The Real Reason Why Kamala Won’t Answer Questions

One of things you’re not supposed to do when you’re in the business of news reporting, or political commentary, is repeat yourself. Saying the same things over and over again is usually a good way to turn off your audience. Everyone in the media knows this, and political campaigns know it too. They count on ...

Aug 27, 2024 - 14:28
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The Real Reason Why Kamala Won’t Answer Questions

One of things you’re not supposed to do when you’re in the business of news reporting, or political commentary, is repeat yourself. Saying the same things over and over again is usually a good way to turn off your audience. Everyone in the media knows this, and political campaigns know it too. They count on it. They think that if they just ignore inconvenient facts — no matter how bad they may be — then eventually people will stop talking about them.

That’s why I’m going to begin by repeating a highly inconvenient fact that the Kamala Harris campaign apparently wants everyone to ignore, even though it’s unprecedented in modern politics. Since becoming her party’s presumptive nominee well over a month ago, Kamala Harris still hasn’t participated in a single press conference or interview. The most she’s done is deflect a couple of softballs on an airport tarmac. Harris was also completely absent from the Sunday shows the other day, even though pretty much every single Sunday show is explicitly on the side of her campaign.

Even when Joe Biden ran for office in 2020, when he was secluded in his house supposedly because of COVID, he sat for more interviews than this. He logged in via Zoom, and he only spoke to media outlets that wanted to do everything in their power to prop him up. But still, he technically spoke to the media. Kamala Harris isn’t even capable of doing that. And to this day, there are still no policies listed on her campaign’s website. She’s given speeches about price controls and more taxes, but she hasn’t outlined how any of that will work in practice.

This strategy of completely ignoring the public — the people Kamala Harris supposedly wants to represent — has had a few predictable consequences. One of them is that people are now digging up old Kamala Harris interviews that she gave months ago and posting them all over social media. These interviews aren’t necessarily interesting, but there’s a lot of demand out there for videos of Kamala Harris speaking in an unscripted setting. So they’re racking up millions of views.

Here’s one of those interviews that’s making the rounds. As far as I can tell, it’s from several months ago, when Joe Biden was officially still running for president. And it illustrates very clearly why Kamala Harris isn’t giving any interviews now that she’s been named the party’s presumptive nominee. Watch:

It’s a bit like that video of Miss Teen USA in 2007 — the one where she’s asked why people can’t find America on the map, and she starts talking about “the Iraq and everywhere like such as.” Except in this case, we’re talking about someone who wants to be the president of the United States. She was asked, in very clear terms, to defend her administration’s DEI programs, which the Trump campaign says it wants to dismantle. That includes programs that would allocate tens of billions of dollars to “women- and minority-owned restaurants,” meaning restaurants that aren’t owned by white men. It also includes the Biden administration’s plan to allocate billions of taxpayer dollars to “black farmers,” which a federal judge had to shut down. And of course it includes the federal government’s preferential hiring for so-called “minorities,” including air traffic controllers with, “severe intellectual disabilities.” 

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This should not have been a difficult question to respond to. Kamala Harris, by Joe Biden’s own admission, is the nation’s first DEI vice president. She’s constantly talking about equity and diversity and how it should be in the foreground of everything the government does. But when you listen to the answer, it’s evident that Kamala Harris knows nothing about any of these DEI policies. Or at the very least, if she’s aware of these programs, she’s certainly not capable of speaking about them in a coherent fashion. So she starts speaking very broadly about the importance of “teaching history.” She says that everyone should have an opportunity to “compete,” which isn’t something that anyone opposes. And then she meanders a little more. This was painful to listen to, for about a dozen reasons, and it wasn’t even a challenging question. Imagine how she’d handle an actual question about anything remotely complicated.

WATCH: The Matt Walsh Show

Because Democrats are now saddled with a candidate who is — somehow — almost as incompetent as Joe Biden, it falls on campaign surrogates to explain what Kamala Harris will do if she does indeed become the next president. Normally it wouldn’t make sense to spend a lot of time talking about what campaign surrogates say, but in this case, Kamala has left us with no choice. She can’t speak for herself, so others have to speak for her. 

