The DNC Just Started And It’s Already INSANE

The National Guard is on standby in Chicago. Businesses in the city have boarded up their windows as if a category 5 hurricane is about to make landfall. Massive fences have gone up in residents’ front yards on the West Side, as the police brace for riots. And you know what all that means: Today ...

Aug 19, 2024 - 15:28
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The DNC Just Started And It’s Already INSANE

The National Guard is on standby in Chicago. Businesses in the city have boarded up their windows as if a category 5 hurricane is about to make landfall. Massive fences have gone up in residents’ front yards on the West Side, as the police brace for riots. And you know what all that means: Today is Day One of the Democratic National Convention.

Under normal circumstances, the start of a nominating convention creates a political tailwind for a presidential candidate. There’s supposed to be some enthusiasm about the party’s platform going into the convention because they control the messaging. And in the case of the Kamala Harris campaign, the messaging is about as tightly controlled as it can possibly be. She hasn’t given an unscripted interview since she became her party’s presumptive nominee nearly a month ago. She’s communicating to the public almost exclusively through rehearsed soundbites.

But Harris is not experiencing any political tailwinds at the moment. In fact the honeymoon period for her candidacy appears to be over, just in time for the beginning of the DNC. All it took was for Kamala Harris to describe one piece of information about what she plans to do if she’s elected. Just a single policy proposal has tanked her momentum so dramatically that even the corporate press — which has done everything it can to boost her candidacy up to this point — has turned on her.

I’m talking about Kamala Harris’ proposal to end what she calls “price gouging,” which she unveiled in North Carolina on Friday — except the rollout didn’t quite go as planned. Watch:

That inspires confidence. She wants to fight price gouging but she can’t even pronounce the word “gouging.” She wants to assume enormous, unprecedented and unilateral control over some of the most important sectors of the economy — including the grocery industry — and she can’t tell the difference between the words “gouging” and “gauging.”

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In her speech Harris didn’t offer any specifics about what constitutes an acceptable price, and what’s unacceptable. She didn’t explain how her administration can override the laws of supply and demand without destroying the economy. Nor did she explain why this new proposal is even necessary in the first place. Didn’t Kamala Harris cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate to secure the passage of the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” which authorized nearly a trillion dollars in new government spending? Wasn’t that two years ago? What happened to that? Did that law perhaps increase inflation after all, as conservatives said it would?

Kamala Harris didn’t answer any of those questions on Friday. Instead, she complained about inflation as if her administration hasn’t been running the country for the past four years:

All the Trump campaign has to do is air that clip in every battleground state. They don’t need to make a single edit. Kamala Harris is admitting her administration was a failure. And now she wants even more power to control the economy. She knows she can’t call for more legislation because that already failed. She can’t call for reducing government spending and money printing because her constituents demand free stuff — free student loans, free healthcare, subsidized rents, subsidized home purchases, and so on. So she’s reduced to demanding price controls, which have failed in every country they’ve been attempted (including this one).

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

Even by the standards of Left-wing corporate media, this is all too much. They can tolerate a candidate who doesn’t give interviews, who bails out violent rioters, who wants to abolish ICE and get rid of private health care. All of that’s fine with them. But Soviet-style price controls are so obviously destructive that even the most partisan Democrat-aligned outlets can’t tolerate it. It’s also pretty on-the-nose, since Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, is an open admirer of Mao’s who’s taken dozens of trips to China. It looks a lot like Democrats want to import Chinese-style communism, which crossed a line for CNN. Watch:

The CNN analyst in that clip, Catherine Rampell, also wrote a column for The Washington Post with this headline

When your opponent calls you ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls?

The op-ed continues:

It’s hard to exaggerate how bad Kamala Harris’s price-gouging proposal is. … It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. … At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding.

It’s bad enough for Kamala Harris that an op-ed like this would be published in The Washington Post. But it got worse, because the paper’s editorial board came out the next day and endorsed what Rampell wrote:

The times demand serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks.

That’s the editorial board’s headline. They went on to point out that the grocery industry is a “notoriously low-margin business,” with profit margins typically hovering around 2%. The paper added:

Whether the Harris proposal wins over voters remains to be seen, but if sound economic analysis still matters, it won’t.

If you’re cynical (or just observant), you might point out that Jeff Bezos, who owns The Washington Post, also owns Whole Foods. So of course he wouldn’t want price controls on groceries. But pretty much everywhere you looked in Left-wing media, you saw the same headline.

Newsweek, for example, ran this article:

Kamala Harris’ Grocery ‘Price Gouging’ Plan Is Riddled With Problems, Experts Say.

CNN meanwhile push-alerted this story to the millions of people who read its website:

Harris’ plan to stop price gouging could create more problems than it solves.

