” ideal of reparations. And here’s her plan in that regard:

She starts rambling again about growing up in a middle-class family or whatever, even though she didn’t actually grow up in a middle-class family, and even though (as always) it’s completely irrelevant to what she’s talking about. But already — just from this short, 30-second answer — it’s clear that Harris herself doesn’t even know what she’s saying. In response to that question about reparations, here’s what she just said: “It has to be studied. I’ve been very clear about that position.”

But she hasn’t been “very clear” about that position. In fact you can find multiple clips of Harris stating that she supports reparations. She doesn’t support a “study” of reparations, she actually thinks they should be paid out, in some form. Watch:

So, this is, once again, a complete retreat from what Kamala Harris previously claimed to believe. We can add it to the list of policies that she supported back in California, but disavows now. That’s a list that includes decriminalizing illegal immigration, providing free healthcare to illegals, abolishing private health insurance, banning gas-powered cars, banning fracking, confiscating guns, and so on. Now “taxpayer-funded reparations” are on the chopping block, at least temporarily. Now Harris says that reparations must be “studied.”

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

But that’s already happened too. And it happened in Harris’ home state of California, as I discussed earlier this year, all the way back in February. California established a “reparations task force.” That task force suggested that it would be a good idea to pay more than a million dollars to every descendant of a slave — which, altogether, would cost something like a trillion dollars. And then a bunch of lawmakers decided to reel that back in. They suggested that “reparations” shouldn’t consist of cash payments after all, after Gavin Newsom pointed out that the state is broke and doesn’t have the ability to pay anything. This was a whole conversation that lasted for years, in Harris’ home state. But apparently she’s not aware of this conversation. She wants to keep having it, again and again, for the rest of time.

This is a dodge that’s meant to hide the fact that the Biden-Harris administration has already announced massive race-based reparations plans, and continues to do so. They started with billions of dollars in race-based aid to black farmers. They continued with various affirmative action programs in the government — which, as I outlined last week, now involves filing a lawsuit against any fire department or police department that declines to hire black people, regardless of how unqualified they are. And just the other day, Kamala Harris herself personally announced an openly racist policy to send money directly to black people, solely because they’re black. Here’s an image of the plan Kamala Harris’ account posted on social media:

Here are the key bullet points: “Provide 1 million loans that are fully forgivable up to $20k for Black entrepreneurs and others to start a business. … Protect cryptocurrency investments so Black men who make them know their money is safe. …. Legalize recreational marijuana and create opportunities for Black Americans to succeed in this new industry.”

So, first of all, a loan that’s “fully forgivable” isn’t actually a loan. It’s a cash payout. The government is never going to see any of that money back. But even if this were just a loan, it’d still be a completely unconstitutional, overtly anti-white policy, to the point that it’s insane that any presidential candidate would ever put this in writing. This is a stage of desperation that has no parallel in American politics. Kamala Harris’ campaign is now so underwater among black voters that they’re straight-up offering to hand them cash, and get them some weed.

Oh, and they’re going to “protect cryptocurrency investments so black men know their money is safe.” You can read that 20 times, and still have no idea what they’re talking about. Does Bitcoin work differently for black people? And why wouldn’t we want to make sure that everyone — not just black people — feel that their crypto is “safe”? No one knows. Kamala Harris doesn’t know. Imagine asking her to explain what that line means. She probably has no idea someone wrote that and posted it to her account.

What’s underlying all of these proposals isn’t just anti-white racism, although that’s a big part of it. This is also about Kamala Harris’ deep and abiding disdain for America and its history. This alone makes her unqualified for the position she’s seeking. It’s the same reason she posted on social media the other day about “Indigenous People’s Day,” instead of Columbus Day. She’s previously gone on the record saying Columbus Day should no longer exist:

We’re at a point in this country where the political Left and Right celebrate different national holidays. And we’re in this position because of politicians like Kamala Harris, who have nothing to offer. So, in the absence of any substance, she’s trying to destroy anything Americans have in common. She’s trying to revise America’s history, which is the go-to move for communist dictators throughout the ages. And for good measure, she’s looting the treasury for the benefit of her preferred racial groups. 

Fortunately for the Trump campaign, Kamala Harris isn’t capable of hiding any of this. Every time she sits down for an interview, Kamala Harris makes it very clear she doesn’t know anything. She also doesn’t have any idea what she’s saying. She wants to simultaneously signal that she’s backing off reparations, even as she proposes explicit payments to Americans on the basis of their skin color. This is the kind of incoherence that defines the last days of a desperate campaign. And it’s a sign that Kamala Harris’ campaign — like so many other transparent train wrecks in modern politics — is on a path to a very public implosion in just a couple of weeks.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.