That brings me to this recent clip from H.R.C. president Kelley Robinson, who just spoke at the Democratic National Convention. She gave a short speech and also appeared at an “equality” panel, which is where this clip is from. If you’re not familiar with the H.R.C. (which stands for “Human Rights Campaign”), I’ve exposed a lot of their previous scams on this show in the past. They’re the same organization that routinely lies about the so-called “trans genocide” in this country, by claiming that trans-identifying people are being murdered in the streets at disproportionate rates. Then when you dig into the numbers and the specific cases, you find the exact opposite. You find that, in pretty much every case, these individuals are either committing serious crimes when they were killed (like shooting at police officers or trying to stab security guards), or they were killed for reasons that have nothing to do with their sexual orientation.

All this is to say, under normal circumstances, if you were running a presidential campaign, you wouldn’t want the H.R.C. to be speaking for you. But that’s what’s happening now for the Kamala campaign because they’ve ceded the floor. So here’s the H.R.C.’s Kelley Robinson at the D.N.C. explaining what Kamala Harris means when she says her presidency would restore and protect “democracy” in this country. Watch:

She declares that we have to “reimagine” democracy. And then she gives a clue as to how that reimagined democracy might operate. According to Kelley Robinson, in this new democracy, “people who look and love like us” should be at the “center.”

Anyone who’s familiar with what “democracy” means can probably spot the problem here. A democracy is a system of government that vests power in the general population. It does not vest power in a small, select group of preferred identities who seek to persecute and undermine other identity groups. But that’s what Kelley Robinson means when she says “democracy,” and of course it’s what Kamala Harris means as well. When she says democracy should be about “people who look and love like us,” she means that democracy should work for everyone except straight white men. Their voices are less important. 

What does that look like in practice? Presumably it means appointing judges who will approve congressional districts that minimize the voting power of straight white men. It means continuing to discriminate against straight white men in all aspects of hiring, in both the government and the private sector. And it means continuing to tolerate violent racial attacks on white people in broad daylight. Here’s just one of those attacks from the other day.

This is footage from Staten Island in July. A group of young black men violently assault a 62-year-old man, knocking his teeth out of his mouth and beating him. It’s a cliche to point this out, but if the races were reversed, Merrick Garland’s DOJ would have opened an investigation already into this obvious “hate crime.” If anything’s a hate crime, this qualifies. But in this case, no one in the federal government or the corporate press cares. That’s apparently what a democracy looks like when it doesn’t care about white men.

But democracy isn’t the only thing we need to re-think, according to Kamala Harris’ surrogates. In that panel discussion, the HRC lady also said she wants to, “reimagine freedom,” which is especially important to keep in mind because the Kamala campaign is running on a platform of “freedom.” It’s not freedom as we traditionally understand it, but this “reimagined” kind of freedom. What does that look like exactly? And why would we need to reimagine a concept that seems to be pretty straightforward? Who isn’t free right now in the United States?

To try to answer these questions, I went looking for some other videos from Kelley Robinson. And I came across this one, from when she became the president of the HRC. It does a pretty good job explaining the outlook of Kamala Harris’ campaign and the kind of people who support it. Watch:

“Like every single day, just in my house, I experience a crisis.”

This is a woman who, assuming her salary is in line with past HRC presidents, probably pulls in around half a million dollars a year at a minimum. She has a prominent position in Democrat Party politics that includes prime speaking gigs at the DNC and all over Left-wing cable news. She is one of the wealthiest and most “privileged” Americans in the country, to use their preferred lingo. And yet, if we take her at her word, every single day in her house is a “crisis.” She is perpetually on edge. There are no good days to be had. There is only a never ending sense of panic and despair in the Kelley Robinson household.


This is an ideology of catastrophizing and self-pity. It’s pathological, to an absurd and obvious degree. And it’s what the Kamala campaign subscribes to. This is why they say that our entire system of government needs to be completely transformed into a racial and gender-based spoils system, where only preferred identity groups matter. They’re unloading all of their neurosis on the rest of the country, in an effort to obtain complete and total power over the people they believe are responsible for their psychological pain.

Kamala Harris may not be able to verbalize that, because she’s not capable of verbalizing anything approaching a coherent thought. But that’s what her campaign stands for. And it’s the clearest example of projection you’ll find in modern politics today. No, a vote for Kamala Harris will not end your daily “crisis” because you’re probably not having one. But they are. And the purpose of the Kamala Harris campaign, as told by the surrogates who are forced to speak for her, is to ensure that one way or another, you experience a daily crisis, too.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.