Various CNN guests also criticized Harris’ plan to give new homebuyers $25,000, because the plan will obviously just cause the prices of homes to increase for everyone. Watch:

One way to read all of this coverage is that the corporate press is trying to help the Kamala Harris campaign. They know the campaign is making a huge and potentially fatal unforced error, and they’re trying to push them into moderating the message. (On the Sunday shows, there were some signs the message was received. Andy Beshear, a Harris campaign surrogate, suggested Kamala Harris just wants to break up monopolies — even though we already have laws against that.)

On the other hand, there are many more signs Democrats genuinely aren’t concerned with appearing “moderate” anymore. They simply can’t help themselves. Normally, the plan for Democrats has been to appear normal during the election year, and then enact their actual agenda once they’re in office. But we’re skipping that step this year and heading directly into complete, unhinged insanity. The Venezuelan-style price controls are just one component of that.

Here’s another one. Planned Parenthood has announced it will be posted just blocks outside the convention center in Chicago in an RV giving out free abortions and vasectomies. There was so much demand for the vasectomies that a waiting list began almost immediately. The abortions are available Monday and Tuesday and the vasectomies are only available on Monday.


And just to underscore the communist theme of the new Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood says the services will be provided, “on a sliding-fee scale — pay what you can and get the health care you need.” They say that people from all over the country have signed up to travel to Chicago in order to kill their children or get a vasectomy.

That’s not hard to believe, based on what’s happening outside the convention site. Last night, activists dressed as abortion pills began demonstrating. They showed up in costume and everything. Watch:

They’re saying “F—- the courts, f—- the state, you can’t make us procreate.”

First of all, nobody is trying to force you to procreate. But once you’ve conceived a child, procreation has already occurred. It’s too late to not procreate. You did. The question is whether it’s okay to murder your own offspring because you’re sad about it. The answer is no it’s not okay.

But these activists, like so many activists on the Left, refuse to be told no. They can’t accept it. They want you to know that nothing is more important to them than the ability to kill their own children — not the judicial system or even the country itself. Hence the chant.

Twenty years ago, Democratic Party leaders would have disavowed this kind of language. They’d tell you that abortion should be “safe, legal and rare,” because that’s the slogan that tested well in focus groups. They’d balk at the idea of an abortion bus at their convention. But this year Democrats are going to nominate Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, who bragged that he’s to the left of Nancy Pelosi on abortion. Watch:

So Tim Walz “stands with Planned Parenthood” so much that Nancy Pelosi told him to tone it down. What does that look like in practice? We’re seeing it right now at the DNC. We’ve also seen it from how Walz has governed Minnesota.

From National Review:

Data from the Minnesota Department of Health indicate that since Governor Walz was inaugurated in 2019, eight babies survived abortion attempts in Minnesota. On five occasions, no measures were taken to preserve life. On three occasions, only comfort care was provided. Tragically, all of these babies died. Instead of strengthening protections for these children, SF 2995 [a bill Walz signed last year] repealed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which was intended to provide legal protection for infants who survived abortions.

These kinds of positions used to be disqualifying even for Democrats. They’re not disqualifying anymore, which is why you’re seeing abortion buses showing up at the DNC. It’s why you’re seeing activists call for the destruction of the United States because they want to kill their children.

It’s also why a group called Americans for Contraception will erect an 18 foot inflatable IUD called “Freeda Womb” outside the convention:

Credit: NY Post/laurapackardactivist/Instagram

Credit: NY Post/laurapackardactivist/Instagram

This will be the unofficial mascot of the DNC. They’re literally making an idol out of birth control. It’s the modern Democrat version of the golden calf. 

It’s possible that these activist groups are sending abortion/sterilization buses and IUD monuments to the convention because they think most voters are on their side. We’re always told that abortion and “reproductive rights” are a liability for Republicans. Supposedly these issues are an electoral slam dunk for Democrats, especially after the Dobbs decision.

But even if that’s true, most Americans still think it’s freakish and bizarre to worship birth control like some kind of pagan deity. And very few Americans think that abortions should be given away like popsicles out of an ice cream truck. Most people also don’t think that every single meeting needs to be segregated by race, but the DNC will begin with the following events at 9:00AM:

The Black Caucus Meeting, the Hispanic Caucus Meeting, the AAPI Caucus Meeting, the Native American Caucus Meeting, and the Ethnic Council Meeting.

Democrats are radically deranged on all of these issues. They can barely hide it most of the time. When a bunch of them gather together, there’s no hiding it. Someone’s bound to show up with a baby killing van and a giant IUD monument, or dressed up as abortion pills or something similar. For several years now, Democrats have cultivated a party of activists who are both unhinged and entitled, who expect to be coddled even as their demands become more detached from reality.

This week, as the Democratic National Convention begins in a boarded-up Chicago, the entire country will be able to see that. And if it wasn’t dead in the water already, the honeymoon for Kamala Harris’ candidacy will officially be over.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.