WATCH: Videos capture nefarious and illegal behavior trying to railroad abortion into state constitution

Fight turns white-hot as extralegal maneuvers identified in lucrative industry's campaign in conservative state

Aug 21, 2024 - 17:28
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WATCH: Videos capture nefarious and illegal behavior trying to railroad abortion into state constitution
(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)

Abortion promoters have been, and are, flooding the streets of America these days.

This is way beyond the vasectomies and chemical abortions being offered, as a stunt, at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this week.

The activists are collecting signatures and pushing state constitutional amendments that would give the nation’s abortion industry an open door to pursue literally any money-making procedure that they could develop in the name of “abortion rights.”

It’s all because of the Dobbs decision from the Supreme Court a few years ago that overturned the longstanding, but constitutionally flawed, Roe v. Wade ruling to which states were bound.

The change didn’t ban abortion, but it did turn over regulation of the lucrative industry to states, creating what is now the battleground as abortion business operators seek to assure their financial future.

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Among the states, about half have now imposed major roadblocks to the commercial-level killing of the unborn, including some that have outright bans; but about half have not.

It’s that half with the new requirements that now are in a bull’s-eye.

And the center of that bull’s-eye is South Dakota, since it is known to be conservative and its voters in the past have been not friendly at all to abortionists. There was a time when there was only a single abortion business operating in the state.

The fight has involved the courts already, but whatever happens there, the results from the state will be seen as a precedent for more attacks on other pro-life standards around the nation.

“A Kamala (Harris) presidency means more health risks to women and more babies aborted,” Caroline Woods, a spokeswoman for the Life Defense Fund, which is fighting to protect the lives of the unborn, told WND.

“When undercover videos showed Planned Parenthood executives cavalierly talking about selling baby parts in California, then-Attorney General Kamala Harris viciously went after those who exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal actions. She will act no different as president, and she has made it her goal to legalize abortions across the nation.”

In fact, there have been accusations that Harris schemed to send state agents to undercover reporter David Daleiden’s home, to confiscate his videos and equipment, as he was releasing a series of reports on those agendas among abortionists to sell unborn baby body parts for higher and higher amounts.

One abortionist explained the need for that: “I want a Lamborghini.”

Woods’ organization sued the “Dakotans for Health” which is pushing for the plan that would unleash literally unrestricted abortions by eliminating more than 100 requirements the state already has. The fight also is significant because if pro-abortions radicals can succeed in South Dakota, in the heart of America and with food production, tourism and finance as major industries – nothing like Hollywood or New York – they would feel confident of taking their campaign anywhere.

Life Defense Fund’s case was dismissed for not including Secretary of State Monae Johnson as a defendant, but that was reversed by the state’s Supreme Court and Johnson now has been added and further hearings are expected.

“The court has expedited our case – Life Defense Fund and Leslee Unruh vs. Dakotans for Health – where each of our claims will proceed in trial come September. If we win, Amendment G will be null and void regardless if this radical abortion measure appears on the ballot this November,” Woods explained.

“A vote for Amendment G is a vote for the Kamala Harris’ radical agenda for America. In South Dakota, we reject her extreme abortion plans that endangers women and children,” she said.

She warned, “South Dakota can be an example to the rest of the nation by once again showing that we are pro-woman and pro-children. Amendment G is the most radical abortion measure we’ve seen in our country, and we will fight to make sure children aren’t aborted up to birth and women are protected from unsafe, unclean medical practices.”

“We want South Dakota to blaze a path for a pro-life victory and show the rest of the nation how we can beat the abortion lobby.”

She said the court case revolves around allegations of unethical, even illegal, behavior by the petition collectors.

“They say ‘Let the people vote,’ but what they’re really saying is, ‘Let us cheat.’ In the same way Olympic teams are banned from performing if they cheat, this abortion amendment should be disqualified from appearing on the ballot since Dakotans for Health broke South Dakota election law, cheated, and lied directly to South Dakotans to advance their radical agenda.”

Reports confirm there are allegations petition circulators left petition sheets unattended, a violation. They misled signers, a violation. The tried to bait-and-switch voters, a violation.

They apparently included nonresidents, a violation.

The pro-abortion faction went to federal court, trying to get the state case killed, and the judge has refused.

Woods described the proposal as “one of the most extreme abortion laws in the nation.”

It would “legalize painful, late-term abortion, all the way to the point of birth.” And it would kill a multitude of existing state abortion policies that have been created over time on a bipartisan basis.

For example, a provision for parents to know when a minor daughter is being pressured into abortion would be killed.

Killed would be protections for a mother from being forced to have an abortion against her will.

Killed would be conscience protections so that doctors and nurses cannot be forced to participate in performing abortions against their will.

Killed would even be basic health and safety requirements for abortionists to follow, including requirements that abortions be done by a physician and an inspected and clean facility.

Among the allegations the abortion industry promoters are facing:

Bait and switch. A couple told pro-lifers during a Farmers Market in 2023, where abortion promoters were gathering signatures, they were telling people the petitions were regarding a tax proposal.

The couple, not named, said the signature collector even checked, when they asked for the tax petition, and said, “This is the one you want,” handing them the abortion plan.

Also, abortion promoters were collecting signatures but failing to provide a required statement from the attorney general.

There also were incorrect claims that the new petition supported exactly the same thing that Roe did back in 1973. The promoter explains, “This is exactly what the Supreme Court did in ’73. In the first three months, it’s a woman’s choice. Then there are stipulations and exceptions. … They say it’s up to nine months and that’s not true…”

Here is Tiffany Campbell, a petition coordinator, explaining just how extreme is the amendment.

She boasts, “The legislature can’t mess with it.” And “It’s gonna wipe off 113 abortion regulations that we have now.”

Cited are the 24-hour waiting period, parental notification, 22-week ban … “Everything goes away.”

Signing the petitions twice? No problem, the extra signature is just “crossed off.”

And leaving petitions unattended:

Giving incorrect information, where a signature collector accuses someone of lying if they say abortions would be allowed through nine months, which they would be.

Other videos suggest verbal abuse by petition collectors and worse.

Woods already has written in National Review that abortion activists are “doing anything they can to get their way, including deceiving voters.”

She continued, “Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many conservative states like my home state of South Dakota activated trigger laws on abortion. These laws were passed while Roe was still operative and were designed to be implemented the moment Roe v. Wade was overturned. They typically outlawed abortion unless the doctor believed it was needed to save the life of the mother. Since then, the abortion lobby has aggressively centered its efforts around gathering petition signatures and putting abortion measures on the ballot in states like South Dakota, among many others.”

She noted polling reveals three-quarters of Americans support abortion bans after 15 weeks.

And she said Amendment G allows non-doctors to do abortions, too.

Woods explained her organization has “over 100 hours of video capturing pro-choice petition circulators, much of which showed them breaking South Dakota law.”

Such evidence already has prompted the state’s attorney general to reprimand the abortion promoters.

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Fibis I am just an average American. My teen years were in the late 70s and I participated in all that that decade offered. Started working young, too young. Then I joined the Army before I graduated High School. I spent 25 years in, mostly in Infantry units. Since then I've worked in information technology positions all at small family owned companies. At this rate I'll never be a tech millionaire. When I was young I rode horses as much as I could. I do believe I should have been a cowboy. I'm getting in the saddle again by taking riding lessons and see where it goes.