The danger of deifying Donald Trump

'Some of the assassination survival rhetoric from the right is disturbingly messianic in tone' The post The danger of deifying Donald Trump appeared first on WorldNetDaily.

Jul 22, 2024 - 18:28
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The danger of deifying Donald Trump
Trump arrives for speech at RNC (photo by Kiira Turnbow)

Some of the assassination survival rhetoric from the right about President Trump is disturbingly messianic in tone. We witnessed similar talk from the Israelis during his first term of office, which is more understandable from the Jewish perspective of God-ordained deliverers – their history being filled with fully human and humanly flawed “saviors” from Moses through Judges to the return from Babylon by the intervention of the Persian King Cyrus. Indeed, Trump was equated with Cyrus on a special commemorative coin.

From the Christian perspective, however, the true messiah is Jesus Christ, not a flawed human but perfect God in human form, and it is only the Antichrists – such as Antiochus IV Epiphanus in the time of the Maccabees (Daniel 11) and the still future end-times Antichrist of Revelation who claim the messianic mantle for their imperfect, demonic selves. Indeed, in Christian eschatology the entire world (except for “the elect”) will be fooled into thinking the next/final Antichrist IS the Christ – the chief Christ imposter of the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:3-26:1, Mark 13, Luke 21:7-36) and the White Horse prophecy of Revelation 6 (all of Revelation being Christ’s expanded version of the Olivet prophecy as explained to John at the close of the Apostlic Age.) All prophecy being properly understood from the viewpoint of the Holy Land, the Israelis will be among but by no means even a majority of those bedazzled masses.

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One of my oft-repeated themes in my columns is that I think Donald Trump is a modern equivalent to the Judges of Israel during the pre-monarchic Israelite Republic under the administration of the House of Israel. These were political/military “deliverers,” but none of them “the messiah.” When, after 400 years, God wrenched power away from backslidden Israel and its capital Shiloh and transferred it to the House of Judah in Jerusalem, the first true Judean King (conforming to the prophecy of Jacob in Genesis 48:10) was David, a Christ figure, but also not the Christ. However, a chorus of prophets state that the true messiah will sit “on the throne of David” in the Millennial Kingdom (e.g. 2 Samuel 7:10-13, Ezekiel 37:24-25, Luke 1:32-33.)

That still future event is the second coming of Jesus Christ, but it is preceded by the seven year reign of the Antichrist (whose identity as Antichrist is hidden for the first 3 ½ years).

Preceding David in Bible history as the first transitional monarch of the new order was King Saul – a Benjamite, not an ethnic Judean; an initially competent King who descended into mental illness under the dominion of a familiar spirit whose chief mission was to destroy David. The similarity to the Biden/Trump relationship is remarkable. (Even more so if one contemplates Barack Obama in the role of the familiar spirit). Additionally, the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life has its parallel in 1 Samuel 10:6-11.

“And it came to pass as they came, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Philistine [Goliath], that the women came out of all cities of Israel, singing and dancing, to meet King Saul, with tabrets, with joy, and with instruments of music. And the women answered one another as they played, and said, Saul hath slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands. And Saul was very wroth, and the saying displeased him; and he said, They have ascribed unto David ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed but thousands: and what can he have more but the kingdom? And Saul eyed David from that day and forward. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of the house: and David played with his hand, as at other times: and there was a javelin in Saul’s hand. And Saul cast the javelin; for he said, I will smite David even to the wall with it. And David avoided out of his presence twice.”

Trump’s “Goliath” is the deep-state lawfare campaign exemplified by special prosecutor Jack Smith whom Trump conquered immediately prior to the Butler PA rally, clearing his path to the presidency as the post-debate Biden-demeaning media (the minstrel women) began finally admitting Trump was the far stronger candidate. The javelin was the would-be assassin’s bullet, which barely nicked him. It’s not a perfect analogy, but the key elements clearly align.

Notably, David escaped Saul’s javelin twice, the second time recorded in 1 Samuel 19, so it’s possible we’ll see another failed attempt on Trump in the weeks or months ahead, if my analogy holds tightly. Further, the biblical narrative sees Saul dead before David attains the throne, which may be fulfilled in my highly speculative observation/prediction that the elites’ best-case scenario for keeping Trump out of the presidency is for Biden to die in time to be replaced by Michelle Obama as Barack’s new and improved Avatar. As I said, this add-on is highly speculative, but plausible – and not fatal to the core comparison if wrong.

What does this all mean if Trump’s second term fulfills the role of David in the biblical model? From the Jewish perspective he could very well be perceived as the Messiah whom they eagerly await in Israel with virtually all pre-conditions having been met to receive him – including the elusive “red heifer.”

I can easily see Trump endorsing the building of the third temple just as he bucked world opinion in moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem (earning the Cyrus comparison). And I can easily see that coming as a part of a global peace deal to end WWIII, which start seems ever more likely as the elites’ last geopolitical move to try to keep Trump out of the White House. NATO/Ukraine provocations aimed at triggering an “intervention”-justifying Russian escalation are increasing dramatically. See this link, for example, which source admittedly has a pro-Russian bias but is usually careful and well-reasoned in his analysis and documentation. Importantly, this is also the official MAGA viewpoint.

Christian perspectives are divided about the end times, so in the amillennial view of Roman Catholicism (in which the Millennial Kingdom of Christ is purely symbolic of the RCC itself) and the post-millennial view of much of the Protestant Reform movement (in which the millennium ended a thousand years after the ascension of Christ – putting the burden on the church to bring about its promised peace and harmony) there is no inherent conflict in seeing Trump as a human “savior” figure, so they might go along with it.

But to the futurists like myself who take the millennial prophecies in the Bible literally, the timeline of a Trump “salvation” of Israel, America and the world from the iron grip of evil globalist forces (the “principalities and powers”) seems disturbingly to coincide with the emerging pre-MK Antichrist Kingdom – a conclusion I shrink from fully adopting personally despite the “math” I’ve outlined above because its implications are just too horrible to contemplate – and because I could be wrong on any or all of it.

I’m therefore going to vote for Trump and support him vigorously – while keeping a wary eye on his actions relative to the ticking prophetic clock of judgment. But I’m also going to watch for a possible near-term usurpation of Trump by my actual candidate for Antichrist, Obama, who has yet to make his big move in the electoral drama unfolding before us.

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The post The danger of deifying Donald Trump appeared first on WorldNetDaily.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.