Lara Trump joins Rob Schmitt | Harris stands for nothing, has the credentials of a house plant
Kamala Harris received a glowing profile and aesthetically pleasing 'TIME' Magazine cover — and Lara Trump joins "Rob Schmitt Tonight" to discuss the "disgusting politics" of her candidacy and coverage of the Democrat nominee by the corporate media. 'Something out of North Korea': Schmitt & Lara Trump rip Kamala 'TIME' cover, 'disgusting politics'
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In 2024 you must vote out anyone and everyone who is not 100% an American Patriot who Loves this Country! 2024 must be a clean Sweep voting out all tryrants, morons, RINOs, marxists, communists, and everyone who does not absolutely love America! In 2024 we win back America or America is gone forever. It is your choice to make!
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